What's your biggest pet peeve about people

Not being able to get a drink at a bar because the bartender is trying to flirt with all the attractive females.
Having the same bums ask me for change at the store.
Bandwagon sports fans.
Self Centered People.
People talking when its their turn to hit the green.

Smelly {}
Fake friends.
My alcoholic lying dad.

Dumb people having children.
Females who think there above you.

Nikekidwonder wrote:
1. When people sit/lay on my bed after being outside
2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
3. When feel touch my hair to feel my waves without asking me

i've noticed that people really don't like this.....

and the second one I completely understand...I'm known for getting nice things, and the price might be a little high in alot of people opinions so when someone asked how much I paid for this or that.....I try no to give a number...they'll judge you and the way you live after that moment 9/10.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Nikekidwonder wrote:
1. When people sit/lay on my bed after being outside
2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
3. When feel touch my hair to feel my waves without asking me

i've noticed that people really don't like this.....

and the second one I completely understand...I'm known for getting nice things, and the price might be a little high in alot of people opinions so when someone asked how much I paid for this or that.....I try no to give a number...they'll judge you and the way you live after that moment 9/10.

When the clerk/ cashier doesn't say anything at all

When someone asks me a question and then they asks some else close by the same exact question after .
People who stand like 3 inches behind me in any type of line (bank, school, fast food place).
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Nikekidwonder wrote:
1. When people sit/lay on my bed after being outside
2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
3. When feel touch my hair to feel my waves without asking me

i've noticed that people really don't like this.....

and the second one I completely understand...I'm known for getting nice things, and the price might be a little high in alot of people opinions so when someone asked how much I paid for this or that.....I try no to give a number...they'll judge you and the way you live after that moment 9/10.

exactly aye how much those J's run you bro....(pointing to my MSVI etc) i always hit em with the ....uhh they kinda old & i dont remember & trail off... because if you say they were $250+ they always hit you with the
People who talk too *+!%$*! much.

People who always ask too many god damn questions. Move the #@$% around.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

1. When people sit/lay on my bed after being outside
2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
3. When people touch my hair to feel my waves without asking me
 People do this ALL the time to me. Like, *@*!%, would you like it if I randomly started petting your hair?
- those who don't say "thank you" or show any sort of appreciation. Who raised you?
- unhealthy people who instill their terrible eating habits to their kids, especially couples who seem to be in equally bad shape, usually obese.
- "woe is me" types who can find time to complain, but never have enough time to search out solutions.
- ethnocentric types who only seem to know about their own, and see everything else as foreign and weird. Have an open mind.
People being just that-- People. An individual has the potential to be just as intelligent and eloquent as any one else. People, however, are often dumb, and idolize those who standout instead of realizing their own potential to do just that-- stand out.

The potential length of this post would make Method Man envious, but pretty much all of my pet peeves stem from that, so I'll just stick with that. Special shout out to those who are driven by greed rather than passion.
egotistical and self centered people who only talk about themselves

people who talk about themselves

people who talk about themselves when they weren't asked anything

people who talk about themselves and aren't interesting

me for listening
1. People who buys something and hype it up like its the *@#% when it really garbage (like my home girl who copped a sharp led tv and was hyping it up and didnt event have HD cable)
2. Chicks who wares heels and feet hang over them
3. chicks that ware sandals to the club or walk around in the club barefoot
4. people with smokey +#+ cars
5. people who drive in all the lanes and they are going the same speed
6. dudes that talk down on another dude to make themselves look better in front of a female
7. people on NT that say they hate "ghetto" people knowing damn well they wont go to no hood and say it and how do hate someone because of where they came from
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
man i hate when people do this and some of them take it personal when i say "dont worr bout all dat"
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

1. When people sit/lay on my bed after being outside
2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
3. When people touch my hair to feel my waves without asking me

my freaking friend did that to me yesterday and today i was sleeping my pillow sheet smell bad as hell really piss
people you seriously smell bad
girls that stink/bad odor/complain about the stupidest stuff
and people who are really close to me like did i tell you to get that close to me


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