What was your overall highschool gpa?

3.9 weighted
got a damn C+ in pottery, year later im like what the hell happened...
anyways im ranked 25-30 outta 365
2 Bs away from class valedictorian
this year i could get a weighted4.85 ahaha
im at an unweighted 3.6-7 right now tho. have to get it up
unweighted: 3.4
weighted: 5.7 (graduated 12th in class)

to AP and honor classes making my weighted GPA look nice.
oh and our class ranks were according to weighted GPA.
1.7 ....a few teacher gave me D- just so they can get rid of me

i did well in AP Art classes tho, just never care for homework
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

2.1 weighted

i got a 1300 on my SAT tho and aced all my AP exams
i was an underachiever to say the least

still got into college tho
this was me all throughout high school. but gpa was 2.9weighted 3.x unweighted. aced the SAT and got into all the uc's and csu's i appliedto
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