What to expect when I start Law School....

Originally Posted by best hands in the game

where does law school come along in a college career? lets say i go as undeclared major my freshman year, can i still decide to do law later on?

Your major doesn't really matter.  The most important things for law school admission are your GPA and LSAT score, so choose a major that you like.  A lot of my classmates have Poli Sci degrees, but there are also a good number of people that went to Business school (I majored in Finance).  
You don't have to declare pre-law during school, and can wait to apply until after you've been working for a few years.  I went back to school after working for 5 years.
Originally Posted by best hands in the game

where does law school come along in a college career? lets say i go as undeclared major my freshman year, can i still decide to do law later on?

Your major doesn't really matter.  The most important things for law school admission are your GPA and LSAT score, so choose a major that you like.  A lot of my classmates have Poli Sci degrees, but there are also a good number of people that went to Business school (I majored in Finance).  
You don't have to declare pre-law during school, and can wait to apply until after you've been working for a few years.  I went back to school after working for 5 years.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Dr Mantis Toboggan wrote:
How are you gonna jack my sn like that?

Check the date I joined NT 
Them taking a lot of your money so you can get initiated into their bull %%%% lifestyle that exploits people who have less intellectual capacity than they do.
Them taking a lot of your money so you can get initiated into their bull %%%% lifestyle that exploits people who have less intellectual capacity than they do.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Them taking a lot of your money so you can get initiated into their bull %%%% lifestyle that exploits people who have less intellectual capacity than they do.

Do you go to law school?  If you don't, you shouldn't post baseless statements that do nothing to help anyone in this thread.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Them taking a lot of your money so you can get initiated into their bull %%%% lifestyle that exploits people who have less intellectual capacity than they do.

Do you go to law school?  If you don't, you shouldn't post baseless statements that do nothing to help anyone in this thread.
A lot of great advice in here! To reiterate, it will be a grind. The hardest you have ever worked in your life. As long as you are prepared of literally 9AM -10 or 11pm days, then you will be fine! Oh and dont be ashamed of Study Aides. Everyone will front like they dont use them, dont be fooled!
A lot of great advice in here! To reiterate, it will be a grind. The hardest you have ever worked in your life. As long as you are prepared of literally 9AM -10 or 11pm days, then you will be fine! Oh and dont be ashamed of Study Aides. Everyone will front like they dont use them, dont be fooled!
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

A lot of great advice in here! To reiterate, it will be a grind. The hardest you have ever worked in your life. As long as you are prepared of literally 9AM -10 or 11pm days, then you will be fine! Oh and dont be ashamed of Study Aides. Everyone will front like they dont use them, dont be fooled!

This man speaks the truth.  Glannon for Civil Procedure and Chemerinsky for Constitutional Law are godsends.
Also, everyone preparing for the LSAT should order the Powerscore Logic Games and Analytical Reasoning Bibles from Amazon.  They cost ~40 bucks each, but helped me raise my score 15 points.  The money I spent on these, as well as the ~60 bucks I spent on Real LSAT practice tests (order from LSAC.org or Amazon) paid off when I was awarded a substantial scholarship.

Anyone with questions, feel free to shoot a PM to me.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

A lot of great advice in here! To reiterate, it will be a grind. The hardest you have ever worked in your life. As long as you are prepared of literally 9AM -10 or 11pm days, then you will be fine! Oh and dont be ashamed of Study Aides. Everyone will front like they dont use them, dont be fooled!

This man speaks the truth.  Glannon for Civil Procedure and Chemerinsky for Constitutional Law are godsends.
Also, everyone preparing for the LSAT should order the Powerscore Logic Games and Analytical Reasoning Bibles from Amazon.  They cost ~40 bucks each, but helped me raise my score 15 points.  The money I spent on these, as well as the ~60 bucks I spent on Real LSAT practice tests (order from LSAC.org or Amazon) paid off when I was awarded a substantial scholarship.

Anyone with questions, feel free to shoot a PM to me.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by Dr Mantis Toboggan

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

How are you gonna jack my sn like that?
Check the date I joined NT 

If you don't use it you lose it. That's just science.

I agree.
As an impartial observer here in the Great Tobaggan Debates, I'd have to say that "DrTobaggan" has more posts and an accompanying picture.
Whereas "Dr Mantis Toboggan" has only his join date in defense.

"DrTobaggan" has clearly shown he is the definitive Tobaggan, irregardless of said join date
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