What's the worst material thing you've ever lost?

lost my fathers 7k cartier watch at school during a football game when somebody broke into the locker room and stole everything.
we ended up finding out who did it, and i brought a gun to school the next day. smh. those kids heard bout it, left school and never came back. they started going to one of the other high schools in the city.
$500 dollars in cash on my birthday down a drain outside of LOVE nightclub. I want to mention my keys down that drain and my wallet.

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Lost my first cellphone at the age of 15. Only had it for like 2 weeks. I was on the bus and it fell off the clip. I leave a voicemail asking the person to give it back. Dude calls back saying "just report it stolen. You'll get a new phone and I can keep this one. Everybody wins that way.."

dang the voice mail
8th grade graduation party.... camera... full of pictures and memories...

Till this day I would pay $1000 just to have those pics. They could keep the camera.
blackberry. dropped it at a casino and dude next to me dipped with it. i didnt see him leave, but i knew what he looked like and everything but the casino staff was so uncooperative and the dude tried to extort $100 from me so I just said eff it and got a new phone.
my camera....

i just bought a camera for my vacation to the PIs, late october-early november 2009
*my first camera at that....

i took a crap load of pics, i even bought a 4gb card....

on the flight home, i go to look for it....
nothing, i realized i might have dropped it somewhere....

going to a bar, getting messed up, on the last night FTL!
left my batmobile in moms country


left my optimus prime on the bus, i only have the trailer
Mint condition Movado watch my mom gave me in middle school that jus walked out of my room... Smh, to this day I search high and low in that room to no avail.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

$500 dollars in cash on my birthday down a drain outside of LOVE nightclub. I want to mention my keys down that drain and my wallet.


You got got like that outside of LOVE tho?

When it was open i made sure i went in there squaded...
when i was younger i lost 2 bikes

more recently ive lost
2 wallets
3 phones
penny 2s blk/blue

An iPod shuffle (happy to lose this)
These dudes stole a 50 box of dutches I had JUST got a party
Originally Posted by play2much2004

I lost everything...over 100 pairs of shoes, ps2, all my prized child hood possesions
... That
Katrina took everything like a bad divorce

Damn bro sorry to hear that...

I lost my very first ipod ever (what yall young cats know about this ?) But yea this was my baby...I left it on the seat of the bus and went to change to the one to take me home and by the time the bus closed the door it was already too late..
..I even went up to Soho when their apple store first opened to get it..I miss it so much ..But now I have to Iphones so I guess God does things for a reason..
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Y'all need to be careful.

I think the worst material thing I've ever lost was a pair of earphones.
Just remembered that my headphones were wrapped around my Ipod.
2 month old Ipod Touch at a Brother Jimmy's in NYC. To the Mexican who found it, enjoy all those tracks and noodz of my girl...
1 thing thats stands out to me was that I went out and bought DBZ Legends for PS1, left the house and never saw it again
U have to take into account that this was at the height of the hype and new episodes were still playing
I had to borrow money from my cousin (which I intended to pay back, but never did), hop on the bus and make it to the store right b4 they closed
I had to be about 12-13 at the time
Salty wouldn't come close to describing my mindset after that
I was accusing everybody of stealing it from me

I did get another copy a year or two later that I still own to this day
Game Boy Color with Pokemon Blue attached to it.  Got a new Game Boy Color and Pokemon Red a couple months later though.
My Principles of Accounting book during my freshman year of college.  Had to borrow someone's book for the rest of the semester.
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