What you weighing in at right now?

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

140 I'm about to start really working out for good to get at least 10+ pounds of muscle.

How old are you and whats your height? Im sorry but you dream of gaining 10lbs of solid muscle MIght be much harder than you think
It's going to take a good year of dedication with combo of righteous diets and hitting the gym on a regular basis to gain 10 lbs of muscle.

10 lbs of muscle mass can happen quicker than that. They say when you are gaining weight the healthy range is to try to gain 1 lb a week. any more and you are gaining too much. Ill william is a skinny guy, hes not going to put on hella fat, he can gain a SOLID 10 lbs of muscle mass in 5 months with a serious diet and routine. you guys are tripping
You neglect many smaller factors. ~1 lb a week of muscle is what body builders who basically live at the gym strife to get and those guys take in a grip of protein a day via Whey protein and other means.

I lift weight 6 days a week for an hour a session, in addition to a 6 mile run daily, focusing on 2 prime muscle groups daily to reach hypertrophy more efficiently. My eating routine is on point, with taking in exactly what I'm suppose to be taking in at my BMR level and a lot of protein and one day of nothin but carb to 'refeed' my body. I've been lifting for 3 months now and I haven't even gain anything near 10 lbs of muscle.

I speak from experience of body building friends.
Your still on the simple level of bodybuilding.........
Your first mistake is a 6 mile run everyday. If you are trying to build as much muscle as possible, running is the last thing any bodybuilder (that knows whatthey are doing) would do.
You are burning too many calories for your body to be as anabolic as you would like. Its not just about protein. Its calories, carbs, fats and protein thatbuilds muscle. All these things are necessary for optimal muscle growth.
I see so many guys in the gym trying to get big, but hit the treadmill HARD after a workout. The most important thing to do after a workout is eat and rest.
I asked ILL WILL his age because if he's in his 20's. Its not gonna happen
I've taken like a 2 and a half week break, and I'm sure I'm about 200 now..... I'll get back to 185 in no time though
^I'm not trying to have a brolic frame like a body builder. If anything I want to be more around 160-165 lean, ie like Kobe Bryant. And yes my post workoutmeal is my biggest meal in one sitting and I go to sleep a couple of hours later, (I go to the gym from 10PM-12AM).
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

140 I'm about to start really working out for good to get at least 10+ pounds of muscle.

How old are you and whats your height? Im sorry but you dream of gaining 10lbs of solid muscle MIght be much harder than you think
It's going to take a good year of dedication with combo of righteous diets and hitting the gym on a regular basis to gain 10 lbs of muscle.

10 lbs of muscle mass can happen quicker than that. They say when you are gaining weight the healthy range is to try to gain 1 lb a week. any more and you are gaining too much. Ill william is a skinny guy, hes not going to put on hella fat, he can gain a SOLID 10 lbs of muscle mass in 5 months with a serious diet and routine. you guys are tripping
You neglect many smaller factors. ~1 lb a week of muscle is what body builders who basically live at the gym strife to get and those guys take in a grip of protein a day via Whey protein and other means.

I lift weight 6 days a week for an hour a session, in addition to a 6 mile run daily, focusing on 2 prime muscle groups daily to reach hypertrophy more efficiently. My eating routine is on point, with taking in exactly what I'm suppose to be taking in at my BMR level and a lot of protein and one day of nothin but carb to 'refeed' my body. I've been lifting for 3 months now and I haven't even gain anything near 10 lbs of muscle.

I speak from experience of body building friends.

Preach, gaining 1 pound of muscle mass per week is a very difficult task. It takes a lot of dedication and proper dieting. However, if you are new to liftingweights it is a lot easier to put on muscle mass in the early stages compared to a seasoned body builder.
Originally Posted by BallinB

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

140 I'm about to start really working out for good to get at least 10+ pounds of muscle.

How old are you and whats your height? Im sorry but you dream of gaining 10lbs of solid muscle MIght be much harder than you think
It's going to take a good year of dedication with combo of righteous diets and hitting the gym on a regular basis to gain 10 lbs of muscle.

10 lbs of muscle mass can happen quicker than that. They say when you are gaining weight the healthy range is to try to gain 1 lb a week. any more and you are gaining too much. Ill william is a skinny guy, hes not going to put on hella fat, he can gain a SOLID 10 lbs of muscle mass in 5 months with a serious diet and routine. you guys are tripping
You neglect many smaller factors. ~1 lb a week of muscle is what body builders who basically live at the gym strife to get and those guys take in a grip of protein a day via Whey protein and other means.

I lift weight 6 days a week for an hour a session, in addition to a 6 mile run daily, focusing on 2 prime muscle groups daily to reach hypertrophy more efficiently. My eating routine is on point, with taking in exactly what I'm suppose to be taking in at my BMR level and a lot of protein and one day of nothin but carb to 'refeed' my body. I've been lifting for 3 months now and I haven't even gain anything near 10 lbs of muscle.

I speak from experience of body building friends.

Preach, gaining 1 pound of muscle mass per week is a very difficult task. It takes a lot of dedication and proper dieting. However, if you are new to lifting weights it is a lot easier to put on muscle mass in the early stages compared to a seasoned body builder.
WRONG!!!!!.........Still so many factors your are missing........
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

sept of 08 your boy was weighin in at 198......

as of today, ya boy is at 157lbs

Word. i knew i put some on but was surprised when the dr's assistant said 200. Ima get back down to 150 once i get my license back though.
^To avoid a quoting mayhem...isn't that what I said 2 posts ago with "You neglect many smaller factors?"
I understand that Jax, I'm not trying to write a blog over here, just a generalization.
165 $$# -175ish,, depends how im feeling. lol. im trying to get to 150. but, its impossible with me eating like a pig all the time.
Originally Posted by BallinB

I understand that Jax, I'm not trying to write a blog over here, just a generalization.
I know....But im just so passionate about bodybuilding
218.2 dont exactly know what the hell happened there. i weighed 198 last semester. i'm a lard $#%
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by BallinB

I understand that Jax, I'm not trying to write a blog over here, just a generalization.
I know....But im just so passionate about bodybuilding
I feel you man, keep doing your thing. If your so passionate, why don't you start a thread and educate everyone here on NT about bodybuilding. I consider my self very knowledgable about this topic but would be interested to hear what you got to say...
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