What's your biggest pet peeve about people

When somebody posts up a quote on facebook (usually Drake) from a song thinking it's super deep when in reality it's @#$@
Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

gotta go with you on some of those pet peeves specially the fake thugs walking onto the street as your driving by. but lately my biggest pet peeves are young drivers who think theyre in vin diesels crew trying to hook up their cars on mom and pops budget, and young girls trying to dress classy while toting fake louis bags and blogging about christian loubitin shoes.
I've learned to not care. why should I let other people affect me?

most of these are nothing that you should work your brain over.
Hoodrats that think they're better than anybody just because they push an altima

Slow walking/driving @!@ people

%%$!, that get mad when dudes straight up ask em to smash. Like bit, u just told me u would let duke beat.

These teenage kids in them snapbacks swear they doin it.

Chicks in them gladiator sandals that look like shoes from the back
Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

When somebody posts up a quote on facebook (usually Drake) from a song thinking it's super deep when in reality it's @#$@

   I have to agree on this one.  Haha.

-People who complain about their jobs/careers and never do anything about it.
-People who don't shower and instead sprays a ton of cologne.  The smell is 10x worse
Ignorant, arrogant, self absorbed, #@$% made #%@ people. People who don't know how to drive that passed behind the wheel test.
Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

When somebody posts up a quote on facebook (usually Drake) from a song thinking it's super deep when in reality it's @#$@

doesn't really bother me, but people that drop those rap quotes acting like they're deep kills me
...i can see if it was a legendary or an actual dope rapper....not saying drake can't rap, but its like c'mon now.......all the rap quotes be coming from these new dudes......

every quote i've seen was from some female or male and the rapper was either drake, wiz khalifa, wale, etc.....
1. The extreme gassing up of females through facebook, twitter etc.
2. Pretty girls with their so called millions of problems.
3. Drivers who tailgate.
4. People who say call or text me when they have your #
5. Dudes camping in COD like we in a real war.
6. Females who have no clue about sports discussing their opinions to the grave.
7. People who smoke cause it's cool.
Originally Posted by jasongilmore

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

people that get butt hurt about people not saying thanks when you hold the door for them.   
1. I wouldn't say I get butt hurt,  But it's not that hard to say thank you.
2. People who repeatedly yawn audibly. There is no need for me to hear you yawning.
3. People who burp loud and then act like it snuck up on them. Say "excuse me"
4. Women who fart, and then say "it's natural"
5. People who stare at you and then can't greet you as they walk past you.
6. People who are unaware of the correct usage of "to, too, two, yours ,your, and you're"
6a. People that do not have the ability to spell, or write correctly 
7. Facebook members that make a post saying something as general as "Having a bad day". These idiots can't just tell you what's wrong. "I'm having a bad day because...... They get off on how many people say "What happened?"
That is all I can think of right now.
naw its more like when you opening a door for yourself n someone from behind you or the other side of the doors rudely walks through like i opened the door for them, and dont even have the nerves to say thank you if you walking through a door if i open it....
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

6. fake thugs that walk out in the street close as hell to your car while your driving by like they are made out of steel, and they can't get hit.
I do this daily, I'm not trying to be a thug though I just don't give a %%+% if I get hit
I'm even more reckless on my bike, almost die at least 4 times a day. The adrenaline rush is

But my list would have to be
-people who talk too loud
-people who litter, you seriously can't hold your trash for a few blocks to throw it in the garbage?
-people who smoke cigarettes around other people
-people who walk slow as hell, seriously exercise a bit if your walking that damn slow
-nosy people, mind your own damn business!
-people who judge people or think they are better then someone else
a lot more but those are the first to come to mind
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Orfiyus wrote:

9. indian people (yea I dont care ban me or fight me they $*$!$@# smell like $%+@ and when they sit next to you their stink gets on your clothes).

I'm half indian and I take offense to this. There's many different ethnicities/groups within the Indian people and trust me, we hate those kinds as much as non-Indians do. Stop generalizing everyone from that background cause you sound like a dumb @#$.

If you're a minority of some kind I guarantee whatever the @#$% you are has populations of smelly @#$ people too

oh so true everyone stays in the hood.... white people=trailer , black people = the hood/housing/projects, asians= idk lol....mexicans = shacks with 100 of em lmfao
Women who complain about how they fat but wont do nothing but sit and complain....huuuge turn off
When everyone thinks that you owe them an explanation for every action you do. Example, I'm driving and my friend is in the passenger seat

Them: Where are you going?
Me: I'm going to stop by Wawa
Them: Why did you take this way?
Me: Because I wanted to. There are multiple ways to do something

##!* do I have to tell you why I'm taking a certain route, I'm the one driving your %%% around. I HATE HATE HATE when people feel like I owe them an explanation for something. I HATE IT!
Originally Posted by af1 1982

When everyone thinks that you owe them an explanation for every action you do. Example, I'm driving and my friend is in the passenger seat

Them: Where are you going?
Me: I'm going to stop by Wawa
Them: Why did you take this way?
Me: Because I wanted to. There are multiple ways to do something

##!* do I have to tell you why I'm taking a certain route, I'm the one driving your %%% around. I HATE HATE HATE when people feel like I owe them an explanation for something. I HATE IT!

People who complain. There's always somebody out there who has bigger problems than you.
1. Liars
2. Negative people
3. Females hardcore feminist... Every semester I apply for bunch of scholarships, I'm not eligible for 20% of them because there for "women only", "moms only", "girls only". There are no "guy only" scholarships. Females telling me how they;re able to get out of speeding tickets by flirting. Divorce laws are absurd. Maybe I'm sexist, but I think females get some decent benefits. Females complaining about no more gentleman, and other females complaining about wanting equality -- Can't have em' both
1. When people sit/lay on my bed after being outside
2. When people ask me how much i payed for something
3. When people touch my hair to feel my waves without asking me
People who make excuses.  Would have no problem if they would just tell me the truth.
I could fill a page, but I don't let things get to me.
I could list things for days but mainly:

People who aren't productive/motivated

People who are overly sensitive

People who try to manipulate others instead of being up front
People who act like they don't know how to close a 2L bottle of soda, havin my Coke taste like juice and $#%. If I wanted juice, I would have bought juice.
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