What to expect when I start Law School....

Aug 3, 2008
I'm a senior at Indiana University and I've been accepted into a few law schools (Loyola Chicago, Depaul, Indiana University Indianapolis, John Marshall (received a Scholarship, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more. I have some questions if anyone can help me out:
Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
Do you really not make friends while in law school?
I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
I'm a senior at Indiana University and I've been accepted into a few law schools (Loyola Chicago, Depaul, Indiana University Indianapolis, John Marshall (received a Scholarship, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more. I have some questions if anyone can help me out:
Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
Do you really not make friends while in law school?
I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
Be ready to work more than you ever have.  It's not that it's that difficult, it's that you are working from 9 to 6-7 each day and it starts over.  It's a constant grind.  Judging by the schools you have gotten into you shouldn't have a problem if you put in the work.
Be ready to work more than you ever have.  It's not that it's that difficult, it's that you are working from 9 to 6-7 each day and it starts over.  It's a constant grind.  Judging by the schools you have gotten into you shouldn't have a problem if you put in the work.
Originally Posted by cristobal

I'm a senior at Indiana University and I've been accepted into a few law schools (Loyola Chicago, Depaul, Indiana University Indianapolis, John Marshall (received a Scholarship, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more. I have some questions if anyone can help me out:
Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
Do you really not make friends while in law school?
I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
If you end up going to Loyola PM me.

I'm pretty sure my homegirl from TFA is going there after her teaching commitment. I can put you in contact with her.

Originally Posted by cristobal

I'm a senior at Indiana University and I've been accepted into a few law schools (Loyola Chicago, Depaul, Indiana University Indianapolis, John Marshall (received a Scholarship, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more. I have some questions if anyone can help me out:
Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
Do you really not make friends while in law school?
I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
If you end up going to Loyola PM me.

I'm pretty sure my homegirl from TFA is going there after her teaching commitment. I can put you in contact with her.

OHHHH BOY...your in for a treat. I'm a 2L living in SoCal. Be prepared for: 1st semester, everyone (for the most part) will be your friend. You will swear that the people your hanging out with will ultimately be your friends for life considering how much time y'all will spend with one another. You'll soon find out how wrong you were (ill explain later). Professors will be crazy arrogant, expect at least 3 of your professors to attempt to relate any and every legal concept to some anecdotal story of their own. Work load is tough, but so long as you can pull your stuff together for the midterm/final you'll be straight. Now...after all this you'll come back from winter break, folks will have their grades in. They'll see that they didn't do as well as they thought and that's when all hell will break loose!!! Those bff's you thought you had: yeah bunk that!! No more sharing outlines, no more sharing notes, no more signing you into class if you skip a day. Cats become shady as hell. Your professors will increase their arrogance and now expect you to revere them- your grade may be dependent upon doing so. You will feel like quitting numerous times, but don't. No use in having 30-60+ thousand in loans with nothing to show for it.

I could go on for days about all the things that go on during 1L year, but my best piece of advise for you would be: find a moderately cute 3L who you always see on campus (more than likely they are either involved with a lot of activities on campus or like to study a lot, either way they will have what you need) Start talking to her. Make the right moves, and have your external hard drive ready for all of the "knowledge" that she will hopefully bestow upon you
discretion is key, lots of snitches out there.
OHHHH BOY...your in for a treat. I'm a 2L living in SoCal. Be prepared for: 1st semester, everyone (for the most part) will be your friend. You will swear that the people your hanging out with will ultimately be your friends for life considering how much time y'all will spend with one another. You'll soon find out how wrong you were (ill explain later). Professors will be crazy arrogant, expect at least 3 of your professors to attempt to relate any and every legal concept to some anecdotal story of their own. Work load is tough, but so long as you can pull your stuff together for the midterm/final you'll be straight. Now...after all this you'll come back from winter break, folks will have their grades in. They'll see that they didn't do as well as they thought and that's when all hell will break loose!!! Those bff's you thought you had: yeah bunk that!! No more sharing outlines, no more sharing notes, no more signing you into class if you skip a day. Cats become shady as hell. Your professors will increase their arrogance and now expect you to revere them- your grade may be dependent upon doing so. You will feel like quitting numerous times, but don't. No use in having 30-60+ thousand in loans with nothing to show for it.

I could go on for days about all the things that go on during 1L year, but my best piece of advise for you would be: find a moderately cute 3L who you always see on campus (more than likely they are either involved with a lot of activities on campus or like to study a lot, either way they will have what you need) Start talking to her. Make the right moves, and have your external hard drive ready for all of the "knowledge" that she will hopefully bestow upon you
discretion is key, lots of snitches out there.
Originally Posted by cristobal

1)Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
2)What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
3)I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
4)Do you really not make friends while in law school?
5)I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
1) Yes. If there is a large gap in the ranking it definitely matters. Smaller the gap, the less it matters. If the gap is small go to the school you'll be more comfortable at or if you know what kind of law you want to do go to the school that is better at what you want to practice.
2) Relax. Take the summer off and have fun. Work if you need the money. Whatever you do, don't do anything academic.
3) Yes it will if you go into school with the mentality that you can get by on smarts alone. Almost everyone in law school is smart. The people who work the hardest and strategize the best get the best grades.
4) Not true at all. I've made a lot of great friends. It depends on you. For some people its all about convenience and getting ahead, and they'll likely be out of your life once you graduate. It's on you to tell the real from the fake.
5) There's nothing to be scared or intimidated about. You won't go it alone man. Although you're all fighting to do well its like you're all in it together your first year. Its tough but its fun in its own way. I imagine its comparable to pledging a fraternity. While you're in its sucks %@+ but you find ways to have fun and if you survive you come out better for it.
Originally Posted by cristobal

1)Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
2)What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
3)I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
4)Do you really not make friends while in law school?
5)I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
1) Yes. If there is a large gap in the ranking it definitely matters. Smaller the gap, the less it matters. If the gap is small go to the school you'll be more comfortable at or if you know what kind of law you want to do go to the school that is better at what you want to practice.
2) Relax. Take the summer off and have fun. Work if you need the money. Whatever you do, don't do anything academic.
3) Yes it will if you go into school with the mentality that you can get by on smarts alone. Almost everyone in law school is smart. The people who work the hardest and strategize the best get the best grades.
4) Not true at all. I've made a lot of great friends. It depends on you. For some people its all about convenience and getting ahead, and they'll likely be out of your life once you graduate. It's on you to tell the real from the fake.
5) There's nothing to be scared or intimidated about. You won't go it alone man. Although you're all fighting to do well its like you're all in it together your first year. Its tough but its fun in its own way. I imagine its comparable to pledging a fraternity. While you're in its sucks %@+ but you find ways to have fun and if you survive you come out better for it.
Originally Posted by jadams003

OHHHH BOY...your in for a treat. I'm a 2L living in SoCal. Be prepared for: 1st semester, everyone (for the most part) will be your friend. You will swear that the people your hanging out with will ultimately be your friends for life considering how much time y'all will spend with one another. You'll soon find out how wrong you were (ill explain later). Professors will be crazy arrogant, expect at least 3 of your professors to attempt to relate any and every legal concept to some anecdotal story of their own. Work load is tough, but so long as you can pull your stuff together for the midterm/final you'll be straight. Now...after all this you'll come back from winter break, folks will have their grades in. They'll see that they didn't do as well as they thought and that's when all hell will break loose!!! Those bff's you thought you had: yeah bunk that!! No more sharing outlines, no more sharing notes, no more signing you into class if you skip a day. Cats become shady as hell. Your professors will increase their arrogance and now expect you to revere them- your grade may be dependent upon doing so. You will feel like quitting numerous times, but don't. No use in having 30-60+ thousand in loans with nothing to show for it.

I could go on for days about all the things that go on during 1L year, but my best piece of advise for you would be: find a moderately cute 3L who you always see on campus (more than likely they are either involved with a lot of activities on campus or like to study a lot, either way they will have what you need) Start talking to her. Make the right moves, and have your external hard drive ready for all of the "knowledge" that she will hopefully bestow upon you
discretion is key, lots of snitches out there.

Thanks for this advice, my dude. I guess at this point in my life I shouldn't be too concerned with making friends anyway. I just know that networking is always good when it comes to things like this, and I was hoping that that would be the case in law school. 
UbUiBeMe- I'll definitely hit you up if that's where I end up at (that's where I'm leaning towards since it's the best school, even though they didn't give me any money.)
And it regards to being poor, do you mean while in school or when I graduate? Also, I would be poor if I got a job right now anyway (political science and jour. major).
Originally Posted by jadams003

OHHHH BOY...your in for a treat. I'm a 2L living in SoCal. Be prepared for: 1st semester, everyone (for the most part) will be your friend. You will swear that the people your hanging out with will ultimately be your friends for life considering how much time y'all will spend with one another. You'll soon find out how wrong you were (ill explain later). Professors will be crazy arrogant, expect at least 3 of your professors to attempt to relate any and every legal concept to some anecdotal story of their own. Work load is tough, but so long as you can pull your stuff together for the midterm/final you'll be straight. Now...after all this you'll come back from winter break, folks will have their grades in. They'll see that they didn't do as well as they thought and that's when all hell will break loose!!! Those bff's you thought you had: yeah bunk that!! No more sharing outlines, no more sharing notes, no more signing you into class if you skip a day. Cats become shady as hell. Your professors will increase their arrogance and now expect you to revere them- your grade may be dependent upon doing so. You will feel like quitting numerous times, but don't. No use in having 30-60+ thousand in loans with nothing to show for it.

I could go on for days about all the things that go on during 1L year, but my best piece of advise for you would be: find a moderately cute 3L who you always see on campus (more than likely they are either involved with a lot of activities on campus or like to study a lot, either way they will have what you need) Start talking to her. Make the right moves, and have your external hard drive ready for all of the "knowledge" that she will hopefully bestow upon you
discretion is key, lots of snitches out there.

Thanks for this advice, my dude. I guess at this point in my life I shouldn't be too concerned with making friends anyway. I just know that networking is always good when it comes to things like this, and I was hoping that that would be the case in law school. 
UbUiBeMe- I'll definitely hit you up if that's where I end up at (that's where I'm leaning towards since it's the best school, even though they didn't give me any money.)
And it regards to being poor, do you mean while in school or when I graduate? Also, I would be poor if I got a job right now anyway (political science and jour. major).
Read One L by Scott Turow
Read Destruction of Young Lawyers by Douglas Litowitz/

"Forewarned is forearmed"
Read One L by Scott Turow
Read Destruction of Young Lawyers by Douglas Litowitz/

"Forewarned is forearmed"
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