What's The Worst You've Been Played By The Opposite Sex? OG post pg 4

Originally Posted by SShanique

Well, then I won't tell my story of an international player, shmoozing with various entertainers. *kanye shrug*

i motion for you to post this story anyway
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by SShanique

Well, then I won't tell my story of an international player, shmoozing with various entertainers. *kanye shrug*

Yo i let this be the last time i tell you, you not cool enough to do Kanye shrugs.
Who has a link to the arts and crafts?  I can't believe I missed that 1
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by J23S

My bad about my OG post I went to edit something and the whole thing disappeared.

Anyway, I dated this chick back in 06-07 and she had just got out of a relationship when we started dating. Her ex happened to live a floor under her in the dorms and whenever I wasn't I wasnt in her room with her he was smashing, giving her massages, and who else knows what happened
She would cheat on me and after I found out I took her back
. she ended up pregnant and to this day I don't know if the kid is mine even though she swore up and down that it was mine.  After we finally broke up she changed her tune saying that the baby wasnt mine

you need to get a DNA test, that baby could be yours. I don't know why you would just take her word on something like that.

Haven't seen the baby since she was 2 months
, when we were still talking I confronted her about a dna test and she blew me off. She ended up meeting some dude online from Michigan and they were talking while she was pregnant with the baby. 
Sidenote: she slept with her best friends boyfriend while she was pregnant with the baby

Anyway pics of the baby

Pic of me.....any resemblance, you be the judge

you both got fat cheeks and same nose. Yep OP, [maurys voice] you ARE the father [/maury]

I'll say it again NT>>>>>>>>novelas
Damn some of y'all have some grimey stories

I've never been "played" when i compare my stories with some of y'alls, but I have been hurt.

I chalk that experience up to being young and not listening to all the signs she was obviously putting out there. Some times being persistent isn't the way to go.

But hey, you live and you learn and whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
I can mos def understand parents and culture and their views, but i can't understand it, y'know? You wake up, you brush your teeth, you go to work, pay your own bills, if you're the casual sex type, you be having casual sex with different types of people, if you's a ho, you's a ho. You made all those decisions on your own, not with your parents. So come when it comes one the most important decisions, time to settle down, serious relationships or marriage, people lean so hard on their parents views and expectations? Not that they aren't important, they are, but should they still have that much influence?
Originally Posted by Nktran001


- Flirted heavy with me.

- Kept asking girls I knew about me.

- I approached her.

- Found out she has a man.

How is that getting played?
dated this guy for about 9 mos. Found out from the other girl he was dating her for 6 of those months. AND he was still talking and pining over his exgirlfriend.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Of all the excuses that scallywag could come up with...

Like she's out there saving the world by sucking one %%+@ at a time.

she actually claimed it was the other set of lips, and the "Doctor" told her to stay off her feet for 2-3 days


Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i motion for you to post this story anyway

I 2nd that motion
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by J23S

My bad about my OG post I went to edit something and the whole thing disappeared.

Anyway, I dated this chick back in 06-07 and she had just got out of a relationship when we started . Her ex happened to live a floor under her in the dorms and whenever I wasn't I wasnt in her room with her he was smashing, giving her massages, and who else knows what happened
She would cheat on me and after I found out I took her back
. she ended up pregnant and to this day I don't know if the kid is mine even though she swore up and down that it was mine.  After we finally broke up she changed her tune saying that the baby wasnt mine

you need to get a DNA test, that baby could be yours. I don't know why you would just take her word on something like that.

Haven't seen the baby since she was 2 months
, when we were still talking I confronted her about a dna test and she blew me off. She ended up meeting some dude online from Michigan and they were talking while she was pregnant with the baby. 
Sidenote: she slept with her best friends boyfriend while she was pregnant with the baby

Anyway pics of the baby

Pic of me.....any resemblance, you be the judge


damn man, that looks like your kid.
I don't acknowledge the 2 times that I've been played on to deep of a level anymore because if I did it would negate the good times that we had. How I know they got me good is that I didn't even want to get revenge because it wouldn't have made a difference.
Between Niketalk stories and my past being hurt experiences, i hate all females and dont trust them for *!%*. Stupid females.

Yes Im mad
Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

well i have yet to be played on a serious level.. high school doesn't count, does it? i rather share the stories of being the BF#2..because frankly I could write an entire book
.. karma has come back for revenge and the last 2 years have been utter bullocks.

Story #1:

so 2 summers ago one of my ex's starts hitting me up.. she finally got her own apartment and she wants me to come over for wine (note if a girl invites you over for wine, bring some jimmy's—I didn’t whoops). so i'm like cool, ill come over after work. we're drinking, the conversation is good ANNND THEEEN.. she just randomly starts ranting on about how she feels like her BF is playing her.. (which he did) and that she feels like she needs to get even
. So as the drinks continue to poor my morals continue to fade. out of nowhere she shoves me on the bed and we start going at it. this is some the best mclovin' i've ever had...yes i smashed, raw. even took a shower with her after. She invited me over the next day too..

fast forward to february (yes 6-7 months later), she invites me over to.. and you guys wont believe me unless i have pics, which i don't.. practice her valentines day gift for her man on me. this included getting a blind folded lap dance as well as some other explicit tricks. yes i ended up smashing again..

so here comes the actual being played part.. her boyfriend (who she is still happily with) found out a year later from going through her chat logs and phone..
i'm holding the phone getting the news like
this dude is going to kill me if he ever sees me because let's face it, I would want to kill me if i were him.

so fast forward to oct 2009..

I ran into them at the morehouse/spelman homecoming.. I tried to avoid them but it was impossible.. so i'm walking and this chick has the nerve to call me over to talk to them as if everything is cool. I'm thinking I'm about to get the okie doke, full prison shank. So i step up and the first thing dude says to me isn't hello, it isn't what's up it's "you're lucky i like you because if I didn't you wouldnt be breathing"
I was pretty faded, anyone that's been to a morehouse/spelman homecoming tailgate knows that weed and alcohol are in abdunace.. so I reply with some slick denzel-$%%-training day/american-gangster-frank-lucas line about never mentioning my life again and keeping my name out his mouth and I just walk away.

At the end of the day it’s not worth it. My karma was straight garbage. never again will mess with a woman in a relationship. never.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by SShanique

Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!

Face palm gif please
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SShanique

Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!

Face palm gif please
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SShanique

Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!

Face palm gif please

Flawless execution. 
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SShanique

Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!

Face palm gif please

Flawless execution. 

What's wrong with my story?  I got played like everybody else.  I had no way of finding out, because we weren't even on the same continent.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SShanique

Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!

Face palm gif please

Flawless execution. 

What's wrong with my story?  I got played like everybody else.  I had no way of finding out, because we weren't even on the same continent.
I didnt find anything wrong. The man asked for a gif and I provided him with a gif. Im not involved
Like my freshman year in college, I drove about 2 hours from my college town to Evansville, IN to get up with this girl that I messed with once.

I got there and she had me running errands and @%*$...and the final errand was apparently to this dudes crib that she messed with. They was sitting out on the porch and I was just sitting in the car clueless. She even came up to my window and told me to turn the lights off. I started flashing the lights and got no response. I called her cell, nothing.

Eventually, I left...and on my way home, she called...and I called her all kinda @%*$.
I was HEATED. What a waste.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by JordanFan04

Originally Posted by SShanique

Cliffnotes: Had a boyfriend who was headed to priesthood but changed his mind, met me, and later moved to London for an internship. I'll let him tell he rest of the story:

The redhead
him: I don't know if I ever told you this story, but once I got to london, one day I went to the pub and this red head german walks up to me and says "20 pounds says u make a great ****"... gee, for a 21 year old college senior.... this blew my lids off!!
him: I didn't sleep with her.... never even got as much as her name, but an event of that date set me thinking...
him: was I actualizing the full horizons of sexual pleasure... naturally i wanted to find out
him: oh well, I don't think u like this conversation anyway
him: u are too good for this
him: so I will let you wallow in your self righteuosness
me: self righteousness?

My worst nightmare (at the time)
him : once i had gone to see one of my musical gurus, manu Dibango play at the Ronny Scoots arena
him : somehow I got into talking with his promoter and he asked me, alexis and Dan to join them in the reserved area behind the curtains
him : there were show girls down to the natural silk and walking around prepping for the show
him : i was so terrified seeing so many fine looking women of all races shades and height naked
him : i think manu dibango read my fear and he asked one of the dancers to come and sit on me
him : woooufff... i thought the earth would open and i'd fall in
me : I don't think I want to hear this story.
him : i forgot i am talking to a nun

Manu Dibango is the guy that Michael Jackson sampled the "mama se mama sa mama coosa" lyrics from. He was also sueing Michael and Rihanna before Michael passed away. And he told some naked women to sit on my boyfriend. *shakes head*

The other woman
him : after you signed my resignation letter, i took the cab to freesville for about 9 months
me : I didn't sign anything.,
him : i think i was acting out my emotional reaction to our break up
him : you did,,, you threw me out, remember?
him : do you want to know the truth?
me : yes
him : i actually came back to Athens because i wanted you to know i wanted to come home
him : but seeing you were dating, i didn't think a gentleman should interfer
him : so, i let you be... it was hard, but honor demanded that
me : Well, it was my first date. I was making the date on the phone with him, while I was throwing your stuff out.
him : exactly
me : But even still I don't think that's the way it went. You had a girlfriend in London who was talking about getting married.
him : but even after that, when i came back in two years later, i kinda wanted you to know i was here
him : i just didn't press the issue
him : hmmm... i wouldn't knock that in too hard
me : knock what in too hard?
him : here is something you should know: part of the reason Fabbie never really got settled was you. I never stopped talking of you and that pissed the hell of her... i couldn't help it.
him : but she was always comparing everything to you
him : i still had all your pictures and she would always yell that i took less pictures of her than i did of you
him : whenever i bought her a gift, she wanted to know if i had ever done something similar to you...
him : the truth is she was ahead of you in most rankings: she is an MD, taller, probably a better body build and all... but she never got over the fact that i was fond of you
him : she was so very pisssed that you still had my london number and all
me : thanks for the insult

him : i considered moving off of europe in 2005, because i thought my move to london was just a year and i'd head back to school
me : That doesn't explain how you showed up at my door.
him : when i was on the plane the company emailed me a offer i couldnt refuse, plus on the US front, my girlfriend was already high-feathering with another bloke... well it wasn’t really much of a decision to make, was it?
me : In 2005, I was not.
Him : what you may never know was what i was prepared to do if you had opened the door
me : What were you prepared to do?
him : its up to you, if you like me, claim this baby because he is not gonna be at the auction for long
him : you mean besides getting on my knees and playing Hamlet?
me : yes
him : well, i was willing to turn things around... not that i was naive to expect it would be easy, but i thought a shot saving some precious was worth it

If I ever see this guy again, I swear I'm going to throw a bucket of holy water on him.  He changed so much when he moved to London and just got out.of.control!

Face palm gif please

Flawless execution. 

What's wrong with my story?  I got played like everybody else.  I had no way of finding out, because we weren't even on the same continent.

Because all that was needed were the cliff notes, or a basic view of how it went down. Painting sceneries, dialogue and such.
iono if this counts, i sort of got played by a dude

i made a video with a girl, then told my "good friend"
he's SPRUNG off her so he pulled a simp move and told her about it.
that was the last of that
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