What type of women do you attract? vol. Animal Mag-noo-tism

All the ones I'm not interested in are attracted to me...
if I'm interested, there is usually a catch (ex.she has a man getting out of prison after a manslaughter bid in rikers, she isn't old enough to cross the street therefore not being old enough to get hit, she has a secret ketamine and oxycodone addiction)
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by scshift

So you like the younger dudes?

no just closer to my age...

i'm talking old like 40s & 50s

Oh alright well I'm almost 18 and I'm smart

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

No idea.

I never really pay attention. I usually attract women my age 18-20ish, but I think my facial expression puts them off. I feel like they feel I'm pissed off are have an aggressive demeanor, when it's the exact opposite.


saaaaaaame i always look mad aggressive when thats just my face (my eyebrows naturally point downward in a frown)
Girls better looking and smarter than me.
I come off as an intellectual for the first 5 minutes of the convo and then when I realize how good looking they are it hits me.

Tall, short, slim, thick, good girls, freaks, professional, bums, beautiful, ugly...

Where should I start?
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

No idea.

I never really pay attention. I usually attract women my age 18-20ish, but I think my facial expression puts them off. I feel like they feel I'm pissed off are have an aggressive demeanor, when it's the exact opposite.


Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

I have no idea why, but black chicks LOVE me! And i'm not even black. #kanyeshrug

Yeah, this is a pretty tough one to figure out...
For some reason I attract black and mexican !!!%+# that, NEED me and I hate it.
Brandon3000 wrote:
solefood229 wrote:
Chicks with daddy issues its a gift and a curse 

and of course this one is always a prerequisite
Fat chicks, big Linebacker sized chicks, and wild pokemon looking females 

I don't know why but they always try to get at me...and I'm just like 

But the nice guy inside of me, I always tend to be nice to them and it just makes them more attracted to me 
Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

No idea.

I never really pay attention. I usually attract women my age 18-20ish, but I think my facial expression puts them off. I feel like they feel I'm pissed off are have an aggressive demeanor, when it's the exact opposite.

Originally Posted by ricky409

damb... never really thought about this...

im not sure if physically its a certain type, but i know my straightforwardness (word?) turns them off.

i think i try to be too raw, and the ones that dig it are usually the ones with a more big-picture view.

i have all the stuff to pull a shallow chick ibcluding whip game and gear, but stay getting girls that dont care about any of that.

hope i worded it right...

tips on which girls are shallow would be appreciated too, fambs...
 I'm too blunt with these @+%$!$. Can't handle that #%%@.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

no just closer to my age...

i'm talking old like 40s & 50s

Oh alright well I'm almost 18 and I'm smart
boy bye
dude said he's almost 18
myt aren't you still in college?  you might as go ahead and pm dude the numberz. 
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

I have no idea why, but black chicks LOVE me! And i'm not even black. #kanyeshrug

Yeah, this is a pretty tough one to figure out...

You on the same boat too, fambs?

When I first read it, I thought it just said "chicks love me". Didnt know it said "black chicks love me"
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