What would you have done in my situation? Seriously.

Originally Posted by crcballer55

1) She's married
2) You're probably not the first person she's pulled this one
3) She has kids.

Do you really want to break up her marriage?  It's not like her husband is disabled.  Give him some goat weed and he'll be set.
If he's not the 1st then how is HE the one breaking up a marriage. Cougar-woman is the one on the prowl looking for some strange, OP isn't the one getting at her. I say go for it man.
Originally Posted by lana85

You did the right thing. Shes married you dont want that drama.
do onto others as you would have them do onto you...

op you cool with some dude banging your wife?
OP don't act innocent now, you know you put in a little game to get them pics.

You probably got your Brett Favre on

Seriously though, atleast get some knowledge from her
Meet me at a motel
No shame.

Youve obviously already thought twice about it. Listen to your instinct man

Smashins easy dealin with the drama is annoying as hell. And if fam and kids are involved youre dealin with a whole new set of possible consequences
Originally Posted by Nktran001

I'll try to make this as short as possible.

I'm in a psych class and the first day of class, the prof. paired people up into two and made us trade contacts (email/number/etc).  The prof. paired us in groups of two because we would be presenting in class a lot with powerpoints.  I got stuck with a woman who is in her early 30's, married and has three boys.

So, its been weeks already and we've had two presentations that went by very smoothly.  We've spent a lot of time in the library putting our projects together.

Now, for some reason, people feel comfortable sharing their life troubles/stories with me.  Every time we met at the library, she'd tell me about her life and what she went through, etc.

Anyways, just yesterday the woman tells me how her husband is heavily diabetic and isn't "functioning."  After she told me that I replied, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that."  Now, she's coming on strong and tells me how she hasn't had sex in almost a year.  We're in class by the way, the lights are off because there's people presenting in front of the class and we sit in the back corner of the classroom.  So, she's getting all touchy, I ask her to control herself and tell her I still have feelings for my ex.  She has been throwing signals at me since day one in class and I was blocking them because at the time I was in a relationship.  Class was almost over and we had half of an hour left, she tells me she can help me get over my ex girlfriend if I meet up with her at a motel.

I declined her invitation and told her we can't be doing this.

OP....you look just like you sound....



Originally Posted by krazy88s

OP you need to lay off the married chicks brah. You already played a part in a NTers marriage

Came in here to say this. That dude was ready to make sure no one would ever find you! 
OP I like you but you sir are a simp. Your ex has another **% in her mouth and you declining the poon.

HOW DID YOU GET THOSE PICS!!! I'm sure you had to ask for em which means you lead her into thinking you were down with it
@ you guys telling this guy to smash

Just because the "wife" is a low down dirty %@#%$@% %+@$%, doesnt mean OP should stoop to her level. Nice to know that I share this site with such moral, respectful people

Like you clown always say, "there's tons of other !%#@% out there", so OP go find someone else. Dont help this chick ruin her family

OP you did the right thing

What goes around comes around. All of these dudes out there smashing taken chicks are gunna be back here on some Smushscalade %%#* 2 months later. "NT I just caught my wife/girl getting tagged team by the chess club

!!@!+!! clowns

Now if her husband is cool with that, then thats a completely different story
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by crcballer55

1) She's married
2) You're probably not the first person she's pulled this one
3) She has kids.

Do you really want to break up her marriage?  It's not like her husband is disabled.  Give him some goat weed and he'll be set.
I smoked that once.
OP. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're not having sex with her for your pleasure. You're doing it to help her. If you don't help her than you are the worst partner of all time.
Some of you dudes are flat out idiots. And people wonder why families are falling apart. Too many selfish people.
Married women are the best lay. Remember not every marriage is a happy one. I have come across plenty unhappily married women who undertstood I was in a relationship as well and wanted just sex no strings attached.even bought me gifts just so they don't feel guilty about cheating.Someone re up the pics they not up there
Bunch of dillweeds in here.

No need to judge the man because he passes it up. Not everyone is desperate like that. You ain't imressin' nobody.
Originally Posted by jbv1

Don't get involved, juice not worth the squeeze.

You're doing/did the right thing by avoiding that. As much as she's sending out the cougar signals she needs some she's married & has a family. Just thank her for the flattery & keep it moving (away, that is)

She did say she had 3 kids, right? Great role model, Mom.

She's trouble plain & simple. The kind you probably don't need.
Took the words right out of my mouth.

OP, it's an easy decision... You either move on with your life, or slide your **** in some washed up cougar and possibly dig yourself a grave. That hairy tunnel ain't worth it, fam.

But the fact that you posted this on NT means that you're hesitating. All I gotta say is, be the bigger man, that's all.
OP sounds suspect "i still have feelings for my ex" we cant be doing this hahahahaha you sound like a female OP chin up and please that deprived old junglecat quit cryin handle your buisness
She's married tho.... Save yourself the trouble. Don't get involved with that baby mama drama
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