What's the grimiest thing you've ever done?


So in other words........trust NO ONE
Not everybody operates like that. Money ain't everything to everybody.

Some folk would sell their own children
i would most definitely sell my sperm to a sperm bank
You would suck a d for a bill? I would be scarred for life just knowing what i did to get all this money
I told y'all.

I don't even believe that list, never trust somebody that would do anything for money...
i wouldnt do ANYTHING for money tho, you not good at readin
Smashed roommates ex girl repeatedly, basically lived at her house. Dude was still infatuated with her and would always tell me about his feelings for her and their relationship of the past, smh. We operated in the same circle of friends, so everybody knew everybody. Son thought that she had me in the friendzone, which she did, but with the benefit of smashing on some mutual pleasure type steez. Me & her are still tight to this day. Lawd...thinking back, we had sex while he was there a few times, but I just told him it was a chick I met at happy hour if it came up 

On top of that, the chick who was my main at the time was his best friend, she didn't know we were smashing either...if she had I'm sure they both would have plotted to murder me. 

Shorty can keep a secret, I respect that. One of my bestfriends now, real talk.

Dude was mad lame, shorty told me he didn't even like the getting the schmops. 

Not the grimiest thing I've ever done, but I was just thinking about it and I felt horrible, lol. 
This thread is like the grimy confessions thread..

I mean I thought I was bad for cheating on my ex, y'all out here Lacin drugs, beatin girls, stomping dudes out.

As long as it's in your past man. Nobody likes a 30 year old grimey dude.
And it's threads like this why I should never ever get **** for drunk driving occasionally.

I seriously don't know how some of you live with yourself.

Y'all do y'all thing though, I'm glad I don't have none of y'all in my circle.
And it's threads like this why I should never ever get **** for drunk driving occasionally.

I seriously don't know how some of you live with yourself.

Y'all do y'all thing though, I'm glad I don't have none of y'all in my circle.

The crazy thing is, these the same dudes that be in the threads ready to hang somebody for playing "the knockout game" or say that people who get shot deserved to die because they didn't stop running from the cops or something, or stealing from Walmart warrants getting beat the **** down :smh:

****** is funny b :lol:
I don't think my story is as crazy as some of ya but i got one when i was working at subways during my teenage years, a customer was really bugging me and i was in a bad mood , i had long hair at the time and this guy ordered a chicken breast sandwhich, i notice a 1 piece of hair fell in the sandwhich and i left it there to cook in the oven, when the food came out i saw the hair melted in the chicken and just covered it with lettuce and other veggies, dude ate it like it was nothing and went about his day. I still don't feel bad because he was treating me like crap.

Another story, in 5th grade yugioh was popping at the time, i had a strong deck of cards, I face this asian girl in my class who was new to the game, soo we playing and im thinking im winning cuz im killing her monsters left and right, about 10 mins later she hit me with the exodius :smh: ( if you don't reember, once these 5 cards of exodius is summon you automatically lose ) so i was salty as hell, days go by and i see her and she just had her cards there and i saw the chance to take it so I did, took the 5 cards on some weevel underwood type ish when he took yugi cards in episode 1 She went crazy looking for it but I didnt give a F.
When I was in 1st grade, there was this special education student in the class and he would panic when the lights were off..............

when the teacher would leave to go talk to the next door teacher or RR, i would turn off the lights and he would go crazy......

when my gf broke up with me, I told her mom I had banged her daughter on her bed (mothers bed) this was in high school.
My man idgaf how you classify sins in your flawed life but there's only one judgment maker I'm worried about and it's not you.
i never proclaimed myself judgement maker, haha we all lived a flawed life bud, you keep living in your if I swat a fly its as bad as a kinder garden massacre sin is sin mentality, idgaf either, but I'm sure your judgement maker you are worried about would be more inclined to agree with me :wink:
Yeah I guess you met him before and he told you that too :lol:
^Your roommate was def smashing your "main" piece too. Bleed'at.
If it was any other dude, I'd believe that. I know that wisdom my dude.

Not this dude though, definition of beta. Felt sorry for the dude honestly, son stood about 5'3 and was addicted to Dr. Who, weighed about 130. He was a huge fan of that Donald Glover dude too, definition of wack. My dude used to RELISH in the fact that he wasn't getting buns. Instant broad repellant my g, couldn't go with this N nowhere! 

If your aim was to insult me...it worked. 
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