When Did You Join NT and Why?

Summer 06

Joined b/c of a friend who would always make nt references in real life and I wanted to see what the hype was about.
Started lurking late 03'...this is my third sn....Why did i join?Nt is the stuff and i get all my news from here and alot of lulz.
I joined 6/5/08 because of the JB forum, but I saw someone type in the JB forum that General forum was the only forum still popping, so I checked out Generaland stayed.
december 08...... someone i knew was always on here lookin at shoes, so i figured i'd check it out to see what they had
early 00'-01'
why? jordans, plain and simple. i remember when variant XIs were acceptable
but i never copped...
My boy in HS mentioned it. I googled it, the rest was history.

I hated the layout / color scheme with a passion at first. Never even knew what a forum was.
Joined on 06/09/05... I guess that was shortly after I graduated HS. I got into shoes around the 8th grade which was when I stumbled across NT (during the EKINdays) and didn't join, just lurked NT for about 5 years.

It's funny how you go through phases though. I used to only go in the Jordan forum, then the retro Nikes, then I slowed down my shoe purchases and startedgoing to the Music forum, then General. Now I am in the General and S&T forums.
I joined in August of 2001. I was 13 years old, 8th grade. I was lurking other sneaker sites like Neocomplex, Air23.net, (or.com, forgot) Jumpmansts site,etc. and I learned about the Black/red 11s and True blue 3s which dropped later on in 2001. I had got my first computer in mid 2000 and I use to go on the netand just BS around. Once I starter looking for shoes and *+!, I stumbled upon nt and the rest is history,
i wanan say was lurking in '06 joined in '07 for some buy/sell type *%@% ... then i got introduced to the best forum GENERAL
and hasnt left since

wont even go to ISS anymore
Originally Posted by numbah1grimey

I joined in August of 2001. I was 13 years old, 8th grade. I was lurking other sneaker sites like Neocomplex, Air23.net, (or.com, forgot) Jumpmansts site, etc. and I learned about the Black/red 11s and True blue 3s which dropped later on in 2001. I had got my first computer in mid 2000 and I use to go on the net and just BS around. Once I starter looking for shoes and *+!, I stumbled upon nt and the rest is history,
Damn man, joined in 2001 and have such a low post count. That's pretty G.

I couldn't figure out how to submit my membership form for the longest time. I was always trying to apply late in the month but it wouldn't work.
I was on the computer all day and all night studying for the CPA exam and during breaks this was one of the sites I checked on the regular for Jordan releasedates.

I don't think I would have passed that +$#$ without NT. Thanks Niketalk!
Juicy J 32, My OG username got banned when I got into a squabble with a famous Nt'er (I wont disclose his name LOL). This s/n was madein like 2002. I dont post much. I think posting a lot is OD crazy. I just post every know and than. For the most part, I lurk, check for release dates, deals,etc. This is a very informative site though.
It was in '04, and I was in the 11th grade I was working at finishline. My manager used to rave about this place like it was the best thing since mentholcigarettes or sumn. Back then I was handsme1inJs, but I grew outta and became laneysworld...

A funny thing about nt is hs, we had school issued laptops, so I'd stay on here. I used to roam the JB, Nike, and General forums all day. My boy and Iwould post in the WDYW today forum.... ahhh those were the days
I joined june 06, I forgot why but I think it was to figure out what's fake and real.e
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