what was the first thing you....

Nov 9, 2007
typed in or looked for when you first got the internet, i was just thinking about this recently and the first thing for me was playboy.com(i was a tween giveme a break) so what were yours.
i went to cartoon network's website during the day (rents was around my pc) but at night, i hit that play boy.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

you really expect people to remember that?

Originally Posted by RetroAirs23

i went to cartoon network's website during the day (rents was around my pc) but at night, i hit that play boy.

back when the DBZ games was
rap lyrics,
and me and my boys just went through all the dbz galleries and printed the most
in the library, we would tell the librarian that they were for a project so they would be free
also nick and cartoon network for the games
pokemon cheat codes then when i went x rated it was on some butt camp or somecrap like that. all the sites from the back of the source and xxl.
i remember when I first got on AOL, i would forever be playing WWF trivia (back like 1996)

I also remember waiting til noone was home and checking out stussy.com only I replace the ST with a P

i remember being all paranoid that someone was gonna see I went to that site, it would be tough sell to blame it on my sister
I don't remember exactly, but I do remember going to "Leonie's Lyrics" a lot of the time
general mills cereal had some kind of website i used to play on.

i used to print out pictures from animorphs. (anyone remember the show/books?)

and rap lyrics as well..

i remember once i printed out "Way I Am" by Eminem and left the lyrics on my dresser.

my parents found it and ended up throwing away all my rap cd's.
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