What's in your fridge? - (Pictures :D)


i said this outloud, and then i just started laughing 
My dude ricky is eating mayo and grape sandwiches. I hope you got bread on top of the fridge :smh:
On the subject of fridges, keep in mind where you put your food matters.
We've shown you what to store on your counter and in your pantry  -- now, we're taking you to the refrigerator and freezer. Because not all parts are created equal, we'll show you where -- and for how long -- your goods will last. Got any helpful storage tips or questions? Leave them in the comments section!



Dairy products:  According to Cooks Illustrated, milk, cream, yogurt, and other dairy products are best stored on the upper shelves of your refrigerator; the temperature there is the most constant, so they'll keep longer.

Eggs:  Some refrigerators urge you to put your eggs on the inside of their door. Don’t give in -- the door is the warmest part of the refrigerator. Eggs are happiest in their cartons on a shelf. Don't try to be European and store your eggs outside the refrigerator; eggs in the United States, unlike in Europe, are washed before sale so they lose their protective outer layer. 

Mushrooms:  According to our friends at the Kitchn, commercial mushrooms (the ones you buy at the grocery store) are best left in their original packaging. Once you open it, wrap the whole package in plastic wrap. Wild mushrooms are best kept in a paper bag in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. 

Vegetables: All vegetables, minus the ones relegated to the countertop, are best stored in perforated plastic bags in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. To make sure they don't decompose prematurely, keep them away from ethylene-producing fruits: apples, stone fruits, mangoes, passion fruit, pears, and kiwis.

Fruit: Fruit, with the exception of melons, citrus, and bananas, should be stored in the refrigerator in a separate drawer from the vegetables. Do not wash your fruit until you are ready to eat it; the excess water quickens decomposition. Although whole lemons are best left out on the counter, lemons that have been zested -- but not juiced -- can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in the refrigerator. 

Cheese: According to Formaticum's blog, cheese should be wrapped in porous material for storage; cheese paper is the best, but waxed paper or parchment paper will also do the trick. Before storing, do a “face clean” of each cheese: scrape the surface with a non-serrated knife to remove any excess oil that may have “sweat out” at room temperature. Each cheese should be wrapped separately and marked with the name and date of purchase. Avoid plastic wrap at all costs -- as scientiest Harold McGee says in his book this article from Serious Eats.[/b]


Eggs in the door! Shame on us. Do as we say, not as we do. 

Meat:  Meat is best stored in the coldest section of the refrigerator: the bottom. Removing the retail packaging and rewrapping the meat in foil can extend its shelf life, but you should try to consume refrigerated meat within 4 days of purchase.

Fish:  Before refrigerating a piece of fish, dry it completely and wrap it in waxed paper. It will usually keep in the coldest part of your fridge for up to 2 days, but make sure to check the smell before you cook it; if it smells too fishy or has an off color, throw it out. For bonus points: 
store wrapped fish on a bed of ice (heaped in a bowl or shallow dish) in the fridge, and change as needed, à la Cooks Illustrated

Pies: According to Betty Crocker, pies containing eggs (custard or cream-based pies) should be stored loosely covered in the refrigerator.

Yeast: While yeast can last in the pantry, it's best stored in the refrigerator (or freezer, for long-term); once exposed to heat and light, it's easily killed. 

Herbs:  According to FOOD52-er RobertaJ  on this Hotline thread, basil, parsley, cilantro, and other leafy, water-based herbs should be treated like flowers: take off any twisty ties, trim a small amount off the stem ends, and plop the bunch into a tall glass of water. Cover the herbs loosely with a plastic bag, and they’ll stay fresh for at least a week. Hardier, oil-based herbs like thyme and rosemary can be wrapped in a damp paper towel and layered into plastic bags. Hotline MVP anitalectric  has a special tip for basil: wash, dry, and stem the basil when you get home from the market, and keep the leaves in a rolled-down plastic bag. They’ll stay fresh for 5 days.


Yeast likes to hang out in the fridge. Amanda also likes to keep "sensitive" oils in there. 



Meat:  Freezing uncooked meat in its original packaging is the best way to keep it for long periods of time. According to the  USDA, the maximum recommended freezer storage time for beef and lamb is 6 months; for veal, pork, and poultry, 4 months; and for seasoned sausage, 2 months.

Fish:  Fish can last in the freezer, according to the Perdue University Center for Animal Sciences, for up to 6 months; fattier fish, however, should not be frozen for over 3 months. For the best results, use the ice-glaze method provided by the National Center for Home Food Preservation: place the unwrapped fish in the freezer until completely frozen, dip the fish in near-freezing ice water, and place it back in the freezer to harden. Continue with this process until a uniform cover of ice is formed, then place the fish in a freezer bag for storage. As an alternative,according to the FDA  you can simply wrap your fish tightly in plastic, foil, or moisture-proof paper before freezing.

Pies and pie crusts:  You can freeze crusts and whole pies, baked or unbaked. According to Betty Crocker, an unbaked crust will keep for 2 months; an unbaked pie for 3 months; and a baked crust or pie for 4 months. 

Cake:  Un-cut, un-frosted cakes can be wrapped first in plastic wrap, then tin foil, and stored in the freezer for several months. To thaw, let the rounds spend a night in the refrigerator; cake needs to thaw slowly so that it can reabsorb its moisture.

Stock: Freeze stock in ice cube trays or muffin tins, then store the cubes/chunks in a freezer bag. That way, you can access a small amount of stock whenever a recipe calls for it. To save even more space, reduce the stock by 50 percent before you freeze it, then add water when you defrost it. According to Martha Stewart Living, frozen stock will last up to 2 months. You can also store leftover wine  in the same manner and use as needed. 

CoffeeCook's Illustrated  says the freezer is the best place to store ground coffee beans; they keep longer, and will retain thier well-rounded, roasted flavor.

Citrus Zest:  Here's a tip from the smart folks at The Kitchn: any time you use a lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange, take a few minutes to zest it. You can store the zest in the freezer in plastic bags for each fruit -- or if you’re feeling fancy, in individual, plastic-wrapped portions. 
I've always kept my ketchup in the fridge as well. Cold ketchup with hot French fries >>>> besides it says "For best results refrigerate after opening" on the bottle.
My parents stored ketchup in the pantry but I started keeping it in the fridge once I moved out. Try to abide by food labels as much as possible. HATE dealing with rancid/expired food...

I'll play, its a mess though..
View media item 226369Still learning how to manage proportions and leftovers. Feel like I'm throwing something out every week :smh:
More stale, but it slows mold compared to outside the fridge. If you're toasting the bread, then keeping it in the fridge works. 
This is true. I've found that if you're buying that 72-grain organic stuff it only has 3-4 days at room temperature before you see mold. You can also wrap your bread in tin-foil and keep it in the fridge if you wanna prevent it from going stale.
:stoneface: at putting a box of leftover pizza in the fridge. That's what the stove is for, fam.
at putting a box of leftover pizza in the fridge. That's what the stove is for, fam.

once I turned the oven on to like 350 I think, left it in there for about a few minutes (not enough to let the box burn, but enough to heat up) **** was 
Haven't had spam in about a decade.
I swear people think I'm crazy for liking Spam. Ate it since I was a kid and never outgrew it. Spam + white bread :smokin


once I turned the oven on to like 350 I think, left it in there for about a few minutes (not enough to let the box burn, but enough to heat up) **** was 
Its usually gone the next day so I never thought much on storage. I only use the oven to reheat it (Bake @ 350). Cant stand microwave pizza... And I have to order another one because the Papa Johns rewards points expire today. No Fat *** :lol:
I hate room-temp ketchup at home, but have no problem using it at restaurants. I never really questioned myself on that matter until this thread :lol: .
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