whats a good pair of soccer cleats?

Mar 14, 2009
hey soccer heads, I was wondering what a good pair of soccer cleats for my little sister? thanks!!!
so far from my experiences, adidas or nike are the best, i personally prefer adidas because they are lighter, but nike holds up longer, but WHATEVER YOU DO DONOT GET PUMAS!!!!they fall apart
hope i helped
Not sure what your level of play or preice range is, but I have been wearing adidas predators for about 7 years and I swear by them. They will run you upwardsof 150
I only wear nike cleats, here is some help.

speed = vapors
accuracy = t90s

I wear both and I prefer the t90s a little more.
I used to wear preds myself but I dunno if my lil sister will like how they look haha I was thinking of maybe vapors or t90s... or just getting her a pair ofcustomized ones on nike id, i forgot what they were called but they look like vapors sort of haha Thanks for the replies!
Originally Posted by lj12

I used to wear preds myself but I dunno if my lil sister will like how they look haha I was thinking of maybe vapors or t90s... or just getting her a pair of customized ones on nike id, i forgot what they were called but they look like vapors sort of haha Thanks for the replies!

ur proly talking about talaria's.. jus go to soccer.com or something & look at all the stuff they have.. what size is ur lil sister? & r u tryingto get her men's cleats or women's cleats?
I have flat a bit on the wide side, and I always wanted the vapors and t90's for the looks. However, the Predators worked great for me, until I gotmarried, had a kid , and got lazy.
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