What's the best martial art for real life situations?

haha i have taken many krav maga classes and it definetly isnt based on killing the quickest way possible........ u learn "self- defense" the wholebasis is to be able to defend yourself against one or more opponents, not kill people lmao
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

well i attended my first krav maga class ... lets just say i am in no type of shape and would get my *#* wooped by these dudes lol ... but i joined for the next 12 months so hopefully in a year i am more fit and learn how to defend myself in different situations ...

highlight of the first class was i got choked out by a 6'5 265 bodyguard and was able to effectively escape ...
I'm seriously considering goig to some classes as well. PM more with detail please
Originally Posted by mloonz88

haha i have taken many krav maga classes and it definetly isnt based on killing the quickest way possible........ u learn "self- defense" the whole basis is to be able to defend yourself against one or more opponents, not kill people lmao
yeah i was surprised to see how different it was compared to what people "say" about it ... i dont think ill be learning any secret killtactics
... my instructor went OD with some of the combos but i thinkthat was mostly for show ... now, could my instructor kill someone with ease? probably, but it definitely wasnt about that ...
O ... M ... G ...

i swear on everything that is good if you wanna get in shape and learn how to defend yourself / $%@% some dudes up, take krav maga ... ive done karate, tkd,played every type of sport etc... etc... and have never felt like this ... i feel like dying and like a bad +*% all at the same time ... but i know in my hearti am not @#**!%* with any of the dudes in my class ... they would annihilate me lol ...
Originally Posted by hypebeast21

guns kill people, martial arts don't kill people
you better be trained to use a gun and shoot quickly and efficiently ... cuz ive only been to 1 real class so far and i already learned how toeliminate a gun threat effectively ...
BJJ or krav maga would be my guess. i was gonna say capoeira since i've taken a few classes in that but now that i think about, eddie goro vs gun = rip.
The only problem with krav maga is that there are a lot of BS instructors out there trying to cash in on the "coolness" factor of it. That said, ifyou can find a good place to go to, it'd be a good choice. Anyways, you're not really fighting your opponent. All that disarming stuff you should learnin police school or whatever so I think most anything you'd learn would be beneficial.
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