What's your biggest pet peeve about people

-People who can't sit in silence/ I'm a quiet dude by nature and I swear people just don't understand. I'm all down for conversation but some of the best relationships are the ones where you can enjoy a silence in each other's presence instead of forcing some %+$!$!*@ conversation neither of us care about or will remember. I'm not talking about sitting in a dark room saying nothing, but the entire car ride/ whole day we hang out for doesn't need some mindless talk. Sometimes dudes and females just make entire monologues about nothing. I swear their mind just needs to vomit out all the stupidity they think.

-talkative people/female who ask "why are you so quiet?" while they spent every moment polluting the air with some superficial !*%%. No one else in the conversation clearly cares that and are just giving you the feedback you desire (I know because when I talk to them later they say that's what they did). I don't.

-People who touch the radio/ipod. I usually have no problem putting on a song of choice, really tho just ask first. I will listen to what I want If I feel the need to, but I'm not Hitler of the radio. Just have some respect before you start touching !*%% in the car. I only play full albums at a time , the ipod wasn't on no damn shuffle, you're not slick. I don't go into other people's cars touching their !*%%.

Them: "oh i'm not going to change it" *fiddling moving from the ipod for the rest of the song*
Them: *plays some bs* This !*%% hot!!!
*Cut song short and proceed to put back on album*

I'm really only cool with a few people that they can just throw on whatever and idgaf. My mother doesn't even do that !*%%.

I swear I can count my close friends on my hand by filtering people out by these.

How could I forget some of the hyped up dudes in the music forum. It's going to take a couple of weeks for some threads to air out
People who could be classified as the haves, being outwardly rude to the have-nots. I'm just always nice and respectful to everyone. Esp immigrants trying to make it happen. BC America is a nation of immigrants, when or how your family got here, doesn't change that. Even native Americans crossed that land bridge 10-15K years ago.
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

people who i invite to my home and show up with an unannounced guest.
my friend did that to me this week i repeated him many time don't bring that fool next thing you know that fool brings him over my house thinking thats funny

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

-People who can't sit in silence/ I'm a quiet dude by nature and I swear people just don't understand. I'm all down for conversation but some of the best relationships are the ones where you can enjoy a silence in each other's presence instead of forcing some %+$!$!*@ conversation neither of us care about or will remember. I'm not talking about sitting in a dark room saying nothing, but the entire car ride/ whole day we hang out for doesn't need some mindless talk. Sometimes dudes and females just make entire monologues about nothing. I swear their mind just needs to vomit out all the stupidity they think.

-talkative people/female who ask "why are you so quiet?" while they spent every moment polluting the air with some superficial !*%%. No one else in the conversation clearly cares that and are just giving you the feedback you desire (I know because when I talk to them later they say that's what they did). I don't.
i thought i was the only one...
When someone lowers my car radio cause an important convo pops up. 

I like driving and listening to music at a decent sound level.
Originally Posted by Stixx

but ppl who always downplay other ppls movements/ideas & don't have anything going on for themselves...


people who think it's the end of the world because something happens to them and you don't stop what you are doing to make it all better.

my homegirl. last week. she texts me, "where u @". i reply working. she's like, my power is out, come bring me your key so i can go over your house and chill. I'm like, I'm an hour away. she gets mad.

or, she broke the axle on her car and she's like, come and get me. i said, call the tow truck, i'm at work. she get's mad as hell. saying how i'm not a good friend. i'm like, HANDLE IT!!!

that same week i had a flat tire and lost my debit card all in the same week. did i act like it was the end of the world? NO. i handled it. she didn't even know that it happened because i didn't bring all the mellow drama her way.

this burns me up! she acts like im her boyfriend or something (im a chick by the way)

i'm like, %@$???

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

-People who can't sit in silence/ I'm a quiet dude by nature and I swear people just don't understand. I'm all down for conversation but some of the best relationships are the ones where you can enjoy a silence in each other's presence instead of forcing some %+$!$!*@ conversation neither of us care about or will remember. I'm not talking about sitting in a dark room saying nothing, but the entire car ride/ whole day we hang out for doesn't need some mindless talk. Sometimes dudes and females just make entire monologues about nothing. I swear their mind just needs to vomit out all the stupidity they think.

*ques clapping gif*

I swear i was the only one. I prefer silence over nonsense. Some people just start touching %!$% after 15 seconds of silence, like, can you just relax? friends with ADHD FTL

PEOPLE WHO DONT READ IN B/S/T THREADS. I swear CL is full of idiots. I have the size, price, even the DAMB PICTURE OF THE SHOE listed in clear english. Dudes getting uptight after saying they want to buy them and find out their not their size 
 I swear to god thats the top thing on my list. Youve skimmed my listing enough to find my phone number, but didnt notice the size? I have pictures posted of the #%!@%#% box.
Originally Posted by Luciano Jones

PEOPLE WHO DONT READ IN B/S/T THREADS. I swear CL is full of idiots. I have the size, price, even the DAMB PICTURE OF THE SHOE listed in clear english. Dudes getting uptight after saying they want to buy them and find out their not their size 
 I swear to god thats the top thing on my list. Youve skimmed my listing enough to find my phone number, but didnt notice the size? I have pictures posted of the #%!@%#% box.
this irritates me.  dudes get mad when they ask questions that are answered in my listings and i tell them that everything they wanted to know was staring right at them in the listing yet they only bothered to read my contact info, look at the pics, and nothing else.
people starved for attention

this chick at work blows me everyday...she responds to any and everything just to have someone look at her or respond to her...male/female don't matter shorty just needs to have some type of attention & i just can't deal w/people like that...

there's another one that every time she gets up to go somewhere it has to look back to see if anyone is watching...i think its really a man but i haven't proven it yet...99.9% sure tho
when someone changes the way they talk/act when around different races - just be you. they're probably laughing at you when you leave. some truth came from this behind the scenes.
Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

-People who can't sit in silence/ I'm a quiet dude by nature and I swear people just don't understand. I'm all down for conversation but some of the best relationships are the ones where you can enjoy a silence in each other's presence instead of forcing some %+$!$!*@ conversation neither of us care about or will remember. I'm not talking about sitting in a dark room saying nothing, but the entire car ride/ whole day we hang out for doesn't need some mindless talk. Sometimes dudes and females just make entire monologues about nothing. I swear their mind just needs to vomit out all the stupidity they think.

-talkative people/female who ask "why are you so quiet?" while they spent every moment polluting the air with some superficial !*%%. No one else in the conversation clearly cares that and are just giving you the feedback you desire (I know because when I talk to them later they say that's what they did). I don't.

-People who touch the radio/ipod. I usually have no problem putting on a song of choice, really tho just ask first. I will listen to what I want If I feel the need to, but I'm not Hitler of the radio. Just have some respect before you start touching !*%% in the car. I only play full albums at a time , the ipod wasn't on no damn shuffle, you're not slick. I don't go into other people's cars touching their !*%%.

Them: "oh i'm not going to change it" *fiddling moving from the ipod for the rest of the song*
Them: *plays some bs* This !*%% hot!!!
*Cut song short and proceed to put back on album*

I'm really only cool with a few people that they can just throw on whatever and idgaf. My mother doesn't even do that !*%%.

I swear I can count my close friends on my hand by filtering people out by these.

How could I forget some of the hyped up dudes in the music forum. It's going to take a couple of weeks for some threads to air out
first time I've heard this.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

1. People who buys something and hype it up like its the *@#% when it really garbage (like my home girl who copped a sharp led tv and was hyping it up and didnt event have HD cable)
2. Chicks who wares heels and feet hang over them
3. chicks that ware sandals to the club or walk around in the club barefoot
4. people with smokey +#+ cars
5. people who drive in all the lanes and they are going the same speed
6. dudes that talk down on another dude to make themselves look better in front of a female

7. people on NT that say they hate "ghetto" people knowing damn well they wont go to no hood and say it and how do hate someone because of where they came from

the worst

number 7 is truth too.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

people starved for attention

this chick at work blows me everyday...she responds to any and everything just to have someone look at her or respond to her...male/female don't matter shorty just needs to have some type of attention & i just can't deal w/people like that...

there's another one that every time she gets up to go somewhere it has to look back to see if anyone is watching...i think its really a man but i haven't proven it yet...99.9% sure tho
Those are the type of people I'd shut myself off from emotionally. I'll be friendly in a short passing but anything longer and I'll pull emergency evasive manuevers.
Spoiler [+]
ErvinSB91 wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
people starved for attention

this chick at work blows me everyday...she responds to any and everything just to have someone look at her or respond to her...male/female don't matter shorty just needs to have some type of attention & i just can't deal w/people like that...

there's another one that every time she gets up to go somewhere it has to look back to see if anyone is watching...i think its really a man but i haven't proven it yet...99.9% sure tho
Those are the type of people I'd shut myself off from emotionally. I'll be friendly in a short passing but anything longer and I'll pull emergency evasive manuevers.
Spoiler [+]

i tried being nice when i first got there but now i dont bother w/either one of them...worst part is the first chick is ugly as hell but so damn thirsty...i'm embarrassed for her i've had to stop myself a few times from telling her to $+%! cuz we were in a meeting and she's talking about dumb $%%* or talking just to talk
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ErvinSB91 wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
people starved for attention

this chick at work blows me everyday...she responds to any and everything just to have someone look at her or respond to her...male/female don't matter shorty just needs to have some type of attention & i just can't deal w/people like that...

there's another one that every time she gets up to go somewhere it has to look back to see if anyone is watching...i think its really a man but i haven't proven it yet...99.9% sure tho
Those are the type of people I'd shut myself off from emotionally. I'll be friendly in a short passing but anything longer and I'll pull emergency evasive manuevers.
Spoiler [+]

i tried being nice when i first got there but now i dont bother w/either one of them...worst part is the first chick is ugly as hell but so damn thirsty...i'm embarrassed for her i've had to stop myself a few times from telling her to $+%! cuz we were in a meeting and she's talking about dumb $%%* or talking just to talk
I've kind of found out that those type of people end up only being around more people like them, which is gravy with me. Or will end up #foreveralone wondering why people/relationships go sour or get dull, which is gravy with me too. basically as long as i'm not involved its all cool.
Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ErvinSB91 wrote:
Those are the type of people I'd shut myself off from emotionally. I'll be friendly in a short passing but anything longer and I'll pull emergency evasive manuevers.
Spoiler [+]

i tried being nice when i first got there but now i dont bother w/either one of them...worst part is the first chick is ugly as hell but so damn thirsty...i'm embarrassed for her i've had to stop myself a few times from telling her to $+%! cuz we were in a meeting and she's talking about dumb $%%* or talking just to talk
I've kind of found out that those type of people end up only being around more people like them, which is gravy with me. Or will end up #foreveralone wondering why people/relationships go sour or get dull, which is gravy with me too. basically as long as i'm not involved its all cool.

we would get along well
-Arrogant people
-People who can't control their emotions and let emotions dictate their actions
-Drivers who tailgate/cut you off/don't use turn signals/drive too slowly/don't know how to merge correctly/focus on other things while driving(phone,food,etc.)
-People who have a sense of entitlement
-Ignorant people
-People who feel the need to draw attention to themselves, whether by being loud, what they wear, etc.
-People who complain about something but do nothing to fix or change it
-Mouth breathers
-People with no manners
-People who say how much they hate someone they have never met and have never done anything to them personally ("I hate ________" [insert athlete's name])
-People who wear their shoes indoors
-People who beat around the bush instead of just being up front with you
-People who present their opinions as irrefutable facts
-People who talk too much

I could go on much longer listing things.
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