What was that method to make your essays longer on MS Word?

use a lot of words (especially big words) and try to very eloquent/intelligent in typing something simple.
Originally Posted by vintagefits

hit 'ALT+F4'
twice in a row, RAPIDLY!

This man knows what he's talking about
just in the nick of time i got a 5 page research paper coming up within a week
increasing period size =
I thought most universities had strict guidelines for paper writing - minimum word count, margins, font size, spacing, etc. We had to follow APA writing stylefor my upper division writing term paper. Size 12 Times New Roman, double spacing, 1" margins. I think what you should embrace more than anything, isquality over quantity. Writing a bunch of BS to meet a certain number of pages will do nothing to increase the grade you earn on your paper. Your writingshould be concise, and to the point. If anything, getting as many sources as possible will be critical to increasing your page count. As long as you cite allyour sources, quotations can occupy plenty of space, and further the evidence needed to support your point. Increased font size on periods and commas willnot.

I actually wrote one of my upper division papers on shoe collecting. We were supposed to have a 4,000 word essay, but I only managed 3,000. Luckily, my T.A.also placed emphasis on the quality over quantity argument, because she would rather not read a bunch of BS.
the key is increase the character spacing. Go to Format, Font, then once Font is open click the character spacing tab. On the tab go to like the firstsettings part and increase the spacing to .3. what this does it add 3 extra pixels into the space between each letter without it being noticeable to the nakedeye. it makes an 8 pg paper become a 10 basically.
I never known that
making the period larger works wonder. I got a paper due next monday for health, im deffentially gonna use this method hope it works.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

I'm glad I didn't know that when I was in HS/College. Long papers are the reason my vocabulary increased. I'd keep hitting the thesaurus for every other word looking for the longest synonym.
im gonna expand my vocab for this purpose.
Just type more.

You can always add some more info.

If you haven't reached a page requirement, there's a good chance that you may have missed something or brushed over a certain topic too quickly.
- use the 'replace all' feature to change the size of all of the periods to size 14
- use the 'replace all' feature to change the size of all of the commas to size 14
- change the character spacing to 'Expanded'
- bring your margin in one line
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