What type of bug is this?

May 28, 2002
So I'm @ the laundry mat... I go outside for a sec, n out my peripheral vision i see this bird look'n thing. I thought it was fake, but then i saw its head moving. Strangest bug I've ever seen up close. What the hell is it???
So I'm @ the laundry mat... I go outside for a sec, n out my peripheral vision i see this bird look'n thing. I thought it was fake, but then i saw its head moving. Strangest bug I've ever seen up close. What the hell is it???
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Aint that a Venemoth.

Word to:

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Aint that a Venemoth.

I think so.
Sorry, not trying to thread jack, anybody know what happened with the NTer that posted a pile of strange bugs outside his apartment?
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Aint that a Venemoth.

I think so.
Sorry, not trying to thread jack, anybody know what happened with the NTer that posted a pile of strange bugs outside his apartment?



I always knew pokemon breeding would go wrong
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