What's the best prank you've ever pulled??

Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

well probably the adventures of harry pooper

one of our many senior pranks if you guys like this one i will post the others later but anyways i cutout a harry potter book so it was like hollow on the inside and then i glued the sides together so it could only open to the middle.... the book looked exactly like when it was purchased i then proceeded to give the book to my friend who pooped in it and then he gave it to someone else who put it in our school library next to all the other harry potter books well they found it like a month later because it smelled so bad

Damn bro, that is nasty +@!, but I gotta say that sounds pretty funny. Probably the best (which is minor compared some you guys) is sent my homeboy a bunch oftexts. At first I text him a bunch of times with a "; )". Then I got my friends to do it, then I got my manager to do it. My manager had copy andpaste on his phone and I didn't (this is before the iPhone 3.0 update). But then my manager got his friends to text him, we probably had like 50 peopletexting my homeboy "; )". My homeboy had a G1, and his phone shut down cuz he got too many texts. He called my all butt hurt and telling me to stop.It was pretty funny, he gets on some PMS +@! when he gets mad.
It was my HS senior prank and we got a bunch of white mice. We had garbage full of them and right before 4th period we let all the mice out in every floor. Wesyncronized all our watches so we can release them at the exact time. We let them go 45 seconds before the bell rang so it looked like there was a stampede ofmice coming down the halls.
Me and my boys stole a golf cart from this country club in the Oakland Hills and I also took a dump in the 9th hole
My Little Brother worked at a movie theater. They always had a $%*$%@%% of popcorn left over every night and would let kids take it home in big garbage bags. Igot him to save like 5 up one week cause I knew I could use them for later. I knew a kid that had a hide a key on his car and he was being a douche that week.We took the key, filled the car and watched from my friends house who lived across the street from dude the next morning.
Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by xfile 11

getting you guys to believe i fed my friend a peanut butter sandwich was the best prank i ever pulled


Anyways, a couple of months ago I broke my foot playing ball, but no one knew it. So when I went to school, I was tellin everyone who asked random stuff. Like I got jumped at the park, or I was runnin from the cops and fell off a fence or a car ran it over and everyone believed me
That's not really a prank...More like a big lie
Here's a decent one that happened recently:

So me and my boy were out doing a lil photo session with our cars last weekend and between shots, relocating, etc, we did little dumb stuff like"drifting" and take offs on this street where maybe two cars would ride by within 5 minutes. So some square who passed by decided to call the policeand tell that we were "street racing"... So by the time we got to this little gas station thing we found off one of the side rodes, like 5-6 policecars showed up asking if we were racing, checking ID's, tags and all that. So I took a few pics when all the cops showed up and finished harrassing andwhen we got back, we told my boys sister that we had all gotten tickets for street racing and got charges for running from the cops and that our fines were inthe thousands $. She ate it up and believed all of it because of the pics and she was scared as hell, all while were
inside and making up the story onthe fly.

She was almost about to cry and tell his moms because she was so scared and worried, so my dudes girlfriend told his sister that it was a joke and everybodycarried on with their lives.

Pics of said pic of cops (there were more further to the left):


Then the first cop that pulled up stayed behind after all the other cops left and asked if I could take pics of him in his Charger with our cars

Dude was cheesin all hard and turned on his lights and everything. These cops out here are wild...
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

It was my HS senior prank and we got a bunch of white mice. We had garbage full of them and right before 4th period we let all the mice out in every floor. We syncronized all our watches so we can release them at the exact time. We let them go 45 seconds before the bell rang so it looked like there was a stampede of mice coming down the halls.

I really want to try something like this... Where did you get all those mice?

Grad pranks are the craziest. I remember one school flipped our principal's car upside down...

Another year, they killed a dead cow and placed it on our turf
Took plain donuts and rolled them in baby powder and left them out in the breakroom. Everyone thought they were powder donuts and had the

This is my next prank I plan on doin to wifey
my roommate always left his laptop in the living room, turned on and plugged in. i changed his desktop to a broken screen and hid the taskbar and all theicons. and i put it on the floor in an awkward position. he woke up and went straight to his laptop and was shook. asking people if they saw it fall over. hecalled the computer company to see if he had warranty and all that. had him going for an hour.
Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

It was my HS senior prank and we got a bunch of white mice. We had garbage full of them and right before 4th period we let all the mice out in every floor. We syncronized all our watches so we can release them at the exact time. We let them go 45 seconds before the bell rang so it looked like there was a stampede of mice coming down the halls.

I really want to try something like this... Where did you get all those mice?

Grad pranks are the craziest. I remember one school flipped our principal's car upside down...

Another year, they killed a dead cow and placed it on our turf

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

It was my HS senior prank and we got a bunch of white mice. We had garbage full of them and right before 4th period we let all the mice out in every floor. We syncronized all our watches so we can release them at the exact time. We let them go 45 seconds before the bell rang so it looked like there was a stampede of mice coming down the halls.

I really want to try something like this... Where did you get all those mice?

Grad pranks are the craziest. I remember one school flipped our principal's car upside down...

Another year, they killed a dead cow and placed it on our turf

i was about to say how u gon kill a dead cow? haha
Originally Posted by Th3Ownly

well probably the adventures of harry pooper

one of our many senior pranks if you guys like this one i will post the others later but anyways i cutout a harry potter book so it was like hollow on the inside and then i glued the sides together so it could only open to the middle.... the book looked exactly like when it was purchased i then proceeded to give the book to my friend who pooped in it and then he gave it to someone else who put it in our school library next to all the other harry potter books well they found it like a month later because it smelled so bad
Post your other pranks.
I might need ideas for future times.
this happened during a time where my roommate and i were pulling small pranks on each other all the time, kind of a back and forward thing.

one night, my roommate and i were chillin in the room, ready to knock out and just chatting. our other roommate (the one who i wanted to prank/scare) is in theshower. i hide under a small desk that is right next to the double doors that lead to our bedroom. we turn off all the lights and when the target finishedshowering, my roommate told him that i went downstairs to get a cup of water and that he should stand behind one door and scare the %%!! outta me when i getup. dude's all quick and starts turning off the shower lights and running to the door all ninja-like (he stubs his toe and it starts bleeding btw). sothere he is, thinking he's gonna get me, hiding behind the door. and there i am, trying to keep from laughing as i see him waiting right in front of me.

i pretty much crawl out and jump while making the most insanely freaky noise ever and dude just starts backing up into the corner of the wall and screaminglike a dying animal for a good 5 seconds. couldn't stop laughing for 15 minutes. pure comedy.
Originally Posted by nyrican23

Took plain donuts and rolled them in baby powder and left them out in the breakroom. Everyone thought they were powder donuts and had the

This is my next prank I plan on doin to wifey
man hope your couch is comfortable.

but please do post pics/vids.

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Ordered like $60 worth of food at Wendy's and threw a carton of eggs into the chicks face at the window. +!%@ was hilarious.
this has got to be the stupidest "prank"i've ever seen. reminiscent of those little privileged kids who were throwing soda in the faces of servers at the window. folks are not getting paidenough working at fast food restaurants to be dealing with this crap.
Probably putting a thumbtack on this kids chair in science class.
His +!@ was lookin' like Mick Foley's.
When I was in 10th grade.. My sister and two cousins prank called a large group of people from our school... It went on each week for 2 years. We pretended tobe "Clairece" and some other characters I don't remember.. Lol. Then in my senior will, my cousin and I willed our entire school,"Clairece" ... Not sure if anyone got it.
This dude at my school made a "Mixtape" on youtube of his "highlights" from Freshman Basketball.
A. The dude rode the bench
B. He had to literally cry for the coach and give him a sob story to make team
C. Mixtape shows him missing shots (He was a Center, so mostly Layups)

So I decide to comment the video as a College basketball recruiter for a Division 2 school. I search and find a school called Armstrong Atlantic State in GA Ibelieve, and pose as a recruiter saying how we will be following his progress and how his game looks good. Dude messages me back asking for info, to which Icopy info from their Wiki, and talk about the teams record and how our school is use to winners because we won the Division 2 Tennis Title. He believes it tobe legit, and comes to school trying to rub it in to our varsity guys about how he is getting scouted. I go as far as customizing a polo with their logo andhaving my friend's Dad wear it to our game and hold a clipboard. Dude still has no idea it isn't for real.
had beef with my room mate so i superglued all these pictures on his wall when he went home for break. wasnt that bad but dudes a hothead, so his reactionalone made this priceless

this was on his ceiling

ive done way worse @#$% but i cant remember them right now
This is my brother and friend's prank that they pulled on me. I was 20 and really liked to workout at night. Especially jogging, because the cool windwould feel good when I'm sweating, and there were less cars around. So my brother and our friends knew the route I always ran. They asked me what time Iwas running that day and I told them. This night, I decided to jog with my brother, and it was around 11pm. Into the jog for about 25 minutes. I see a car withmasked men ride besides me. I was thinking my brother ,and I were getting jacked. So I grabbed my brother's hand and started running faster and trying toelude them. The masked men got ahead of us, and stopped the car. 5 dudes came out with bats and started running our way.
I was yelling at my brother to run with me. My brother decided to stay and fight them. I was like WTH??? Little did I know, he was in on the prank. Well sincehe stood there, I didn't leave him, and I decided to stay and duke it out. The first masked guy hit me with the bat, and I was blocking it with my forearm.I didn't break my arm to my surprise because the bat was one of those tee ball plastic bats for kids. They decided to jump on my brother, and then I swungon one of the masked men, and as I was swinging, I saw my friend's face( he was the only one not wearing a mask. I was like "OMG, SAM WHAT ARE YOUDOING?") Once I recognized Sam, my other boys took off their mask and were dying. The expression on my face was priceless, when I saw Sam. My boys latertold me, they pulled the prank because I was M.I.A. for like six months and not partying with them, so they wanted to see what's up. I was really intobeing fit, so drinking and getting that beer belly was not what I wanted. And my boys wanted to see if I would run on my brother in a situation like that orstay back and fight with him. I guess I passed their silly prank, but man that was one of the best sleep I had in a night.
I pull alotta pranks but this by far was the best:

It was this one cats 21st birthday that me and my friends had lost touch with, i texted him earlier in the day telling him happy birthday turns out he got anew phone and didnt have any ones number. Keep in mind this was early january in Chicago. So later that night me and two of my boys come up wit a prank we texthim from one of my boys phone claiming to be an ex girlfriend and telling him how much she has missed and wanted to give him a bday gift.. this guy was at abar in downtown chicago and she lived in a suburb of chicago about 40 minutes away from where he was. So we convince him to leave the bar and go to her house,he is askin to call her and we make up dumb excuses tha her mic doesnt work and he bought it while he was heading there me and my two buddies hit the road tothis girls house and wait, it was during a snow storm and the guy was drunk so it must of been hell for him.. by the time he gets there its 2 am and hestumbling up to the door probably excited that he is getting some birthday sex... He knocks on the door AND HER CURRENT BOYFRIEND ANSWERS!! ROFL then we punchit down the laughing at him out the window... havent heard from him since......
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