What's your current dilemma?

Reggie you're never too old to go back . My freshman yr there was a guy we called Juiceman that got all the liq for us. I believe he was 23 or 24. Just go back, do your work and have fun. At least you can say you did NYC.
I can't figure out what I want/what I should be doing.

freshman year I went off to school, moved back for a girl(stupid) and went to school back home, broke up with that gf and wasn't to committed to school for the next year or so, decided I needed time to figure out what I want out of school/life so i dropped out and made plans to move to nyc. made it to nyc, been here for about 2 months(worked my *** off to get here, spending every $ I had to make the move).

the dilemma

I can't stop thinking about going back to school but back in Florida, not at home though, but away upstate. I could never get over wasting that freshman year away at school/college experience. no matter what I'm here for a year with the lease but as much as this has been on my mind I want to move back and start my college experience after this lease is over...thing is ill be 22 in November not 18..

Is 22 to old for that? to go back and rage and smash freshman chics. not that I can't do that here or anywhere for that matter I just feel like it has to be done that way in the middle of no where college town like I originally set out to do 3 years ago.

Living out in NYC is something I have always planned to do but I just feel like I skipped one of the biggest steps to get here and I'm afraid it might bother be for the rest of my life.
I went back to school when I was 31, and will be graduating this fall at 33. It is never too late fam. 
I live in FL and can't wait to leave this place.

I can't make a career out of what I currently do. The work is a joke.

I'm looking for a new position & currently learning a new program which should help my chances greatly in landing a job.

Its pains & disappoints me to see the way my parents live their life.

It bothers me the way my parents raise my youngest brother.
My parents are forcing me to go camping ..aummer school just ended and I should be home alone ...but I gotta go ..if I stood id get major *** in my empty house from a girl im talking to... im heart broken ..im never really alone in my house this is the best chance I got to get my d wet....
Is there supposed to be something wrong here?
not sure what he meant but i can give my take. we seek weed for its calming, anxiety curing effects... but the spirit of God within us is supposed to provide that solace.

smoking is surrendering to your flesh's desires when, as believers in God, we're supposed to transcend that in some way.

i too struggle with many afflictions and feel conflicted all the time.
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I'm currently seeing this girl and she's about an inch taller than me. It doesn't really bother me and it's kind of awkward. haha I'm 6'0''
Mostly first world problems....

-I work too damn hard and for too many hours.

-I bought a king sized bed but it's not in stock so Im getting it next week. The King sized mattress got delivery today.

-My really nice glasses broke

-I'm running out of contact lenses

-Getting my big screen TV mounted on my wall but apparently there is metal in there so they gotta make some changes.
not sure what he meant but i can give my take. we seek weed for its calming, anxiety curing effects... but the spirit of God within us is supposed to provide that solace.

smoking is surrendering to your flesh's desires when, as believers in God, we're supposed to transcend that in some way.

i too struggle with many afflictions and feel conflicted all the time.

:smokin kush and corinthians
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I got a huge zit/blemish on my nose, luckily I got a tan from working on the house in the sun so it's not too noticeable. Still..:x
My depression is slowly coming back. It's sad when the only thing exciting in your life is the upcoming final episodes of Breaking Bad . After that's over what other excitement is there? I mean, I don't have a girl friend, don't have any true friends, and nobody that I know of shares the same interests as me. I feel like my "friends" only hang out with me because I'm Hispanic as well (I live in a predominantly white town with a small Hispanic community). Other than that we really don't share the same interests and have different views on things.
You can say I'm lonely. Very lonely. . :frown:

My work at my job has been deteriorating and I'm getting the feeling that more than a few co-workers don't like me. Hours have been cut dramatically and I just got word Thursday that the district managers want to cut the total amount of budget hours by 10 :x .

Some good things though.
I just passed my PTCB test (pay raise and different job opportunities) and my family is in good health.

I currently am registered for the fall 13 semester at my local community college. I am retaking all my courses (very few of them) but I have yet to pay for the tuition which is due on the 1st of August. That's where my dilemma comes in and it isn't the money.

I have $2000 dollars saved up and I'm not sure whether or not I should spend on this semester.

A HUGE part of me wants to move to Austin. I'm thinking of saving up more money and going to community college out there in the spring.

It'll be a chance to meet new people and get a fresh start. At this local college, everybody knows each other somehow .

It's so damn tempting but I feel like it will just push back my plans to finish school early. UGH!
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It's good to see you guys say you're never to old to go back. I'm 26, and seriously need to go back to school ASAP. I :smh: myself everyday. Was a student at University of Michigan, and just casually stopped going to class my sophomore year, I was depressed, I wasn't happy there, and ended up moving home. Michigan winters are no joke. Went to a local university for a bit, but again I could just never find the motivation to go to school :smh: I need to go back. I'm smart, just lazy and don't apply myself.

I'm 26 and am currently living at home with just my mom and the dog. :smh: It's not that I don't want to move out, but I can't find people to live with, and it doesn't make sense to me to pay for a one bedroom. For now Im planning to save up for a bit until I can get a nicer car, and then move out once I acquire that. It's not like I have rules, I do whatever I want, but it is not a good look being 26 and living at home.

I wouldn't call myself depressed, but it does get to me being lonely. It seems like all of my friends are in serious relationships, and getting to hang out with them even is rare because of it. Meanwhile I can never find a good one, and whenever I think I do, things go bad. I have tickets for the JT/JZ show coming up next week, and wouldn't say I had trouble finding a girl to take, because, well I didn't really try aside asking 2, and they both fell through. Which doesn't even make sense to me but alright, so now I'm going with my friend and his g/fs friend, I've met her before, and she's very cool, so it'll be cool, but she dated one of our mutual friends, so I can't even try to do anything. I wanna hit up the last girl and just see if she wants to go to a movie, but then I just think to myself it's a stupid idea.

Going along with that, I have mad self confidence issues. I'm sure that didn't help the situation with the last girl, cuz I wear it on my sleeve. I'm losing my hair :nerd: and I hate it, always wearing hats. And I don't have the best smile, always been self conscious about it. Half of the battle though is just having confidence, I need to learn to have it.

I wouldn't consider myself depressed, I learned how to manage it a long time ago and :smokin definitely helps manage feelings and thoughts. I have a lot to be happy and fortunate for, I've traveled more in the past 2 years and made more great memories than I have in my entire life. Just sometimes that loneliness gets to me.

Sorry for the long write up :rofl:, a lot of this I haven't talked to anyone about in a long time, so it's good to get it off my chest.

Keep your heads up NT!
It sounds like you're really trying hard to convince yourself that you aren't depressed my man. Instead of saving up to move into an apartment, you should probably just try to stack towards a home of your own if that's financially feasible. Just wondering, how do your self-confidence issues manifest themselves when you're dealing with women? Are you clingy out of fear that they'll leave? Are you out here checking text conversations when she uses the bathroom?

But I can relate to being smart and unmotivated. My appeal form to try to get back my college financial aid might've been due the 12th of this month... do I even need to say that it's still not done? :smh: I've never found any satisfaction from excelling in school, and I really just look at it as a means to an end so that I don't end up being a $%^* up. I love the college environment though, so I really want to get this appeal done so that I can go back.
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