What's the best martial art for real life situations?

Jun 22, 2002
I don't know if this belongs in S&T, so mods can move if they like.

Me and a co-worker are looking to become police officers. Which martial art would be best to take so we can stun/neutralize/takedown a hostile individualquickly and most effectively? We were thinking of Hapkido, but I also just saw a brochure about BJJ and also Muay Thai. Any thoughts?
I would like to know too. Besides Krav maga, what would be the best Closed Quarter Combat fighting styles??? Or most effective?
I'm liking Krav Maga and Hapkido best, so far, but those two are pretty far from where I live compared to the others. BJJ seems too much like a sport...noway I would be putting a guy in an arm bar or ankle lock on the job. Muay Thai wouldn't be bad, I suppose.
wrestling, grappling type stuff. serious business. no joke. im not a wrestler in any form or fashion, just a hooper (if that).

wrestlers don't give up, ever, not wwe/wwf type stuff, the real form where wrestling came from.
I took Tae Kwon Do in 4th grade expecting to learn some good %@!+ but we didn't do anything but exercise, forms, and sparring
Waste of time, I could have been playing team sports instead
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by damelloyellow15


Nah, son. Especially if dude is taller.

Height dosent matter if you can get close cause then he has to punch down at you or swing in close. If you have the dodging, power and speed ANY body willfall. boxing thread/
OP Krav Manga IS NOT what you're looking for giving your particular situation.

Krav Manga teaches you to KILL your opponent in the quickest most effective way possible. Not defend yourself, not subdue, but neutralize a threat using anymeans possible. Targeting the testicles, throat, and pressure points are common practice.

Good luck staying on the force with that.

I'd go with a combination of striking and grappling martial arts. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and and Muy Thai are a great combination.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

OP Krav Manga IS NOT what you're looking for giving your particular situation.

Krav Manga teaches you to KILL your opponent in the quickest most effective way possible. Not defend yourself, not subdue, but neutralize a threat using any means possible. Targeting the testicles, throat, and pressure points are common practice.

Good luck staying on the force with that.

I'd go with a combination of striking and grappling martial arts. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and and Muy Thai are a great combination.

Yeah, I was considering that as well. I need to neutralize, but also can't be excessive. Plus, I'm going to be the one with the gun, so if they whipout a knife/gun/weapon, all that training would probably be useless.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Krav Manga teaches you to KILL your opponent in the quickest most effective way possible. Not defend yourself, not subdue, but neutralize a threat using any means possible. Targeting the testicles, throat, and pressure points are common practice.

Good luck staying on the force with that.
Yeah, or pretty much what the cops are looking to do anyways.
On the flipside, Krav Manga is the only one that will teach you to defend yourself with your hands against someone with a hand weapon. Obviously that would beuseful.

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Krav Manga teaches you to KILL your opponent in the quickest most effective way possible. Not defend yourself, not subdue, but neutralize a threat using any means possible. Targeting the testicles, throat, and pressure points are common practice.

Good luck staying on the force with that.
Yeah, or pretty much what the cops are looking to do anyways.
I second both Hapkido (more all around) and Krav Maga (more close range). Close quarters fighting is a lot easier when you learn not only how to generate forcebut use your oppenents' own attacks against them, a main principle in hapkido. Guns and knives can be a very real possiblity in any fight, and that'sessentially what Krav maga was developed for. Maybe a combo of both?

And for those that say krav maga is not what you are looking for, that's not true. It teaches you to neutralize the threat but that does NOT mean you AREREQUIRED to kill your oppenent. The techniques learned can be used to subdue the threat, render it disabled, or if they pose that much of a threat, killed. Anyform of martial arts gives you the power to kill your opponent, but that's if you take it to an extreme. Guarenteed if you take the gun or knife away froma street fighter who doesn't know %%*+, or you break one of there arms, they will be harmless. Killing your oppenent is totally up to you

Or just ...

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