What's the best prank you've ever pulled??

Originally Posted by YO GetOFFmyKickZ

Originally Posted by HardWork919

Originally Posted by YO GetOFFmyKickZ

had a kickback at the homies house on Superbowl Sunday.. had some beers. carne asada. all the good stuff.. after the GREAT game(one of my faves SB this decade.) we played some shot checkers.. pretty much got %!#! faced the rest of the night.. my rookie friend just happen to pass it out early in the night( bad move).. i went to the fridge.. got a spoonfull of some skippy EXTRA CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER and slipped it in his butt... lol NO MO.
well the next morning this mo.fo wakes up all hungover.. gets up off the floor.. and reluctently digs into his shorts( his facial expression was priceless) he takes his hand out, all full with the extra chunky pb and and SNIFFS IT!! lol.. it was too funny.. needless to say, he realized it was only Peanut butter and not his own dookie.. took the prank like a champ and just hit the shower..... good times.

How you gonna stick some peanut butter in your man's doo-doo shooter and then say "no mo" I swear this %$+$ is an epidemic...

Worst prank I ever pulled was telling my mom that I had gotten this girl pregnant... I was freaking out and in the end, I told her I just called because I wanted money... she still gets mad with me to this day about it... she probably won't believe me when it actually happens...

.. you dudes acting like i pulled homies pants down and spread them cheecks in order to do so.. i lifted his waistband and slipped the peanut butter off the spoon onti his behind.. dont see whats so gay bout that but w.e... it was hella funny anyways.

alrite i dont believe you. you know dang well you applied the decoy doodoo directly to da defecation creation. you just changed ur story when you realized itwas pretty "mo". just sayin
Originally Posted by Dwadefan

Thanks my dude. Video is right here but comment is gone. I was AASUBball (Armstrong Atlantic State University)

http://www.youtube.com/v/3mgDFun82-M&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/3mgDFun82-M&hl=en&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/3mgDFun82-M&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/3mgDFun82-M&hl=en&fs=1& http://www.youtube.com/v/3mgDFun82-M&hl=en&fs=1&http://www.youtube.com/v/3mgDFun82-M&hl=en&fs=1&


Why did he put clips of him on the block while other people are shooting free throws??
Photoshopped my homie's face into a homosexual picture. He had no idea it was me

This guy has jokes for real and will clown you, but the expression on his face when he saw the photoshop was priceless. We printed tons of copies and even putit on the fridge for his sisters to see when they came to visit him
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Ordered like $60 worth of food at Wendy's and threw a carton of eggs into the chicks face at the window. +!%@ was hilarious.

I wouldve come out the window knock your *** out
called a donut shop here in austin owned by Indians....told them i had a big order for my brother, and his name was "Mitur Benesderty (my turban is dirty)and got them to say it aloud 5 times... hahaha

Why did he put clips of him on the block while other people are shooting free throws??

this has got to be one of the worst mixtapes ever.� my question is, who thehell was sitting there, recording this dude? why would they waste camera battery and tape on this guy?

ol'lanky todd fuller lookin dude...
Ok so you call one Chinese restaurant and ask to order take out. They say yes. You then ask to hold for one second so you can ask your wifey what she wants toeat. They say ok. At this time you put them on hold and call up another Chinese restaurant(on the same phone, 3 way call). As soon as the second restaurantpicks up you merge the calls (works easily on an iphone). Then they proceed to argue with eachother debating who called who and what eachother wants to order.It gets me
Originally Posted by hic57999

Ok so you call one Chinese restaurant and ask to order take out. They say yes. You then ask to hold for one second so you can ask your wifey what she wants to eat. They say ok. At this time you put them on hold and call up another Chinese restaurant(on the same phone, 3 way call). As soon as the second restaurant picks up you merge the calls (works easily on an iphone). Then they proceed to argue with eachother debating who called who and what eachother wants to order. It gets me

I'm doing that tomorrow...
Originally Posted by HardWork919

Originally Posted by hic57999

Ok so you call one Chinese restaurant and ask to order take out. They say yes. You then ask to hold for one second so you can ask your wifey what she wants to eat. They say ok. At this time you put them on hold and call up another Chinese restaurant(on the same phone, 3 way call). As soon as the second restaurant picks up you merge the calls (works easily on an iphone). Then they proceed to argue with eachother debating who called who and what eachother wants to order. It gets me

I'm doing that tomorrow...
nice one
Best prank I ever did...

I was at my girls dorm on her computer and all of a sudden I see myself sign on to AIM. So I'm like well it must be my roommate using my computer (his wasbroke at the time I think) so I was like I'm gonna IM him (from my girls screen name) and see if he pretends to be me or not. I talked to him for about5-10 mins and he didnt say that it wasnt me so I decided to mess with him, and I told him that I (him thinking I was my girlfriend) was pregnant. On AIM hejust types "Oh." and immediately my phone rings and its him like "Dude... you need to get back to the dorm right now... I'm not telling youwhy you just need to get back right now" so I made him come pick me up from somewhere else on campus and as soon as I got in the car I just busted outlaughing

and another time in high school there was this kid we didnt like in one of my classes and he was alergic to peanuts, so one day we put peanut butter under hisdesk and he was sneezing all class and couldnt figure it out
I feel kind bad about itlooking back but damn it was funny at the time, he was a $!@%@%%*@ tho so whatever
and no, I didnt just steal that from dude on the first page
Just did it this weekend too.

My family and I go to a resturant and invite another family member who comes a little late. But before he comes, we tell the waitress that its his/hers B-Day.So when he's eating, all the waitress come in and start singing happy birthday. And his face expression is priceless. We did this in a chevy resturantwhere they also give you a sombarro. He's like, " what the . . . its my b-day."

We have done it to many of our family members and now nobody wants to go out and eat with us.
Originally Posted by HisRoyalFreshness69

My roommate hooked up with a chick a couple weeks prior to the prank. I changed the girl's phone number to mine in his phone. I text him saying that I (the girl) had chlamydia and he should get tested. Let's just say he wasn't too happy when he found out it was me

Originally Posted by ecko89

Damn bro, that is nasty +@!, but I gotta say that sounds pretty funny. Probably the best (which is minor compared some you guys) is sent my homeboy a bunch of texts. At first I text him a bunch of times with a "; )". Then I got my friends to do it, then I got my manager to do it. My manager had copy and paste on his phone and I didn't (this is before the iPhone 3.0 update). But then my manager got his friends to text him, we probably had like 50 people texting my homeboy "; )". My homeboy had a G1, and his phone shut down cuz he got too many texts. He called my all butt hurt and telling me to stop. It was pretty funny, he gets on some PMS +@! when he gets mad.


I dont know why I find this so hilarious.
Originally Posted by hic57999

Ok so you call one Chinese restaurant and ask to order take out. They say yes. You then ask to hold for one second so you can ask your wifey what she wants to eat. They say ok. At this time you put them on hold and call up another Chinese restaurant(on the same phone, 3 way call). As soon as the second restaurant picks up you merge the calls (works easily on an iphone). Then they proceed to argue with eachother debating who called who and what eachother wants to order. It gets me
I had to think of one...back in 2005 my roommate was applying for a job at Wells Fargo. He had his resume open on the computer, and under"Qualifications" me and my other roommate wrote, "I ain't never stole %#%+." He printed it out and took it to his interview, and had toreschedule once he read it over right before he was supposed to meet with the interviewer.
Back in kindergarten, I didn't like this kid because he made fun of my dad being overweight and picked on me, so I convinced him to drink this "applejuice" which was actually my friend's piss.
ok so another one is when we were in college at the dorms we broke into this girls room via credit card and then i set up my computer to record and turned thecontrast all the way down.... after that one of my friends hid in their closet we also like moved one bed on top of another and other stuff to their room inthe video keep in mind the time between us leaving and them coming in is about 10 minutes

RIP to my man in the scream costume Miss you modic
that last one was not me just a random video

but another one was in high school on the last day we let a python loose in the cafeteria

another one was we hid milk in the ceiling and let it brew and then after about two months we could knock it down and it would drip from the ceiling onto thecarpet and smell the whole floor of the school up ohh the havoc that milk caused

if you guys are still interested i have more
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