What's The Worst You've Been Played By The Opposite Sex? OG post pg 4

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I have "Treat me like #+%%" written on my forehead apparently.  I've been cheated on way to many times, or gotten the whole "let's just be friends" crap.


Based on your previous posts towards women, this is of no surprise to me.
Yeah I don't carry around any sort of anger, frustration, or hatred...yeah totally don't....
I'm mad this chick think any of that is getting played, and that she hasn't told this before. You only have like 2 life experiences.
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

I started writing out the whole ridiculous saga but here's the bottom line.

I believed "wife" meant "forever" and trusted her accordingly.  I lost $100K+ in the divorce.  I was 24.
can you elaborate on this?
My ex completely disappeared on me, and popped back up weeks and weeks and weeks later. I was really hurt, and he ended up calling me out of the blue while I was a work. I didn't recognize the number, so I picked up, and he just blurted out an apology. I was so angry. SMH. I don't get why people play with others' feelings. What is there to gain?
Maaaannn...where do i start.

9th grade...second semester...2 years ago...

met her on christmas thru my best friend.. she and my best friend were going to the same school @ the time while i was going to a different one tho.
we start talkin afterwards and we was really feeling each other whatever...now...one day i look on her myspace and i see comments from my closest homeboy @ the time...
im like
 when did u start talkin to this *#*%#...so fast forward i find out she starts talkin to him AND me at the same time...
 i was live when i found out cuz i was like damn man you supposed to be my *#*%# and you supposed to be my girl...
 fast forward again she "says" she stops talkin to him and and he says the same...so i forgive both them.
i mean we wasnt going out or nothing but damn...its like that? why you even tryna talk to a girl im talking to?

but anyways...basically me and my homeboy got cool again and he told me she was trying that %*%% AGAIN...
 i had  had it for the last time lol...so i broke it off..and we didnt talk for a along *!@ time...like a month or so...then i found out im moving and i have to change schools....guess what school im going to? yep...the same one she and my best friend(mentioned in the beginning) go to. so i call up my best friend and we were talking about it and she decides to call ol girl up on three way...and of course my @@+!**# starts to make that connection again...

so the saturday before i started going to the new school i asked her out @ the movies on some corny 8th grade middle school type %*%%
 so everything is peachy...i start going to that school and everything is peachy for about 2 days...3rd day she starts acting funny, being all sad around me for no reason...after that it ALL WENT DOWNHILL...she tells me she thinks im cheating on her...im like
 w...t...f? i just got here you know? basically her accusations came from me sitting with this one girl everyday at lunch...cuz she offered to be my lunch buddy(
 damn we was so lame back then) until i make some friends...so guess what? I STOPPED sitting with her just to make my gf happy
and started sitting with my gfs volleyball teammates(one dude at a table full of hos lol) so im like cool problem solved...NOPE...she still pressin me thinking im cheating on her...and it was so funny cuz i really had dudes comin up to me talkin about "dude you going out with ashley AND alyssa" im like
 yall mofos tryna ruin my relationship huh?

Now, that problem goes UNSOLVED...but another one rises to the surface...ok my best friend is a girl and she would always be like "i love you" saying it to me...so now my gf wants to catch a problem with this.....im like
 man YOU KNOW i like her like that and she dont like me like that...hell we was best friends long before yo *!@ even came into the picture...and yall were friends before i even came into the picture...so why you think all of a sudden she tryna steal me from you...basically this resulted in them having a fallout and not being cool no more...STILL pressed me about it tho.There was another chick that actually did like me but i didnt like her so she would always throw that in my face...

so if you havent noticed by now...she is one of those girls that likes to make you feel sorry for them/make you feel like you always doing something wrong...
as a result of all the cheating accusations she decided we gon on break(at the time i had no idea wth that was
-turns out its basically just like saying "hey imma go try out some other guys and see if i still like you afterwards, but she described it as us taking a break from each other to make us appreciate being together and make us miss each other
 lol i swear i was an idiot)

but anyways...one night were on the fone and she accidentally texts me saying "do you have devantes number?" im like huh? of course my simp *!@ lets it go and just gave her the benefit of the doubt...later to find out that one girl that liked me that i didnt like tells me that my gf(well we was on break) was talkin to that dude and was talkin %*%% about me...i felt like the dirt under the bottom of my beat forces. lol i mean damn...i was like what kinda %*%% is this?

basically after that we was broken up completely and then we start +!$***@ around and then she straight cuts me off and starts talkin to some other guy...one night i was on the fone with her and she was like "well he made me forget about you, so, if youre mad and dont want to talk to me let me know now, so i can delet your number out of my fone" i still remember that %*%% i was like damn how can you be that cold? after that we was officially done and i was left in peices...like dude in a preioud post said i couldnt eat, sleep, NOTHIN...everytime i saw her my whole chest would hurt...eventually i got over it...but i still see her in the hallways sometimes and think about all the memories...losing the v-card to her on v-day...hiding in her backyard from her parents, bout to fight dudes over her...everything...

now shes happy with one of my homeboys, he prolly doesnt even know about any of this, well he prolly knows her story...but i aint even gonna tell him, %*%% maybe she changed idk...

but yea...thats the story sorry for it being so long but details were important and even then i left out ALOT of %*%% that happened...

-fell in love with chick
- chick messes with homeboy 2wice
-forgive her
-get back together
-chick accuses me of cheating when i didnt
-she uses it as leverage
-she makes up some bs story for going on a break
- starts messin with other dudes
- leaves me in the cold
Ok i read, and damn all bad^Ω haha well at least you didnt blow s hit out of proportion you handled it fairly well.. Did you stop talking to her when you said you would? Or did you come back after?
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by SShanique

Well, then I won't tell my story of an international player, shmoozing with various entertainers. *kanye shrug*

Yo i let this be the last time i tell you, you not cool enough to do Kanye shrugs.

I got a story In college my first night out I seen this chick I hollered at her she was fine! I get with her every thing was good I was In love i remember one night we kicked it all night then she says do u mind if I See my friend he is a guy? I was like naw I don't care then she calls me up that eveing asking if I am going out I was like naw, But later my boyz come by asking for a D.D.( driver) I was like yeah. Went out to the spot went down stairs to the dance floor I seen my girl dancing with this dude I know right then friends don't dance like that. I was floored I just walked back up stairs sat at the bar alone in shock then someone puts on this song neon moon:smh: In a hip hop club. I recovered though my dude was right there is plenty of fish in the sea:pimp:
I'm glad I don't have any stories like this to share.
I guess I'm the one who usually does em dirty
(nothing like what y'all are talking about though,
I just cut off all contact COMPLETELY. Its like I fell off the face of the earth. That really
@+#!% with their mind.)
Originally Posted by Homer

I'm mad this chick think any of that is getting played, and that she hasn't told this before. You only have like 2 life experiences.
Are you talking about me?  If so, how is his having another girlfriend while I was with him not getting played?  That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Originally Posted by ajwill307

I got a story In college my first night out I seen this chick I hollered at her she was fine! I get with her every thing was good I was In love i remember one night we kicked it all night then she says do u mind if I See my friend he is a guy? I was like naw I don't care then she calls me up that eveing asking if I am going out I was like naw, But later my boyz come by asking for a D.D.( driver) I was like yeah. Went out to the spot went down stairs to the dance floor I seen my girl dancing with this dude I know right then friends don't dance like that. I was floored I just walked back up stairs sat at the bar alone in shock then someone puts on this song neon moon:smh: In a hip hop club. I recovered though my dude was right there is plenty of fish in the sea:pimp:

Originally Posted by bud dink

Originally Posted by ajwill307

I got a story In college my first night out I seen this chick I hollered at her she was fine! I get with her every thing was good I was In love i remember one night we kicked it all night then she says do u mind if I See my friend he is a guy? I was like naw I don't care then she calls me up that eveing asking if I am going out I was like naw, But later my boyz come by asking for a D.D.( driver) I was like yeah. Went out to the spot went down stairs to the dance floor I seen my girl dancing with this dude I know right then friends don't dance like that. I was floored I just walked back up stairs sat at the bar alone in shock then someone puts on this song neon moon:smh: In a hip hop club. I recovered though my dude was right there is plenty of fish in the sea:pimp:

Originally Posted by TeflanDon

Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by SShanique

Well, then I won't tell my story of an international player, shmoozing with various entertainers. *kanye shrug*

Yo i let this be the last time i tell you, you not cool enough to do Kanye shrugs.



Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by Homer

I'm mad this chick think any of that is getting played, and that shehasn't told this before. You only have like 2 life experiences.
Areyou talking about me?  If so, how is his having another girlfriendwhile I was with him not getting played?  That's just the tip of theiceberg.


My first GF. this was back in maybe 10th grade. Anyways she logged in myspace on my laptop, my browser remembers her info. I go to myspace one day and it fills in with her email. I log in of course and find this msg (i saved it LOL)(I'm Mitch) from this dude she always said was her friend:

Ok here we are agine talking on myspace becasu for some reason or another you keep on forgeting to call me back hmmm
are we going to go out? aer we even still friends? like are ther going to be any more "sleep over?!?!" or was that just a 1 time thing? is it that you are mad about something?
casue that is waht feal's like to me. did u even tell mitch about that yet?
is it you just dont care enuf or you realy are that bussie and forget
HOW CAN YOU ##*% ME ONE WEAK AND NOT EVEN DROP A COMMNET TO ME THE NEXT? Maby that's just me but i think after you hve sex with some one you should at least still be friends that talk every now and again
I'M PERTY SURE YOUR OVER ME NOW BUT YOU JUST DONT WANT ME TO KNOW OR SOME THING LIKE THAT. yea casu if you still liked me im sure you try just a we bit harder to contact me like u used 2 it's ok if you are just tell me so i can get the ##*% up out of your life.
thess are the things that I had to talk to you about but you forgot to call me agine >_> so i had to resort to ...myspace how droll what a pity. It would be realy helpful if you could answer all of these qustions now im not mad at you i just need to know thes things so i can know 2 move on or w/e sorry this was so long but i did have 2 talk to you la8er

Dropped her. I was pretty much devastated
but She has my name tatted on her and i Still smash when im up in Cleveland tho
Yo, real talk everything that transpired between me and my last $#@#% has had me physically sick. Like... I literally couldn't eat and sleep and all that weak type %+#%. Just the whole back and forth and saying %+#% to get even and to cause damage and all that was some %+#% I had never been through. Never did it or had it done to me, ya feel me. Childish %+#% man
. I never been one for games, but this new thing of feeling one way but saying some %+#% out of anger or pride sorta took hold. I became a "typical __" for the first time. The worst thing is knowing that even if "Us" would have been worth reconciling, we both have done too much and said too much hurtful %+#% to take back. So now it's like *!%$ it... play your hand out player
... I don't even talk to the girl no more and 10 months ago I'd have laid it all down for shorty... damn. I hate taking losses like that but *!%$ it.
Originally Posted by solefood229

good thread op,

i don't feel like typing alot


I fell for a so called good girl,

I was so in love, and all that good simp $!$+

even considered going to a different college to be near her

friends, and fam tell me she's playing me for another dude in a another county

I tell them all to !#%$ off and she would never do that to me

a couple weeks later she stops answering my calls and only replies back to my text with one word answers (ok, yea, good, etc.....)

now im feeling sick, can't eat or sleep

i confront her, she says nothing is going on and that she's happy

do a little research and find out she's been $#!%+++ this dude from Tift county for about 3 months

she made me wait 4 months to !#%$, but this dude beats the first week

I then proceed to cuss her **% out something serious

i havent spoken to her since 06'

"You was my Hope, I was your Bo Brady"
just take it as a lesson.  I would never wait that long for some ({})
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

I started writing out the whole ridiculous saga but here's the bottom line.

I believed "wife" meant "forever" and trusted her accordingly.  I lost $100K+ in the divorce.  I was 24.
Should've offed her

Backstory? I want it.
Ey Yo whats good?

In my opinion I personally think its mostly a cultural thing, not that I am trying to put one over the other.

Im a 1.5 generation asian-american, grew up getting told by parents what girls should be like (little do i know that $%# do NOT apply here in the USA lol)

until I started listening to the radio a while back when TOM LEYKIS was on the air till the radio station went under (91.1 talk for all you so-cal heads), that $%# puts everything I have experienced in the break-up process with my GF of 2 years in college in perspective.

My current GF of 2+ years so far, fortunately for me, also wasnt born here, but from a modest family in HK and moved here when she was 16. and I have never had to deal with anything that I've heard of from TOM LEYKIS, on the other hand, all my homies from HS and college are dealing with the opposite. Even my cousins who grew up here is making me feel like

Its just a trend I've been noticing, but i feel like women here are just too full of themselves. I respect independent/intelligent women. However, if it weret for my current GF, I feel like I'd have a better chance of getting struck by lightening than actually meeting a girl that can attract my intellectual attention in this day and age. 
my ex of 2 years who i was still smashing and my bestfriend (girl) who knows everything about me became friends instead of hating eachother like they have their entire lives.....
EXPOSED on every level. Girls i dealt with, the mean things i said, when i got my bestfirend(girl) out of the friendzone and started chopping in the middle of the realtionship... etc etc.

they get together and ether every girl ive dealt with in the last 6 months and even just suspicisons...expose everything from dates i flopped on them to be with another .

i took a huuuuge L
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