What/who INSPIRES you to work out?

no lie.



Son aint too yoked, but he aint frail either.

I feel ayo for googling those pics
Originally Posted by gil23

Myself, I want to push the limits of this machine called body.

Originally Posted by Cole World

women, kobe, getting this fat off of me

This too... I've always wanted to be able to take my shirt off and have people stare in a good way, how vain
To be honest, I started getting killed when I played bball and hated it. No more of that foolishness. Getting back in shape so I can ball and get more bunz. I loved it when my ex came over and we was about to get it crackin. She looked at me and said "Damn, you getting skinny". Gave me the extra burst to tear down her walls.

Also going to vegas on memorial day weekend and dont want to be the chubby dude at the pool with a shirt on. lol
was that a playground on page 1? it aint that serious

naw my motivation comes from within. if it doesnt you will fold
Being almost 30 at 150 LBs but dropping 225-235 bench presses every chest day. I'm motivated to get off from 7-3:30 desk job, knowing I can go in the gym to take out my workday on the weights. I know so many middle age overweight people that I am compel not to be like them.  
6 pages in and no1 has mentioned the GOAT...........

this is the man that motivates me, one of my idols.  his dominance will never be touched

...watching this The Weight Of The Nation on HBO right now...

I used to scarf that same %!#+ down... Seeing these folks struggles is what i used to fuel my fire to end that journey down that same sad path
I have two 

and my idol as well.  Not striving to be that big (obv impossible lol) but his work ethic and mindset

Just took a look at myself in the mirro one day and said.. "this is not me" I looked like !%%!.. I dropped about 30 pounds already and went from sz 38 waist to 34-36
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