What's the grimiest thing you've ever done?

If it was any other dude, I'd believe that. I know that wisdom my dude.

Not this dude though, definition of beta. Felt sorry for the dude honestly, son stood about 5'3 and was addicted to Dr. Who, weighed about 130. He was a huge fan of that Donald Glover dude too, definition of wack. My dude used to RELISH in the fact that he wasn't getting buns. Instant broad repellant my g, couldn't go with this N nowhere! 

If your aim was to insult me...it worked. 
 Nah just messing with you fam. Like you said, as long as you know that wisdom, you know what time it is. 
my girl atm caught me cheatin on her.this was late night.i was driving to take her home , girl  threw a full can coke at my windshield. it cracked. i then changed my mind and said im going to my place. on the street by my place while we was driving she pulled the emergency brake. scared the ish out of me . 

  pulled in my driveway. i didnt punch her in the face but  i  head butted her. beat her *** in the front seat of my ride . then she told me she was calling the pigs. i snapped her phone in half.we talked and calmed down.  she apoligized and everything was  cool., she had it coming tho so cant say if this qualfies.

i treated my girl like ish . We were  each others first and were together 4 years. I cheated on her, slept with her friends, beat her a few times. She was a good girl and  she always listened to me. I got her pregs 4 times but  she always aborted cuz i promised her one day i'd give her a kid when the time was right. She showed me mad love, 
told me she wanted to take care of me  and never have me work. She is now with a dude who stays home and take care of their kid and she works and is becomin a  r.n.. 
  I dissed her for my ex wife who i treated really good but she was truly a piece of ish and treated me worst then i treated the girl that loved me. karma got me i got it worst. i think back like what a scumbag i used to be. 

You a POS.

damn son, i thought I was a bad boyfriend... jeez
this thread isfull of grimey ****, i love it, these stories be keeping me entertained at school and work

feed me moar
I don't know what's worse, some of dirt dudes confessing or PAMFs in here judging. :smh:
Theres a thin like between being a player and just flat out being weak for the box.

If you dont have some kind of code of ethics with that **** and you smashing youre homie's girl and whatnot, you just weak for ***** and them os smashing you.
-Stole my BM debit card and emptied her account...1500, bought my daughter some **** and blew the rest.

-took out school loans in my cousin name and didn't give him a dime

- used to use this fat chick for money, food, *****, and head, told her I had aids to get her to stop talking to me, she cried and still sucked me 15 mins later

-at the mall with my lil _, told dude I was ready to go and he proceeds to say **** what I said and say he was going to a jewelry store and told me to wait....left his *** at the mall

-spray painted fat ***** on a chick car

-****** my ex's best friend and they fell out because of it
I don't think my story is as crazy as some of ya but i got one when i was working at subways during my teenage years, a customer was really bugging me and i was in a bad mood , i had long hair at the time and this guy ordered a chicken breast sandwhich, i notice a 1 piece of hair fell in the sandwhich and i left it there to cook in the oven, when the food came out i saw the hair melted in the chicken and just covered it with lettuce and other veggies, dude ate it like it was nothing and went about his day. I still don't feel bad because he was treating me like crap.

Another story, in 5th grade yugioh was popping at the time, i had a strong deck of cards, I face this asian girl in my class who was new to the game, soo we playing and im thinking im winning cuz im killing her monsters left and right, about 10 mins later she hit me with the exodius :smh: ( if you don't reember, once these 5 cards of exodius is summon you automatically lose ) so i was salty as hell, days go by and i see her and she just had her cards there and i saw the chance to take it so I did, took the 5 cards on some weevel underwood type ish when he took yugi cards in episode 1 She went crazy looking for it but I didnt give a F.

damn you know how hard it is to get all 5 of those cards? I wouldve cried for the longest time
Theres a thin like between being a player and just flat out being weak for the box.

If you dont have some kind of code of ethics with that **** and you smashing youre homie's girl and whatnot, you just weak for ***** and them os smashing you.
but i like bein da **** every once in a while, have shorty hit me on the late night creep, **** my brains out, and then she kick me out

real talk, its been a fantasy of mine to let a team of thotties (like 8 deep) run a trizzy on me (im not domin tho) 
paid a stripper for the p, felt cheated and so much like a sucka afterwards

couple weeks later swiped some jewelry out her purse and pawned it

kinda grimy, but kinda not
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-Stole my BM debit card and emptied her account...1500, bought my daughter some **** and blew the rest.

-took out school loans in my cousin name and didn't give him a dime

- used to use this fat chick for money, food, *****, and head, told her I had aids to get her to stop talking to me, she cried and still sucked me 15 mins later

-at the mall with my lil _, told dude I was ready to go and he proceeds to say **** what I said and say he was going to a jewelry store and told me to wait....left his *** at the mall

-spray painted fat ***** on a chick car

-****** my ex's best friend and they fell out because of it

So F'd up
Theres a thin like between being a player and just flat out being weak for the box.

If you dont have some kind of code of ethics with that **** and you smashing youre homie's girl and whatnot, you just weak for ***** and them os smashing you.

needed to hear this
My friend's fam was watching me while my parents were on vacation when I was in the 4th grade. Me and the younger bro were sleeping in the basement. It was Sunday so i knew if we woke up the folks would make us go to church. He had to go upstairs to take a leak. Told him he couldn't and made him piss behind the TV.
When I was like 17 I aint have a whip at the time so this fat ***** use to drive me and my girl around and they was like bff. We would drop my girl off first then she would dome me up before I went in my crib. Not that bad but I look back now like damn she ain't eem know.
Neighboring high school kids were having a pool party. I was in the 5th grade. Snuck up in the woods with my wrist rocket and shot some random dude in the arm with an acorn at about 120 mph on some twisted Dennis the Menace steez.

For those that don't know what a wrist rocket is
I haven't done too much grimy stuff on my own in my life, but I've been involved in some group efforts.  Here are two tales that come to mind:

When I was in elementary school I had a solid crew of kids on my block that I used to hang out with.  However, there was one kid that lived further down the block that was kind of the odd man out.  He was scrawny and nerdy so we would never invite him to come out and play football/basketball/hockey/whatever, and any time he would walk past us we would be mean for no good reason.  At some point in time he started riding his bike around the block everyday around 4 in the afternoon.  After noticing the pattern, this kid Brian from the group had the idea of having us all pee in a cup so he could throw it on him as he rode past.  We all pee in the cup, leave it on the curb, and wait for him to ride by as we play basketball.  We see him coming down the road so Brian goes for the cup and we all keep playing like nothing's up.  As he passes, Brian nails him in the face with the cup of piss and the kid swerves is bike, hits the curb and goes flying into the grass.  We all start rolling laughing, and the kid gets up crying and rides straight back home.  Luckily the only kid to get in trouble for it was the kid Brian that actually threw the cup of piss, but I've felt horrible about it since the aftermath. Him and his family upped and moved a few months later.  Wish I could find a way to apologize to him.

My best friend from high school's house was pretty much the flophouse for our group.  He lived right on the main strip of town, so we'd all meet there to skate/cause trouble.  One night me and another kid are sleeping over his house.  It's 4 AM and we're all bored to death.  We decide to go to the shopping center next to his house to skate.  About 10 minutes into skating we see a truck pull up to the bagel place across the street.  The driver gets out with a huge garbage bag in his hand.  He plops it on the doorstep, gets in the truck, and drives away.  Curious, we go over to see what's in the bag only to find that it's filled with fresh bakery rolls.  We all look at each other, nod our heads, swipe the bag, and bring it back to his house to have a feast.  Buttered rolls and PB&Js for days.  After doing this the one time, we would do it probably once a week for a month (one time I drove there on my own and swiped a bag to bring back to a party 
).  However, the kid that was with us (the one that didn't live across the street) started telling people about our roll-stealing escapades, so a bunch of people started hitting up this bagel spot to steal their rolls.  Finally one group of kids tried to swipe a bag one night when the front door of the bagel place swung open and the owner came out swinging a baseball bat.  He ended up hurting one kid pretty bad, and the whole group of friends ended up getting arrested.  Very thankful that didn't happen to me the one time I did it alone.
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