What to expect when I start Law School....

Im a 1L at the university of arizona (you should apply, literally everyone here is on a scholarship) so ill answer best as i can.

does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings? YES. pick the highest ranking school possible with a little factor on scholarship $.

What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall? make sure the prescription on your glasses is good b/c your going to be reading alot. travel and have fun

I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school? Yes, b/c every person in law school has. All but a handful of people have liberal arts degrees which usually dont require structured days of studying like science degrees (no offense to anyone but I have a liberal arts degree myself). Everyone has generally the same intelligence, the people who study the most efficient do the best.

Do you really not make friends while in law school? everyone here is friendly b/c its a small school. my friends at other school hate everyone there. It really depends on the school. I personally dont find the need to befriend every person b/c studying is generally a solo activity.

I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do....most people have the same intelligence at this level. dont be scared homie. law school is difficult, but i honestly would do it again. If you can read and have half a brain and a little dedication you will be fine.

if you want an idea what its like read a book called "ivy briefs"...the job market isnt like the book (its from the 90's and she went to columbia) but everything else is dead on.

if you have any more ?, pm me.
Im a 1L at the university of arizona (you should apply, literally everyone here is on a scholarship) so ill answer best as i can.

does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings? YES. pick the highest ranking school possible with a little factor on scholarship $.

What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall? make sure the prescription on your glasses is good b/c your going to be reading alot. travel and have fun

I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school? Yes, b/c every person in law school has. All but a handful of people have liberal arts degrees which usually dont require structured days of studying like science degrees (no offense to anyone but I have a liberal arts degree myself). Everyone has generally the same intelligence, the people who study the most efficient do the best.

Do you really not make friends while in law school? everyone here is friendly b/c its a small school. my friends at other school hate everyone there. It really depends on the school. I personally dont find the need to befriend every person b/c studying is generally a solo activity.

I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do....most people have the same intelligence at this level. dont be scared homie. law school is difficult, but i honestly would do it again. If you can read and have half a brain and a little dedication you will be fine.

if you want an idea what its like read a book called "ivy briefs"...the job market isnt like the book (its from the 90's and she went to columbia) but everything else is dead on.

if you have any more ?, pm me.
Originally Posted by HOVKid


Knock em dead man.  Best of luck.

oh man
Originally Posted by cristobal

I'm a senior at Indiana University and I've been accepted into a few law schools (Loyola Chicago, Depaul, Indiana University Indianapolis, John Marshall (received a Scholarship, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more. I have some questions if anyone can help me out:
Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
Do you really not make friends while in law school?
I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
Depending on what you majored in at IU (IU alum myself), it will definitely be a step up in workload.  Also with looking at rankings, many schools have specialties if there is a field of law that you would like to get into, that is something to consider.  I wouldn't be concerned about your peers, you will make friends and be able to adapt.  You have to remember everyone else is in the same situation as you are.
Originally Posted by cristobal

I'm a senior at Indiana University and I've been accepted into a few law schools (Loyola Chicago, Depaul, Indiana University Indianapolis, John Marshall (received a Scholarship, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more. I have some questions if anyone can help me out:
Does a school's ranking really matter that much, and should I decide which school to go to based on rankings?
What can I do this summer to prepare me for school in the fall?
I've always done fairly well in school with minimal effort ; will this hurt me in law school?
Do you really not make friends while in law school?
I'm already really intimidated and scared because I'm pretty sure a lot of my classmates will have a lot different backgrounds and affluence than I do.
Thanks for the help guys!
Depending on what you majored in at IU (IU alum myself), it will definitely be a step up in workload.  Also with looking at rankings, many schools have specialties if there is a field of law that you would like to get into, that is something to consider.  I wouldn't be concerned about your peers, you will make friends and be able to adapt.  You have to remember everyone else is in the same situation as you are.
OP, do you mind sharing you're overall GPA now and what your major is in?

i'm a sophomore political science major at Texas A&M and am planning to go to the law school route as well, and i too am very nervous about it.
OP, do you mind sharing you're overall GPA now and what your major is in?

i'm a sophomore political science major at Texas A&M and am planning to go to the law school route as well, and i too am very nervous about it.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

just applied for the lsat, I'm taking it on june 6th. hope all goes well for you op.

Good luck.

I had mine June 7th last year.

you should do well, June 6th is D-Day

here's some June 6th related words to fire you up. Read them again before the big show:


"Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!
         You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward
which we have striven these many months. The eyes of
the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving
people everywhere march with you. In company with
our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts,
you will bring about the destruction of the German war
machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed
peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free
         Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is
well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened.
He will fight savagely.
         But this is the year I944 ! Much has happened since the
Nazi triumphs of I940-4I. The United Nations have inflicted
upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle,
man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced
their strength in the air and their capacity to wage
overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of
war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained
fighting men. The tide has turned ! The free men of
the world are marching together to Victory !
         I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to
duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less
than full Victory !

Good Luck ! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty
God upon this great and noble undertaking.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower"

I know its not LSAT related, but I think confidence on game is a big factor in whether people exceed or drop from their practice scores. Hope that helps

Oh, and to the poster above me, you should check out this website. Its filled with very helpful stats and graphs that illustrate what kind of numbers get you into what schools.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

just applied for the lsat, I'm taking it on june 6th. hope all goes well for you op.

Good luck.

I had mine June 7th last year.

you should do well, June 6th is D-Day

here's some June 6th related words to fire you up. Read them again before the big show:


"Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!
         You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward
which we have striven these many months. The eyes of
the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving
people everywhere march with you. In company with
our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts,
you will bring about the destruction of the German war
machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed
peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free
         Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is
well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened.
He will fight savagely.
         But this is the year I944 ! Much has happened since the
Nazi triumphs of I940-4I. The United Nations have inflicted
upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle,
man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced
their strength in the air and their capacity to wage
overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of
war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained
fighting men. The tide has turned ! The free men of
the world are marching together to Victory !
         I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to
duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less
than full Victory !

Good Luck ! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty
God upon this great and noble undertaking.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower"

I know its not LSAT related, but I think confidence on game is a big factor in whether people exceed or drop from their practice scores. Hope that helps

Oh, and to the poster above me, you should check out this website. Its filled with very helpful stats and graphs that illustrate what kind of numbers get you into what schools.
I'm a 1L at SMU.  Law school is a grind, and the most important thing is to stay disciplined.  I'm on spring break, but my "break" will consist of waking up and hitting the books by 9 every day.  Would I rather be in Panama City Beach or South Padre with my friends, bonging beers and chasing girls? Yeah, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to take out 100k+ in loans 
If you're ready to put in the work, you'll be fine.  Also, to anyone attending or considering law school, check out http://www.top-law-schools.com.  It contains a huge amount of info about the LSAT, the application process, class supplements, the job search, and anything else that a law student would need to know.  Good luck, OP.
I'm a 1L at SMU.  Law school is a grind, and the most important thing is to stay disciplined.  I'm on spring break, but my "break" will consist of waking up and hitting the books by 9 every day.  Would I rather be in Panama City Beach or South Padre with my friends, bonging beers and chasing girls? Yeah, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to take out 100k+ in loans 
If you're ready to put in the work, you'll be fine.  Also, to anyone attending or considering law school, check out http://www.top-law-schools.com.  It contains a huge amount of info about the LSAT, the application process, class supplements, the job search, and anything else that a law student would need to know.  Good luck, OP.
where does law school come along in a college career? lets say i go as undeclared major my freshman year, can i still decide to do law later on?
where does law school come along in a college career? lets say i go as undeclared major my freshman year, can i still decide to do law later on?
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