When and how did you lose your v-card NT?

Still have my vcard ... and I'm 20. I have never had a girlfriend either :smh:
Get made fun of all the time for it.

I've been soooooooo close. A few stories come to mind.... Junior year in high school I ask a girl I had been talking to, to come to homecoming with me. She agrees. Now my friend her dated her Freshman year said she was a freak and loved sex. I kind of found it hard to believe until I picked her up. I kid you not, the first words that came out of her mouth were " You brought the condoms right?" and smiled at me. I , uncharmingly said, "I'll get some if you we need them" . Fast forward to the end of the game and we are walking outside towards my Yukon. As soon as I started heading towards my door she grabs me and starts making out with me. About 10 seconds later she kind of shoves me away and tells me that I suck.

On the ride home I try again. This time trying to flirt with her and it just came off as awkward. I don't remember how we got to the point but she grabbed my hand and started sucking on my fingers.
I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. :smh: I guess i made her feel awkward about it because I was just staring at her every few seconds.

We stopped. When I dropped her off I had asked her if she was going to sneak out later so I can try to get it in at the river. She replied with " not a chance". Man I just felt so ... Un-Manly. Like I wasn't man enough to get the job done. Depressing really. :smh:

I have 3 had chances with this girl alone .

I've even had a chance with a beautiful blonde. She had asked me if I wanted to stay after a party once ( drunk af). I asked her where I would sleep and the next thing I remember hearing was "My bed".. I thought she had a bf but if i remember correctly she said they were fighting. I somehow did not get laid :smh: x 100

This is her (the blonde)
U stay in Cali?
How old are u?
If u do and old enough I know some bad ******* who wouldn't mind turning u out

im down for this NT menage

Honeymoon in Maui

Waiting for the one, just like my wife
Married young and wouldn't change a thing.
19. met a friend of a friend at a rave and was dancing with this chick all night. fast forward a month or two later, i was chillin in my apartment when my female friends were drinking at a nearby apartment and told me to come out and say whats up. that girl from the rave was there with them and brought her out and left her with me (i was sober, she was drunk). proceeded to bring her to my apartment and smashed. lasted for a few minutes, then smashed again. and walked her out of my apt. :smokin :lol: good ole college days...
everytime I see a thread like this, I think about that one embarrassing sex confessions thread or whatever.

there was one guy that said he hyped himself up talking to this one girl so she would let him smash. little did she know that he had never had sex before and had never even fapped off so he had no idea what he was getting himself into. when the time came for him to bust, he had no idea what was happening to his body and started spasming and whatnot while on top of her :rofl:

best thing I ever read on NT.
16 and my gf at the time was HAIRY struggled to find the hole, it felt like a venus fly trap 

went at it for a few minutes and she couldn't take it anymore 

linked up a couple weeks later and i spidermaned her.
Still have my vcard ... and I'm 20. I have never had a girlfriend either :smh:
Get made fun of all the time for it.

I've been soooooooo close. A few stories come to mind.... Junior year in high school I ask a girl I had been talking to, to come to homecoming with me. She agrees. Now my friend her dated her Freshman year said she was a freak and loved sex. I kind of found it hard to believe until I picked her up. I kid you not, the first words that came out of her mouth were " You brought the condoms right?" and smiled at me. I , uncharmingly said, "I'll get some if you we need them" . Fast forward to the end of the game and we are walking outside towards my Yukon. As soon as I started heading towards my door she grabs me and starts making out with me. About 10 seconds later she kind of shoves me away and tells me that I suck.

On the ride home I try again. This time trying to flirt with her and it just came off as awkward. I don't remember how we got to the point but she grabbed my hand and started sucking on my fingers.
I HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. :smh: I guess i made her feel awkward about it because I was just staring at her every few seconds.

We stopped. When I dropped her off I had asked her if she was going to sneak out later so I can try to get it in at the river. She replied with " not a chance". Man I just felt so ... Un-Manly. Like I wasn't man enough to get the job done. Depressing really. :smh:

I have 3 had chances with this girl alone .

I've even had a chance with a beautiful blonde. She had asked me if I wanted to stay after a party once ( drunk af). I asked her where I would sleep and the next thing I remember hearing was "My bed".. I thought she had a bf but if i remember correctly she said they were fighting. I somehow did not get laid :smh: x 100

This is her (the blonde)

:lol: .
I was 18, senior year of hs back in 02. Lost it to this cute slim Nicaraguan chick. We went to the same school but her being a year behind I never talked to her.

I worked at Foot Locker at the time and she'd come in every now and then. I'd chat it up with her here and there and finally manned up and got her number. I remember putting in MAJOR time talking on the phone (this was way before anyone was texting) and finally got her to come they to the crib after school.

Had the crib to myself since mom dukes was at work and got ish poppin :smokin Lasted a good 8 minutes, knew nothing about going for round 2 :lol:, got dressed and walked her up the street to the bus stop.

So as we're walking up the street she calls her friend and the first words outta her mouth to her friend on he other line are " hey girl guess what? I just got some diiiiicccckkkk!!!!!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing but she had me feeling like :smokin on the inside lol

I smashed a few more times over the next few months then she ended up getting a bf I think.
Til this day I have never come across a chick with a box as wet as hers :frown:
about 13 with a 15yr old i used to hang out with when i was at my grandmas house. we were playing with other kids and she was like: im bored lets go to my place and play videogames or "whatever". i knew she had no videogames so i was confused. we got on the bikes and went to her house :lol: this dude came along for the ride.

as the 3 of us get off the bike to go inside. she deadass stonefaced the dude and told him "my parents arent home and im not allowed to bring people in the house". dude gets back on his bike and rides off with his big *** head looking like > :smh:

lets say she knew what she was doing and when i got to my grandmas place i damn near kicked in the door :lol:
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I lost it at 13 y/o, exactly a week before I turned 14. It was on Valentines day(my b-day is Feb 21) with this chick my boy had put me down with. I had been talking to her for like 2 weeks,and after the first few days after we started talking she gave me head. It was a coincidence that Valentines was coming up so I already had the game plan on lock. I was gonna bring her over and smash, since I was gonna be home alone that night :pimp:

I was an excited, immature 13 y/o and I was bragging to some of my boys that she was coming over to smash, big mistake. :smh: These dudes called ducktales so they wanted to see if it was true. Me and my boys were chilling outside waiting on her and her friend until they came. Once she arrived, my boys started talking to her friend while I brought her up. I live in the second floor of some apartments, and I have a balcony that can be easily climbed. Its easy to see inside from outside because the balcony has a sliding door and the blinds were open.

Well I took her inside my parents room and left the door open(another mistake :smh:) and started to make out with her and feel on the P. After about 5 minutes I knew she was hot and ready to go so I pulled the rubber out. I struggled to put it on but I swear I thought I knew what I was doing. I finally got it on and I finally went inside her. She was a virgin so that **** was tight as ****, and with every stroke she let out a groan in pain. It only lasted bout 5 minutes til I busted and that red **** was all over my parents bed. I had a weird feeling I was being watched while I smashed. So I took a quick peek to the left looking outside through the sliding doors and sure enough both of my boys were hanging from my balcony looking at me smash :lol:
turned 14 - she was 20 - I was acting like I smashed a lot and my brother pulled my punk card by calling me a lier and a virgin. 

somehow this arouse her and she had to taste my little cherries at the time.

still hold a place in my heart especially after I found out she passed away several years later!

She was one of those chicks that was ride or die for a dude!

RIP Pauline!
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18.  Just graduated High School

At the Elementary School Playground around the corner from my old house
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