What's the grimiest thing you've ever done?

-Stole my BM debit card and emptied her account...1500, bought my daughter some **** and blew the rest.

-took out school loans in my cousin name and didn't give him a dime

- used to use this fat chick for money, food, *****, and head, told her I had aids to get her to stop talking to me, she cried and still sucked me 15 mins later

-at the mall with my lil _, told dude I was ready to go and he proceeds to say **** what I said and say he was going to a jewelry store and told me to wait....left his *** at the mall

-spray painted fat ***** on a chick car

-****** my ex's best friend and they fell out because of it
You my man, are what we call CRUDDY. Damn lol
[emoji]128530[/emoji] Karma has come to me for damn near all of that...my BM deserved that tho that's the one thing I dnt feel bad about at all

That's what some people aren't getting. FOr every grimey thing I ever did I somehow made amends or did my time for what I did. Yea I got away wit a lot. But god punished me in other ways too. I have not got In any trouble with Johnny law in 5 years, yet , I'm still paying fines for my actions, I still lost my driving privileges for a decade, 20-30 prime years of your life. 25 now. Everybody I stole from except dealers got paid back. I keep losing people I love in my life. I definitely ain't no saint, at the same time this thread managed too make me of all people realize. Really wasn't THAT bad.. Also realized how much I've grown since then. At the same time. This ish definitely brings da LOLz
[emoji]128530[/emoji] Karma has come to me for damn near all of that...my BM deserved that tho that's the one thing I dnt feel bad about at all
repppsss.....you a good dude if thats the only bad thing you done to ur bm. 

same here bro all the things ive done ive gotten them paid  back to me so much worst. i'm the type of person to learn from  getting my *** kicked. it made me change. i think about how i want to do nothing but live straight now and get some good karma my way. 
I don't think my story is as crazy as some of ya but i got one when i was working at subways during my teenage years, a customer was really bugging me and i was in a bad mood , i had long hair at the time and this guy ordered a chicken breast sandwhich, i notice a 1 piece of hair fell in the sandwhich and i left it there to cook in the oven, when the food came out i saw the hair melted in the chicken and just covered it with lettuce and other veggies, dude ate it like it was nothing and went about his day. I still don't feel bad because he was treating me like crap.

Another story, in 5th grade yugioh was popping at the time, i had a strong deck of cards, I face this asian girl in my class who was new to the game, soo we playing and im thinking im winning cuz im killing her monsters left and right, about 10 mins later she hit me with the exodius :smh: ( if you don't reember, once these 5 cards of exodius is summon you automatically lose ) so i was salty as hell, days go by and i see her and she just had her cards there and i saw the chance to take it so I did, took the 5 cards on some weevel underwood type ish when he took yugi cards in episode 1 She went crazy looking for it but I didnt give a F.

dude said weevel underwood :rofl:

My friend's fam was watching me while my parents were on vacation when I was in the 4th grade. Me and the younger bro were sleeping in the basement. It was Sunday so i knew if we woke up the folks would make us go to church. He had to go upstairs to take a leak. Told him he couldn't and made him piss behind the TV.

:rofl: this one literally had me in tears.
I went to school with my boy Roberto from 3rd to 8th grade. Dude was always a good kid but NEVER gave a damn. He was always weird and the pervert of the group, although at the time it was just funny. By like the 8th grade, EVERY chick in the class had seen his ****.

I never threatened him into doing anything, I contributed to the peer pressure but he never did it because of the peer pressure. I believe he mainly did it out of ignorance, need for attention, etc. So here's some of the stuff I kind of had him do.

in the third grade he was one of my bounty hunters and he used to steal yu-gi-oh cards for me. One time I had a fake egyptian god card, he knew it was fake, and I made him put his face in the mud for it.

5th grade during sex ed we made him ask all of the stupid questions.

6th and 7th grade he did all kinds of stupid stuff. One time we grabbed this douchebags PE clothes and put it in the urinal, he straight peed all over it while laughing uncontrollably. douche bag guy confronted him and he put him in the **** and made him tappout.

No lie, he got suspended at least once a semester. In kinder he got suspended for peeing in the plants.

8th grade we used to turn off the lights in the locker room rumble. I used to ALWAYS go for the same kid. Dude didn't know it was me and got fed up one day so he kicked some other dude straight in the balls.

Roberto used to have us shove him into girls and he would grab their boobs.

last but not least after the San Jose bike party we were chilling at my friends house. Like four of us. One of the guy's was the younger cousin of another friend. So it's about 3am and everybody is asleep. One dude is jerking off to playhouse disney. Dude gets up and straight cums ALL OVER the younger cousin's shirt.
also, one time in the 7th grade this one dude used to always have THE WORST haircuts ever. Somebody asked him what kind of fade he was rocking and I answered with "Fregado Fade." (****** up fade). No lie, they kept calling him this till senior year.
I don't think my story is as crazy as some of ya but i got one when i was working at subways during my teenage years, a customer was really bugging me and i was in a bad mood , i had long hair at the time and this guy ordered a chicken breast sandwhich, i notice a 1 piece of hair fell in the sandwhich and i left it there to cook in the oven, when the food came out i saw the hair melted in the chicken and just covered it with lettuce and other veggies, dude ate it like it was nothing and went about his day. I still don't feel bad because he was treating me like crap.

Another story, in 5th grade yugioh was popping at the time, i had a strong deck of cards, I face this asian girl in my class who was new to the game, soo we playing and im thinking im winning cuz im killing her monsters left and right, about 10 mins later she hit me with the exodius
( if you don't reember, once these 5 cards of exodius is summon you automatically lose ) so i was salty as hell, days go by and i see her and she just had her cards there and i saw the chance to take it so I did, took the 5 cards on some weevel underwood type ish when he took yugi cards in episode 1 She went crazy looking for it but I didnt give a F.

dude said weevel underwood
OP had her cards like

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