What would win in a fight...

Y'all somehow turned this into a Polar bear vs. a Gorilla. Of course a Polar bear would win that fight, but if you're just talking a regular bear vs a Gorilla, Gorilla wins.
Y'all somehow turned this into a Polar bear vs. a Gorilla. Of course a Polar bear would win that fight, but if you're just talking a regular bear vs a Gorilla, Gorilla wins.
 > _______
so gorilla = bruce lee and bear = tyson? but gorilla doesn't know martial arts so i'm gona say bear
so gorilla = bruce lee and bear = tyson? but gorilla doesn't know martial arts so i'm gona say bear
Originally Posted by YoungLloyd

Depends what kind of bear. If it was a black bear..id go with gorrilla. But if it was Bear Grylls..id back him.


I'll go with Bear.. them animals are huge..
Originally Posted by YoungLloyd

Depends what kind of bear. If it was a black bear..id go with gorrilla. But if it was Bear Grylls..id back him.


I'll go with Bear.. them animals are huge..
bears cant weigh 2000 pounds, and a gorilla can toss that.
But a bear has a overwhelming attack.
I say gorilla off of Sheer strength.
bears cant weigh 2000 pounds, and a gorilla can toss that.
But a bear has a overwhelming attack.
I say gorilla off of Sheer strength.
Originally Posted by melofan15

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

polar bear alpha >

think about it.

1500lb animal which has lived in solidarity for most of its life and has most certainly seen more adversity hunting for its food and going toe to toe with its own species. Evolution for this animal has been cruel. A silverback, while impressive looking still weighs a 1/3 in comparison, will mostly feast on leaves and will lead a more peaceful life lest another male try to overthrow him. A gorilla would run in fear. Picture a bear mauling a very very large human.


look at the skull on that thing!

story behind pic?
Once upon a lady thought it would be a good idea to swim over to say hi to a wild polar bear because he looked friendly from afar. As she got closer and the bear didn't seemed threatened or scared she felt she had made a new friend. But boy was she wrong. The moment she was within reach the friendly trusting bear turned on her and bit the #$@ out of her. The lady was badly injured and the bear ran off for fear that the photographer might shoot him in the @--. The bear was never heard from again and the lady spent extensive time in a hospital and in physical therapy as a result. She has since recovered and has vowed to stay far far away from green lakes or initiating contact with animals in the wild. THE END.
Originally Posted by melofan15

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

polar bear alpha >

think about it.

1500lb animal which has lived in solidarity for most of its life and has most certainly seen more adversity hunting for its food and going toe to toe with its own species. Evolution for this animal has been cruel. A silverback, while impressive looking still weighs a 1/3 in comparison, will mostly feast on leaves and will lead a more peaceful life lest another male try to overthrow him. A gorilla would run in fear. Picture a bear mauling a very very large human.


look at the skull on that thing!

story behind pic?
Once upon a lady thought it would be a good idea to swim over to say hi to a wild polar bear because he looked friendly from afar. As she got closer and the bear didn't seemed threatened or scared she felt she had made a new friend. But boy was she wrong. The moment she was within reach the friendly trusting bear turned on her and bit the #$@ out of her. The lady was badly injured and the bear ran off for fear that the photographer might shoot him in the @--. The bear was never heard from again and the lady spent extensive time in a hospital and in physical therapy as a result. She has since recovered and has vowed to stay far far away from green lakes or initiating contact with animals in the wild. THE END.
A gorilla can snap any kind of bears neck no problem. As long as the bear doesn't bite down on it's neck it's game over.
A gorilla can snap any kind of bears neck no problem. As long as the bear doesn't bite down on it's neck it's game over.
Silverback gorrilla no contest. I've played this scenario dozens of times back in high school....gorrilla always win IMO.
Silverback gorrilla no contest. I've played this scenario dozens of times back in high school....gorrilla always win IMO.
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