What the Foams? SMH

Jul 22, 2004
anyone see these?



got it from:


While everyone has been losing their minds over the “Memphis Madness
Word on the st is its gunna b a limited quickstrike hoh tier 0 release, 24 pairs made, 23 given to friends and fam of staff

at nike if they indeed release this
Yea w-t-f and I don't mean what the foam, this is ridiculous. The hype train will get this going these wouldn't be that popular if they were available to everybody
Call me a hypebeast if u want but idk why yall hating. These wtfoams are sick. Looks like each shoe will be unique. definitely Takes tongue concept of Jordan viis to a whole new level. I Would cop in a heartbeat...

But that Pro pic is a horrible photoshop... It even has the knock off foam "carbon fiber" plate
Originally Posted by LeoUnot

Call me a hypebeast if u want but idk why yall hating. These wtfoams are sick. Looks like each shoe will be unique. definitely Takes tongue concept of Jordan viis to a whole new level. I Would cop in a heartbeat...

I think people are jumping the gun with the What The Foam labeling. Yeah, there's a few similar shades in there to Foams of the past, but I don't think that's the concept here at all.

Looks like a space/nebula theme to me.
When someone leaked the pics in the All White Foams thread, I didn't like them, but the concept of all past Foam colors on one shoe sounds dope.
Originally Posted by jm9312

Originally Posted by LeoUnot

Call me a hypebeast if u want but idk why yall hating. These wtfoams are sick. Looks like each shoe will be unique. definitely Takes tongue concept of Jordan viis to a whole new level. I Would cop in a heartbeat...


i think its funny people are yelling boycott... when did not buying ugly +%$ shoes become an example of a boycott
I guarantee people will see the actual sample shoe and switch opinions just like the DB IV's. Ugly shoes sell too because people want to stand out, this will help them stand out but not in a good way.
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