When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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people in general aren't innocent ... 

no reason to single out females when we're just as grimey, if not worse --- and we get a pass to do so

as for that Stan story... 

ain't no way the signs weren't there.... wont believe for a second son aint peep her ***** tendencies 

no girl goes from faithful to full blown **** w/o some blues clues being left around 
Based on all the stories in here most of the dudes in these situations are in full simping mode to the point they can't see the signs and clues or are just ignoring them and hoping for the best.

At a young and some of these chicks being these dudes first love makes sense that they're gullible and naive. I've seen it before.
Just witnessed a thot move last week. Girl I known since freshman year let my homeboy smash while she had a boyfriend. The same day my homie smash this thot posted a pic on IG with her man talking about "we go through things but nothing will never break us apart, I love him so much". I wanted to comment and say ***** you a ******* disgusting dirty *****.
Man I was heated because I know how it feel to get played like an N64. All I could say to my boy was damn homie you smashed but damn smh! He said **** it, I was all in that!
These **** ain't loyal!
I wanted to lay hands on my boy for a second because i had a flashback but then I was like naw it ain't my chick!
These stories are funny and sad at the same time. I've never got played and hope it stays that way.
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This is a very INSIGHTFUL thread…. Ive been there and like its been said fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. lol
u get to a point where you dont wanna even want to entertain the slightest disrespect

And that's REAL. After that story I posted in here, all it took was one slip up (no matter how small/insignificant), && a chick would be cut off forever.

Bittersweet cause I was play-proof in that state, but maybe too much, cause I dropped a girl during that time who I can now say, two yrs later, would've likely been a GREAT fit for the person I've become in that period of time.
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When Winnie curved Kevin for the guy at her new school

**** you Winnie Cooper >:
Real life experiences

1-A) Had a family friend who found out the little girl he had been taken care of for 3 years wasn't actually his.

1-B) Had a crush on this "innocent" seeming chick freshmen year in college. A+ grades, came to class everyday, never seen her at any parties, pretty much lived in the library etc. I was chilling at a friends' crib who stayed off campus when a couple of the football players came through to chill. These fools are bragging about their sexapades and a couple of us call their bluff. One of them leaves and comes back like a hour later will a couple tapes. First tape he pops in is of the chick I had a crush on getting manhandled by like 8 guys. :wow: :wow: :smh: :frown:

:wow:  at the second spolier. smh its always the most 

innocent" ones that be doin the dirtiest ****.
yea real ****... when i was round 17/18 i was talking to this chick, she was a fresh/spoh...she never went out, was all about church, was in the honors program n played the piano and all that....came over to her dorm like a month after we started talking n shorty was wild...licking my balls, swallowing everything, talking bout she wanna make a flick n all that...i was thinking afterwards like :lol: :wow:
i don't know when i realized it maybe when i was 18.. i actually bagged a lesbian who was in a legit relationship with another chick . she was a few years older than me and we actually had a good time together. i ended up going to the marines and we broke it off while i was in MOS school... i didnt feel bad just weird knowing she was playing oh girl the whole time...

her gf was a butch btw
yea real ****... when i was round 17/18 i was talking to this chick, she was a fresh/spoh...she never went out, was all about church, was in the honors program n played the piano and all that....came over to her dorm like a month after we started talking n shorty was wild...licking my balls, swallowing everything, talking bout she wanna make a flick n all that...i was thinking afterwards like
Son this is making me laugh to my core :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It's so painful and so hilarious at the same time.

This story in detail has everything. I'm removed enough to not care as much but for yall dudes who let these females in and then some variation of this happens that's a wound that'll never heal. I know for some this is yall worst fear. Damn :lol: :smh: Like I can put this story and apply it to any culture and they will relate. Son said both families were hurt by it too :rofl: Gettin that train by Ty and his friends and bros.

I"m about to play Lupe's Hurt Me Soul and Dr. Dre's **** You in rotation. Always enter these relationships with that disclaimer that this chick might cheat on you too so be prepared just in case.

When I was about 7 or 8. Heard my parents doing it for the first time. Went on for maybe 10 min and hated every minute yet didn't walk away :lol:
To add on to the link to all that knowldge that @DaBottom305  posted a few pages back (thanks btw
), ima leave d/l this link here...


The author is the dude from those AskMen dating columns. I had a hard time reading most of those columns at first (because, deep down, I knew he was probably right && my ego just didn't wanna accept it), but I finally humbled myself && read this joint a couple weeks ago. It's helped my mentality regarding chicks immensely already, so maybe/hopefully y'all can get some value out of it as well.
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More of informative curiosity bruh.. When I was 10 or so saw my uncle bang the ish out this broad in my closet round 2 in the am..
More of informative curiosity bruh.. When I was 10 or so saw my uncle bang the ish out this broad in my closet round 2 in the am..
Okay your uncle and some random broad, but not your parents unless you consider your mom to be a random broad. No shots.
I heard my parents have sex once I was17...my parents were separated at the time n my pops came in town.....my mom and I stayed in apartment so she would always have her door closed..I would usually walk in and go talk to her for a little bit before chillin in my room..well I walk in I didn't hear anything at first as I get closer to the door I hear "DIDNT I BLOW YOUR MIND THIS TIME DIDNT I AHHHHHHHHH" and my mom moaning in the background I felt like a little ***** I wanted to go in there and be like get off my mom lol..but at the same time I kinda respected my pops for it..they were going thru it at the time and he was claimin what's his.. I went to my room shut my door just listened to music lol Tryna get the sound of my mom moaning out of my head
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Okay your uncle and some random broad, but not your parents unless you consider your mom to be a random broad. No shots.
U trippin bruh.. I understood love and affection first before that incident. I thought it was funny at the time. They moved into my home last yr and after 35 yrs of marriage they still lock their door at times :lol:
Highschool 11-12 grade homies warn me about her but naw me being me i didnt listen , i remember going through her phone one day she had one of those crazy passcode like a damn maze , but anyways went thru her phone like an idiot found a picture of some dude i confronted her about it , she said it was from Tumblr and i believe her smh . Chick was talking to everybody at school all her ex even tried to get with one of my homies lol ask  him to the movies i was sick .
Brian Banks, he did more than 5 years 

Girl and her family got $1.5 million in a suit versus the school because it wasn't a "safe environment" :smh:  

Story had my blood boiling when 1st heard about it.....here is a recent article. Glad dude got his chance to play in the pros.

The NFL dreams of Brian Banks, who was exonerated last year after being wrongfully convicted of rape, were cut short when he failed to earn a spot on the Atlanta Falcons' 53-man roster, according to the football team's website.

Banks got the ax on Friday along with 10 other players, the Atlanta Falcons reported. The 28-year-old rookie linebacker had been signed to the team as a free agent in April, and had said playing in the pre-season was "one of the best moments of my life."

READ MORE: Exonerated Football Player Brian Banks Back on the Gridiron After Five Years in Prison

Banks said on Thursday that he had been "fully consumed trying to make this team," but that it was difficult given "all the years that I missed out on football."

"My learning curve is definitely different from a lot of the guys here," Banks said. "I was learning a lot of the one-on-one basic things of football as well as the intermediate things of football and meshing them all together at once in a small period of time. It was definitely challenging, but I've enjoyed myself the whole time."

A rising high school football star from southern California who had been granted a full scholarship to play in the renowned Division 1 program at the University of Southern California, Banks' career was brought to a sudden standstill by a wrongful kidnap-rape conviction in 2002 that put the then-17-year-old behind bars for five years.

Banks was then placed on probation for five years after his 2007 release. He had to register as a sex offender and could not live within 2,000 feet from any school or park. He also had to keep a GPS device around his ankle to ensure that he did not leave the state.

Banks was exonerated in May 2012 after his accuser contacted him on Facebook and recanted her story. He was drafted by the Falcons less than one year later.

READ: Exonerated Football Player Brian Banks Signed by Atlanta Falcons

Banks released a statement after the news came out that he had been waived by the Atlanta football team.

"As most have heard, my time with the Atlanta Falcons have come to an early end. I want to thank Mr. Blank, Dimitroff, & Smith for such an amazing and unforgettable opportunity. This experience has shown me a piece of life that was once taken, and where things (football wise ) would have been if it wasn't for the 10 years of life loss," he said.

"I just want to thank EVERYONE for the amazing outpour of love & support. So much more 2 come from me, Im only beginning. And still #Unbroken," he later tweeted.

While it is unclear whether Banks will continue to pursue a playing career in the NFL, he appears to be booking a series of speaking engagements and appearances, according to his Twitter account.
Brian Banks, he did more than 5 years 

Girl and her family got $1.5 million in a suit versus the school because it wasn't a "safe environment" :smh:  

Story had my blood boiling when 1st heard about it.....here is a recent article. Glad dude got his chance to play in the pros.

The NFL dreams of Brian Banks, who was exonerated last year after being wrongfully convicted of rape, were cut short when he failed to earn a spot on the Atlanta Falcons' 53-man roster, according to the football team's website.

Doesn't even begin to encapsulate how I felt when I firs tread about it. :smh:

I was one of those people who said they should immediately put that girl in prison for 5 years, then give her probation for 5 years, and slap and ankle bracelet on her for 5 years.

In fact, I still believe they should...

Nothing can ever replace that mans potential, future, life, and experiences.

I felt heartbroken when I saw how humble he was just given that opportunity to play again before getting cut. :smh: Very few men, would have remained as humble as he was, I'm sure many a men, would have called up the goons...
Brian Banks, he did more than 5 years 

Girl and her family got $1.5 million in a suit versus the school because it wasn't a "safe environment" :smh:  

Story had my blood boiling when 1st heard about it.....here is a recent article. Glad dude got his chance to play in the pros.

These are definitely the stories that disgust me. I told this one before years ago, but one of my cousins and two of his friends were at a chick's house and all 3 were smashing her. The chick's dad comes house and immediately heads up stairs and when he opens the door, my cousin's two friends are hoping out the window, and my cousin is getting his pants back on and trying to explain, then dives out the window himself. Though she knew all 3 of them, she told her dad they were raping her, and after multiple court appearances (each of them set to face 5-99 years in prison), she finally told that it was consensual, and everything pretty much disappeared. I don't know what happened to the other two dudes, but my cousin hasn't been right since. Every time I see him, he just looks lost and drugged out, and everytime I hear about him, there's heroine & angel dust involved.
Reading thru this thread got me feeling some type of way... I gotta stay outta here bruhs..
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