What's the best/worst/weirdest/ compliment you've received?

May 12, 2019
On two separate occasions, I've been told I walk like Denzel... money in my stride :pimp::pimp:
what bout you guys?
I was just walking in the mall and this crazy guy in a wheelchair calls me a fn ******. I just ignored him and went my way. He probably is one
Just this morning I woke up to a chick on a dating app saying I look like a "fun idiot"..... with some heart emojis attached. Da fugg??

Wtf man, that’s a damn insult yo :lol: :smh:

As for me....

Best: ex tapping out because she said I was “big”

Worst: cute cashier called me “Muchacho” (young guy in Spanish) I was at least 10 years older than her.

Weirdest: Called “Sympatico” .....but an old white guy said it to me as we were crossing paths at the store. I stopped dead in my tracks for a few seconds after he said it.
I get a lot of comments on my voice. Weirdest has been "you should read audiobooks." I don't think it's that deep. But a lot of women think it is.
I get told all kinds of wild stuff. Once, not only was I told I look like I have kids, I was told I look like I take good care of my kids. Yea they’re pretty manageable. :lol: I also had a guy tell me he thought I was a college professor. This was after a 5 minute conversation. Wth? :lol:
“You look like you could be one of the werewolves from Twilight.”

“You have great eyebrows, where do you get them done?”
"you're a hard worker" is the best compliment that people always tell me at work because it's truu. I spent a lot of time studying and working multiple jobs to get to the position I'm at so it's always rewarding when someone tells me that

im also an introvert at heart but my secret talent is dancing and singing so im always prepared when it's time to boogie at social events that have music. i aint even gone lie bruhs, i love the attention i get from women out of it... i can see it in their eyes
This girl I was dating, said I have pretty toes for a guy, and wanted to suck them.

Girl I went to school with, we had 9th grade English together. The teacher use to always make me read out loud. On the phone one night she said I read really well, and that it’s sexy as hell and turns her on.

I was like.... okayyyy

Me and my brother were working on a busy street one day. We’re construction foreman so, we were picking up some forms, to put in place to pour concrete. Some lady passing by in a car said “You better lay that pipe boy” older black lady :lol: :l:rofl:

but probably the best was of my lil homies saying “man, I look up to you bro, you’re a great role model”
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A while ago I visited Chicago and I ate at this ramen place in China town.

A lady sitting behind me said my slurp was good.
This girl I was dating, said I have pretty toes for a guy, and wanted to suck them.

Girl I went to school with, we had 9th grade English together. The teacher use to always make me read out loud. On the phone one night she said I read really well, and that it’s sexy as hell and turns h:lol:

I was like.... okayyyy
so can i call u to verify?
A while ago I visited Chicago and I ate at this ramen place in China town.

A lady sitting behind me said my slurp was good.
What happened next
Had this one girl tell me at a party I was sophisticated and dignified compared to most of the men in her life and at said party. **** was odd cause I wasn't even going at her, my boy was.

A girl I who I ended up briefly dating like a year back said I was husband material and hard to hate. Treated that like a green light and got her number immediately

One of my close acquaintances friends apparently felt like I was anti social and standoffish. Didn't really care though cause he was man. **** sounded like weakness on his part to me, respectfully
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