What would win in a fight...

Expert opinion...

Dear Jason

Thanks for your question.

Please note that grizzly bears and gorillas have reputations for ferocity, but these are probably exaggerated. This is especially true for gorillas, which are far more peaceful than the ‘King Kong' image suggests. In fact, chimpanzees are far more dangerous and will kill each other, as well as hunting in groups and tearing monkeys and antelopes apart.

Gorillas live in Africa, while grizzly bears live in North America, so there is no likelihood of them coming into contact with one another in the wild, unless one of them were introduced into the habitat of the other.

They also live in different habitats. Most gorillas inhabit lowland tropical rainforest, but some live in bamboo forest and montane rainforest. The grizzly bear prefers open habitats, such as tundra, alpine meadows and coastlines. This means that a gorilla would not adapt well to the bear's habitat and the bear would not adapt well to the gorilla's habitat.

I think that if they ever came into contact, they would avoid one another. Grizzly bears rarely attack people and prefer to avoid confrontation. A male gorilla will go through various threat displays and will avoid fighting if he can. If anything, I think the gorilla would back down if the bear did not move away and I can't really imagine a bear being put off by a gorilla chest-beating or hooting. A gorilla will usually only attack if an aggressor runs away. It will back down if the aggressor stays where it is. I can't really see the grizzly turning tail.

I think a fight would be very unlikely, but if they were to fight, I believe that the bear holds most of the trump cards. If the gorilla and grizzly are the same size, it would involve a full-grown male gorilla fighting a rather small grizzly bear. This will benefit the gorilla more than if there were two full-grown animals fighting, as the bear would be heavier.

The gorilla is mainly vegetarian and rarely feeds on animal matter, whereas a grizzly can kill a moose with one swipe of its paw. The bear has the advantage here.

The gorilla's ferocity is a bluff to deter potential adversaries. The bear is being genuinely ferocious and has the advantage here, as it is less likely to back down.

Both have powerful canine teeth and use these mainly in threat displays. The bear is more likely to use the canines to bite and kill prey, while gorillas are practically herbivorous. The bear has the advantage here.

Both have powerful upper limbs, but the bear has long claws, whereas the gorilla has nails. Once again, the bear has the advantage to the bear.

The gorilla is more intelligent than the bear, but the gorilla has more facial expressions. Bear keepers say that it is very difficult to read a bear's mind, because of the lack of facial expression. I don't think the gorilla would be able to either, so I don't think the gorilla's intelligence would be much of an advantage here.

Perhaps the only advantage to a gorilla and bear in a one-on-one situation is habitat. The bear would have the advantage in a clearing, but the gorilla would have the advantage if it ran into a rainforest or montane forest and the bear followed. I can't really imagine a bear chasing a gorilla into a forest or other gorillas fighting the bear – I presume you want a one-on-one fight. Chimpanzees can band together to kill leopards, but I haven't heard cases of gorillas doing so.

But, as I stated earlier, I don't think a fight would be likely, especially as one of the animals would be rather disorientated in a strange habitat. It is also unusual for individuals of different species to fight one another. The nearest is when a predator is attacking a prey animal. As bears do not prey on gorillas, this is not a natural phenomenon.

I hope the above scenario does not occur. I don't like the idea of people gaining enjoyment by watching animals fight one another. I hope that your argument is more of a speculative nature, rather than a desire to see animals fighting to the death. Gorillas are becoming increasingly threatened by deforestation and hunting for bushmeat and trophies, while various types of grizzly bear are also threatened. The Mexican grizzly bear is extinct, while other varieties have been classified as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act. Having grizzly bears and gorillas fighting one another is not a good idea.

All the best
Expert opinion...

Dear Jason

Thanks for your question.

Please note that grizzly bears and gorillas have reputations for ferocity, but these are probably exaggerated. This is especially true for gorillas, which are far more peaceful than the ‘King Kong' image suggests. In fact, chimpanzees are far more dangerous and will kill each other, as well as hunting in groups and tearing monkeys and antelopes apart.

Gorillas live in Africa, while grizzly bears live in North America, so there is no likelihood of them coming into contact with one another in the wild, unless one of them were introduced into the habitat of the other.

They also live in different habitats. Most gorillas inhabit lowland tropical rainforest, but some live in bamboo forest and montane rainforest. The grizzly bear prefers open habitats, such as tundra, alpine meadows and coastlines. This means that a gorilla would not adapt well to the bear's habitat and the bear would not adapt well to the gorilla's habitat.

I think that if they ever came into contact, they would avoid one another. Grizzly bears rarely attack people and prefer to avoid confrontation. A male gorilla will go through various threat displays and will avoid fighting if he can. If anything, I think the gorilla would back down if the bear did not move away and I can't really imagine a bear being put off by a gorilla chest-beating or hooting. A gorilla will usually only attack if an aggressor runs away. It will back down if the aggressor stays where it is. I can't really see the grizzly turning tail.

I think a fight would be very unlikely, but if they were to fight, I believe that the bear holds most of the trump cards. If the gorilla and grizzly are the same size, it would involve a full-grown male gorilla fighting a rather small grizzly bear. This will benefit the gorilla more than if there were two full-grown animals fighting, as the bear would be heavier.

The gorilla is mainly vegetarian and rarely feeds on animal matter, whereas a grizzly can kill a moose with one swipe of its paw. The bear has the advantage here.

The gorilla's ferocity is a bluff to deter potential adversaries. The bear is being genuinely ferocious and has the advantage here, as it is less likely to back down.

Both have powerful canine teeth and use these mainly in threat displays. The bear is more likely to use the canines to bite and kill prey, while gorillas are practically herbivorous. The bear has the advantage here.

Both have powerful upper limbs, but the bear has long claws, whereas the gorilla has nails. Once again, the bear has the advantage to the bear.

The gorilla is more intelligent than the bear, but the gorilla has more facial expressions. Bear keepers say that it is very difficult to read a bear's mind, because of the lack of facial expression. I don't think the gorilla would be able to either, so I don't think the gorilla's intelligence would be much of an advantage here.

Perhaps the only advantage to a gorilla and bear in a one-on-one situation is habitat. The bear would have the advantage in a clearing, but the gorilla would have the advantage if it ran into a rainforest or montane forest and the bear followed. I can't really imagine a bear chasing a gorilla into a forest or other gorillas fighting the bear – I presume you want a one-on-one fight. Chimpanzees can band together to kill leopards, but I haven't heard cases of gorillas doing so.

But, as I stated earlier, I don't think a fight would be likely, especially as one of the animals would be rather disorientated in a strange habitat. It is also unusual for individuals of different species to fight one another. The nearest is when a predator is attacking a prey animal. As bears do not prey on gorillas, this is not a natural phenomenon.

I hope the above scenario does not occur. I don't like the idea of people gaining enjoyment by watching animals fight one another. I hope that your argument is more of a speculative nature, rather than a desire to see animals fighting to the death. Gorillas are becoming increasingly threatened by deforestation and hunting for bushmeat and trophies, while various types of grizzly bear are also threatened. The Mexican grizzly bear is extinct, while other varieties have been classified as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act. Having grizzly bears and gorillas fighting one another is not a good idea.

All the best
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

A Gorilla is basically an extremely strong human. Much smarter than a bear. Gorilla wins.
But not smart enough to use tools or martial arts, so what does that really mean?

Big bears get up to 1500 lbs.  Big gorillas get up to 600 lbs.

It's bad.
And a bear can use tools and martial arts?

Be real, a regular Chimpanzee can rip a person apart.. google it. What do you think a full grown Gorilla can do? Bears are not as smart nor as nimble as Gorillas, and when it comes down to it, weight won't make a difference; the biggest/heaviest dudes in a fight don't always win.
No, it can't but if neither of them can use tools or marttial arts, then why is the difference in intelligence even relevant?   The gorilla gonna set up a ambush for the bear or something?

They both gonna fight the same way and throw their primal
blows.  If anything, higher intelligence would just make the gorilla realize that he's out of his weight class and it's time to go.

As for the chimpanzee example you have.  You do realize that human beings are probably pound for pound the most fragile things on the planet, right?  Don't bring up what can rip us apart because that's a damn long list.  A bear is not a human being.  Bears evolved chasing moose, caribou, walruses, and all sorts of gigantic animals that could potentially give a gorilla the business on they own.

Whatever you were saying about the biggest/heaviest dudes don't always win the fights... i'm pretty sure you've never seen a fight with a size difference like this.

B.J. Penn is the man, but he will never beat Dalip Singh in a fight.  That's just the way of the world.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

A Gorilla is basically an extremely strong human. Much smarter than a bear. Gorilla wins.
But not smart enough to use tools or martial arts, so what does that really mean?

Big bears get up to 1500 lbs.  Big gorillas get up to 600 lbs.

It's bad.
And a bear can use tools and martial arts?

Be real, a regular Chimpanzee can rip a person apart.. google it. What do you think a full grown Gorilla can do? Bears are not as smart nor as nimble as Gorillas, and when it comes down to it, weight won't make a difference; the biggest/heaviest dudes in a fight don't always win.
No, it can't but if neither of them can use tools or marttial arts, then why is the difference in intelligence even relevant?   The gorilla gonna set up a ambush for the bear or something?

They both gonna fight the same way and throw their primal
blows.  If anything, higher intelligence would just make the gorilla realize that he's out of his weight class and it's time to go.

As for the chimpanzee example you have.  You do realize that human beings are probably pound for pound the most fragile things on the planet, right?  Don't bring up what can rip us apart because that's a damn long list.  A bear is not a human being.  Bears evolved chasing moose, caribou, walruses, and all sorts of gigantic animals that could potentially give a gorilla the business on they own.

Whatever you were saying about the biggest/heaviest dudes don't always win the fights... i'm pretty sure you've never seen a fight with a size difference like this.

B.J. Penn is the man, but he will never beat Dalip Singh in a fight.  That's just the way of the world.
Depends what kind of bear. If it was a black bear..id go with gorrilla. But if it was Bear Grylls..id back him.
Depends what kind of bear. If it was a black bear..id go with gorrilla. But if it was Bear Grylls..id back him.
I figured it would be this matchup. In rolling with the bear; it just seems naturally more vicious and after reading that it can kill a moose in one swipe, that pretty much lets me know that it can murk a gorilla.
I figured it would be this matchup. In rolling with the bear; it just seems naturally more vicious and after reading that it can kill a moose in one swipe, that pretty much lets me know that it can murk a gorilla.
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