Whats the point of Tumblr?

Sep 1, 2011
All I see is people posting "cool" pics everyday...

Only words I see is "reblogged"...

I'm just curious...is this a blog without the words?  I'm just confused how this can be popular.

Enlighten me NT
Tumblr can be used for different purposes bro , not just rebloging pictures .. Its basically a blog , it is a blog .. Just different .

Me ? I just like to brosw different tumblrs , I just reblog pics s I can make my profile entertaining for other viewers and get "tumblr-famous"
99% of the time its people who think they're cool
will probably stop using it a year from now
When used properly (IMO) its a blog....with words...

I know a couple tech journalists that do this for example...

but everyone else is just posting pics of the life they dream about living...

I saw this and I think its kinda true:

it's for females with low self-esteem... real talk, I only follow good looking women and all they do is complain about their life and how they want this and that... etc it's hilarious
Originally Posted by sillyputty

When used properly (IMO) its a blog....with words...

I know a couple tech journalists that do this for example...

but everyone else is just posting pics of the life they dream about living...

I saw this and I think its kinda true:


It's the future. People in priviledged societies are slowly integrating into the digital world until. Soon, people will only leave home to work and get necesities. Wait until virtual worlds are actually lived in...
I experimented with twitter and tumblr, neither lasted over a week. I guess i dont get it either
I use it to expose me to music I would never listen to, put my pictures out there, read things I know nothing about, and of course, the women. You just have to follow the right people.

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I experimented with twitter and tumblr, neither lasted over a week. I guess i dont get it either

same exact thing as me.
i cant read a anything people post on twitter and tumblr is just a bunch of pics of random things
People use it in a lot of different ways. It's perfect for a photoblog or short content, I mainly use it for links & quick commentary on things I find interesting around the web. I like the re-blog idea because it provides the original source of the content, but it's overused for just re-posting the same pictures & 'inspirational' quotes around the web. I usually 'like' something instead.
People just mostly use it for sharing pictures and the internet models use it to get more exposure.  I use it to find photos of naked chicks.  I follow one called crotchtime.  It's 
I got 1 wordpress blog, an fb account and back in the day I was on friendster.

Besides that I don't plan on having a tumbler, twitter or anything else besides linkdin when I graduate grad school.
All I use it for is posting pictures of stuff I like. Mainly style and homes. And if I find something funny I'll post that too.
My dashboard has pretty much turned into a high school girl's diary and porn though. So I've been unfollowing a lot of people lately
I don't get it either.

But I enoy when people put link me to profiles of good looking semi-naked/naked women, I GET IT THEN.
What is there not to get? It's just a blog.
Yes, many people abuse the "Reblog" button and photo posts, but so what?
The beauty of tumblr is that if you don't like it, don't follow it and vice versa..
There's enough users on tumblr that aren't fashionistas or inspiring amateur photographers/models that you could find a blog of "substance" with ease.

When I still had my tumblr I followed those types, but I also followed a lot of race & culture blogs, DIY blogs, and feminist blogs...etc etc. So I had a good mix of everything.
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