What the hell is this? Method man can you save me? lol Vol. Someone is threatening to sue me via NT

if he meant serious business, his attorney would have hit you with the cease & desist OP. if he's emailing you himself, 9 times out of 10 its a disgruntled individual who doesn't have the money to pay for an attorney so is pulling %*%% out of his !*! in an attempt to scare you. that and his english is piss poor.

disclaimer: this isn't legal advice, nor would i provide any in the case i had legal knowledge pertaining to this situation
Originally Posted by you big dummy

Did a quick search and found the post!

I'm guessing its either 43 year-old, Sylvie Gilabert from Midtown


Registered Member

Posts: 17865

12/29/10 6:32 PM
Originally Posted by BangDak

Looks like i should cop a unlimited metrocard today before the prices go up right?

MANHATTAN — New Yorkers will face massive bus and subway fare hikes Thursday that bring the price of a 30-day unlimited MetroCard up from $89 to $104.

For straphangers considering hoarding MetroCards for future use, the MTA has a message: don't bother. The unlimited-ride MetroCards purchased at current prices will stay valid for trips after fares rise Dec. 30 for only 11 days.

Straphangers who purchase cards before the cut-off date are given a grace period to activate the cards before the 17 percent 30-day unlimited fare hike goes into effect. To get full use of an unlimited card purchased before Dec. 30, it must be swiped by Jan. 10.

The MTA has set a number of other fare hikes, and grace periods for each type of unlimited card that range from one day to six weeks:

• The cost of one subway ride will go from $2.25 to $2.50 when you buy a single-ride card. Refills on existing cards will remain at $2.25 per ride.

• The seven-day card will go from $27 to $29. Cards bought by Dec. 30 are valid until Jan. 16.

• One-day and 14-day unlimited ride cards will be eliminated. Cards bought before the cutoff date will be valid through Jan. 10 for the one-day pass and Jan. 23 for the 14-day unlimited card.

• Purchasing a new MetroCard instead of refilling an existing card will cost $1.

• The 7-day express bus card will be valid until Jan. 16.

MTA Chairman Jay Walder was asked at a Wednesday conference whether the fare hikes would be delayed because of the blizzard.

"No," Walder said. "It has to go forward at this point."

To help commuters get the best bang for their buck after the price gauge, the MTA has put together a Best Values webpage that breaks down the cost of each card per swipe.

New Yorkers felt caught off-guard by the hikes as they purchased cards on the last day lower prices were available.

"I didn't really have any warning," Paul Tscherednikov, 28, said, adding that he didn't think it would go into effect so fast. "It kind of snuck up on me."

After the service disruptions caused by the blizzard all week, he said he is particularly frustrated by the MTA.

"I couldn't go to work on Monday simply because I couldn't get to work," he said. "It feels like we're simply paying money into a black hole."

The controversial fare-hike proposal that passed Oct. 7 will net the MTA an anticipated 7.5 percent in revenue.

Regardless of the storm effects, Manhattanites like Midtown resident Sylvie Gilabert, 43, hope that the quality of service increases with the price.
"I think it's not consistent with the type of service that's provided," Gilabert said Wednesday.

I'm with ya OP

There are situations like this where you have to call..
Spoiler [+]
Well damb.


Save us HOVkid, NT will forever be in you debt and we will worship skinny girls until the end of time.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Hovkid, Method Man...anything you can tell me?

an anonymous threat of suit?  for posting/linking to a publicly published news article that YOU didn't write nor have anything to do with the construction of? 

send the person a did not read gif and tell them to serve you with a proper claim.
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