When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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Seeing chicks (happened more than once) talk to their boyfriends on the phone saying they miss them while having another mans ____ in their hand ready to go into their mouths as soon as the phone convo ended

Backstory is necessary
I'm hoping she's holding your d***

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Yo like real talk nt, what would ya'll do if you found out your girl you love was cheating on you? I think about it all the time and i really have no idea. Like i'd cut all ties but like damn my whole confidence would be torn to shreds

This happened to me when I was a late teen, entering young adulthood. She wasn't the love of my life, but I started to overvalue her and fall really hard for her. I was trying to figure out what to do with myself so my confidence was already low and I felt lost, but then I found out that my girl was cheating on me. It was the ultimate blow to my self worth at the time.

I can honestly say, with confidence now, that that was probably one of the lowest points in my life so far.

I can honestly tell you that that has made me less tru****l of women even when I know I shouldn't do that, specially when getting to know them. But ****, just the thought of that happening again is something I want to avoid, so it's an instant reaction when dealing with women now :/

You live and you learn though, the beauty of life.
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1st grade is when I found out that girls will cry wolf on ANYTHING.

My dudes and I are at recess near the jungle gym. This cute jawn from another class is just sitting on top chilling so we all start daring each other to talk to her. None of us would do it though. I had my own little spanish classmate I was working on and trying to get to my birthday party so I wasn't trying to mess that up.

The MOST we did was stand next to her and then was like forget it and ran off.

2 DAYS LATER AT LUNCH, two teachers and the principal call me and the 2 other dudes into the library. I'm like oh cool, special privileges. NOPE. JUNGLE GYM JAWN is in there waiting. I'm all types of confused now as the teachers are scolding us and asking us to apologize. Finally sexual harassment gets brought up and I'm like WHAT? I just stood next to her! Wasn't NEARLY as bad as the year before when I was pulling girls skirts up at recess. I only stopped that because I was dumb enough to brag to my mom about doing it.

So we apologized, I still didn't even know what was going on and how that story even came up and got to that point. I was just shook about getting home to my folks. I don't remember if they said anything.
One take away from all this is that despite what society makes us want to believe, what religion shoves down our throats.....you have to realize women are not heavenly angels. They are human, and capable of the evil things humans do, just like men are. To think women are faithful, angelic, creatures, that don't get horny for anyone but you and don't fart, is naive. 

The article is great at breaking it down. It explains how in the earliest times of human history, women were just like men, horny and promiscuous. Soon, as mankind evolved, and man became alpha, women were displaced as submissive. Religion and society told us that women have to be submissive and follow a strict ethical guideline, and as a result, their NATURAL sexual instincts were supressed. It's funny now because as we evolve further, and religion is less and less a part of our lives, women's sexuality is becoming OK again. 

Peep knowledge below (credit to Mark Manson, the author)

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@King Milaac
 I'd edit and delete that pic about Jesus
we also didnt need his wall of text to know women are evil
yes the wetness of the cooch clouds our judgement
but we all get played once or twice in life its actually makes us better men imo
u live and learn about what being weak and not having a clear mind can do to u
what putting that cooch on a pedestal can do to u
or anything for that matter
we MEN learn from that and become better men from that
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"Well, see, if a key can open lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock can be opened by lots of keys, then it's a bad lock."

And also I'd like to add that women can literally go to a random bar, do the Basic Instinct move on a random guy and get laid.

Men have to go out and earn it and work for it. There's my input on the double standard.
"Well, see, if a key can open lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock can be opened by lots of keys, then it's a bad lock."

And also I'd like to add that women can literally go to a random bar, do the Basic Instinct move on a random guy and get laid.

Men have to go out and earn it and work for it. There's my input on the double standard.
somebody follows artemusgordon :lol:
"Well, see, if a key can open lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock can be opened by lots of keys, then it's a bad lock."

And also I'd like to add that women can literally go to a random bar, do the Basic Instinct move on a random guy and get laid.

Men have to go out and earn it and work for it. There's my input on the double standard.

Mannn that Stan story has gotta be up there with some of my worst fears when it comes to women.... Im talking love of my life, go through the stan phase, and end up alone with only a handle of henny, 5 grams of shrooms and The Weeknd to get me through. Just, damn. :smh:
Seeing chicks (happened more than once) talk to their boyfriends on the phone saying they miss them while having another mans ____ in their hand ready to go into their mouths as soon as the phone convo ended :smh:

Backstory is necessary

few vids like that on worldstar, probably more on the rest of the interwebs, sad thing is that only a minority. most dont get recorded and put online, happens every day b

dudes need to smarten up, a shame really |I

every day. got domed by a chick and her dude called her to pick him up from work. she on the phone cupcakin with my piece resting on her cheek.

had another girl answer her phone while she was riding.

they savage out here.
1st grade is when I found out that girls will cry wolf on ANYTHING.

My dudes and I are at recess near the jungle gym. This cute jawn from another class is just sitting on top chilling so we all start daring each other to talk to her. None of us would do it though. I had my own little spanish classmate I was working on and trying to get to my birthday party so I wasn't trying to mess that up.

The MOST we did was stand next to her and then was like forget it and ran off.

2 DAYS LATER AT LUNCH, two teachers and the principal call me and the 2 other dudes into the library. I'm like oh cool, special privileges. NOPE. JUNGLE GYM JAWN is in there waiting. I'm all types of confused now as the teachers are scolding us and asking us to apologize. Finally sexual harassment gets brought up and I'm like WHAT? I just stood next to her! Wasn't NEARLY as bad as the year before when I was pulling girls skirts up at recess. I only stopped that because I was dumb enough to brag to my mom about doing it.

So we apologized, I still didn't even know what was going on and how that story even came up and got to that point. I was just shook about getting home to my folks. I don't remember if they said anything.
There is much truth in this.

Had a girl dome me up and I fingered her to completion.

I found out months later she told some of our mutual friends that I sexually assaulted her.

Of course when our friends pressed her to go to the authorities she didn't do it, lied to them again and told them we worked it out.

To make matters worse she kept acting friendly towards me and chillin in class like nothing was wrong.

Its been a month or two since I found out she been lying on me and she still doesn't know I know.

Just been ignoring/avoiding her since then.
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1st grade is when I found out that girls will cry wolf on ANYTHING.

My dudes and I are at recess near the jungle gym. This cute jawn from another class is just sitting on top chilling so we all start daring each other to talk to her. None of us would do it though. I had my own little spanish classmate I was working on and trying to get to my birthday party so I wasn't trying to mess that up.

The MOST we did was stand next to her and then was like forget it and ran off.

2 DAYS LATER AT LUNCH, two teachers and the principal call me and the 2 other dudes into the library. I'm like oh cool, special privileges. NOPE. JUNGLE GYM JAWN is in there waiting. I'm all types of confused now as the teachers are scolding us and asking us to apologize. Finally sexual harassment gets brought up and I'm like WHAT? I just stood next to her! Wasn't NEARLY as bad as the year before when I was pulling girls skirts up at recess. I only stopped that because I was dumb enough to brag to my mom about doing it.

So we apologized, I still didn't even know what was going on and how that story even came up and got to that point. I was just shook about getting home to my folks. I don't remember if they said anything.
There is much truth in this.
Had a girl dome me up and I fingered her to completion.
I found out months later she told some of our mutual friends that I sexually assaulted her.
Of course when our friends pressed her to go to the authorities she didn't do it, lied to them again and told them we worked it out.
To make matters worse she kept acting friendly towards me and chillin in class like nothing was wrong.
Its been a month or two since I found out she been lying on me and she still doesn't know I know.
Just been ignoring/avoiding her since then.
Bruh nip that **** in a bud asap
Ain't nothing worse than gossip on a sexual assault case
That **** can haunt u
Even if everything is cleared up that **** is just a black mark
That's why real talk its always good to have footage that it was consensual cause females at quick
To pull that assaulted card
Be careful man
Females don't give a **** about a ***** going to jail over a lie
Anybody remember that dude who went to jail for that case and after he got out the girl apologized to him on fb or something
Dude was destined for the nfl befor the case
Anybody remember that dude who went to jail for that case and after he got out the girl apologized to him on fb or something
Dude was destined for the nfl befor the case
Brian Banks, he did more than 5 years 

Girl and her family got $1.5 million in a suit versus the school because it wasn't a "safe environment" 
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people in general aren't innocent ... 

no reason to single out females when we're just as grimey, if not worse --- and we get a pass to do so

as for that Stan story... 

ain't no way the signs weren't there.... wont believe for a second son aint peep her ***** tendencies 

no girl goes from faithful to full blown **** w/o some blues clues being left around 
im definitely not innocent lol
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man I forgot what page it was on but the "little gems" link is amazing, I bookmarked it and been reading them off and on all day. knowledge upon knowledge.
1st grade is when I found out that girls will cry wolf on ANYTHING.

My dudes and I are at recess near the jungle gym. This cute jawn from another class is just sitting on top chilling so we all start daring each other to talk to her. None of us would do it though. I had my own little spanish classmate I was working on and trying to get to my birthday party so I wasn't trying to mess that up.

The MOST we did was stand next to her and then was like forget it and ran off.

2 DAYS LATER AT LUNCH, two teachers and the principal call me and the 2 other dudes into the library. I'm like oh cool, special privileges. NOPE. JUNGLE GYM JAWN is in there waiting. I'm all types of confused now as the teachers are scolding us and asking us to apologize. Finally sexual harassment gets brought up and I'm like WHAT? I just stood next to her! Wasn't NEARLY as bad as the year before when I was pulling girls skirts up at recess. I only stopped that because I was dumb enough to brag to my mom about doing it.

So we apologized, I still didn't even know what was going on and how that story even came up and got to that point. I was just shook about getting home to my folks. I don't remember if they said anything.
There is much truth in this.
Had a girl dome me up and I fingered her to completion.
I found out months later she told some of our mutual friends that I sexually assaulted her.
Of course when our friends pressed her to go to the authorities she didn't do it, lied to them again and told them we worked it out.
To make matters worse she kept acting friendly towards me and chillin in class like nothing was wrong.
Its been a month or two since I found out she been lying on me and she still doesn't know I know.
Just been ignoring/avoiding her since then.
Bruh nip that **** in a bud asap
Ain't nothing worse than gossip on a sexual assault case
That **** can haunt u
Even if everything is cleared up that **** is just a black mark
That's why real talk its always good to have footage that it was consensual cause females at quick
To pull that assaulted card
Be careful man
Females don't give a **** about a ***** going to jail over a lie
Anybody remember that dude who went to jail for that case and after he got out the girl apologized to him on fb or something
Dude was destined for the nfl befor the case
Been nipped. Spoke to the resident director of the dorms...he said avoid any contact till i spoke to a lawyer

When is saw the lawyer he told me that:

1. she has no case mostly because she waited months and did not make a report, then theres the fact she lied about how the situation was resolved,

2. avoid her like the plague. cut her out of life. don't even contact her to tell her not to contact you. just drop her and drop from her life without warning.

which i have done.

After the consultation I one by one spoke to my friends who didn't know the truth in order of least likely to blab.  Now she just has like three people, one of whom is half way around the world.
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1st grade is when I found out that girls will cry wolf on ANYTHING.

My dudes and I are at recess near the jungle gym. This cute jawn from another class is just sitting on top chilling so we all start daring each other to talk to her. None of us would do it though. I had my own little spanish classmate I was working on and trying to get to my birthday party so I wasn't trying to mess that up.

The MOST we did was stand next to her and then was like forget it and ran off.

2 DAYS LATER AT LUNCH, two teachers and the principal call me and the 2 other dudes into the library. I'm like oh cool, special privileges. NOPE. JUNGLE GYM JAWN is in there waiting. I'm all types of confused now as the teachers are scolding us and asking us to apologize. Finally sexual harassment gets brought up and I'm like WHAT? I just stood next to her! Wasn't NEARLY as bad as the year before when I was pulling girls skirts up at recess. I only stopped that because I was dumb enough to brag to my mom about doing it.

So we apologized, I still didn't even know what was going on and how that story even came up and got to that point. I was just shook about getting home to my folks. I don't remember if they said anything.
There is much truth in this.

Had a girl dome me up and I fingered her to completion.

I found out months later she told some of our mutual friends that I sexually assaulted her.

Of course when our friends pressed her to go to the authorities she didn't do it, lied to them again and told them we worked it out.

To make matters worse she kept acting friendly towards me and chillin in class like nothing was wrong.

Its been a month or two since I found out she been lying on me and she still doesn't know I know.

Just been ignoring/avoiding her since then.
Bruh nip that **** in a bud asap

Ain't nothing worse than gossip on a sexual assault case

That **** can haunt u

Even if everything is cleared up that **** is just a black mark

That's why real talk its always good to have footage that it was consensual cause females at quick

To pull that assaulted card

Be careful man

Females don't give a **** about a ***** going to jail over a lie

Anybody remember that dude who went to jail for that case and after he got out the girl apologized to him on fb or something

Dude was destined for the nfl befor the case
Been nipped. Spoke to the resident director of the dorms...he said avoid any contact till i spoke to a lawyer
When is saw the lawyer he told me that:
1. she has no case mostly because she waited months and did not make a report, then theres the fact she lied about how the situation was resolved,
2. avoid her like the plague. cut her out of life. don't even contact her to tell her not to contact you. just drop her and drop from her life without warning.
which i have done.
After the consultation I one by one spoke to my friends who didn't know the truth in order of least likely to blab.  Now she just has like three people, one of whom is half way around the world.
Excellent course of action my dude
U shoulda put it deep in her gut
I know that's what I do to ex's who I had a 1 night stand with
or to my girl after an argument and she wants to have make up sex
I make her pay :evil:

1st grade is when I found out that girls will cry wolf on ANYTHING.

My dudes and I are at recess near the jungle gym. This cute jawn from another class is just sitting on top chilling so we all start daring each other to talk to her. None of us would do it though. I had my own little spanish classmate I was working on and trying to get to my birthday party so I wasn't trying to mess that up.

The MOST we did was stand next to her and then was like forget it and ran off.

2 DAYS LATER AT LUNCH, two teachers and the principal call me and the 2 other dudes into the library. I'm like oh cool, special privileges. NOPE. JUNGLE GYM JAWN is in there waiting. I'm all types of confused now as the teachers are scolding us and asking us to apologize. Finally sexual harassment gets brought up and I'm like WHAT? I just stood next to her! Wasn't NEARLY as bad as the year before when I was pulling girls skirts up at recess. I only stopped that because I was dumb enough to brag to my mom about doing it.

So we apologized, I still didn't even know what was going on and how that story even came up and got to that point. I was just shook about getting home to my folks. I don't remember if they said anything.
There is much truth in this.

Had a girl dome me up and I fingered her to completion.

I found out months later she told some of our mutual friends that I sexually assaulted her.

Of course when our friends pressed her to go to the authorities she didn't do it, lied to them again and told them we worked it out.

To make matters worse she kept acting friendly towards me and chillin in class like nothing was wrong.

Its been a month or two since I found out she been lying on me and she still doesn't know I know.

Just been ignoring/avoiding her since then.
Bruh nip that **** in a bud asap

Ain't nothing worse than gossip on a sexual assault case

That **** can haunt u

Even if everything is cleared up that **** is just a black mark

That's why real talk its always good to have footage that it was consensual cause females at quick

To pull that assaulted card

Be careful man

Females don't give a **** about a ***** going to jail over a lie

Anybody remember that dude who went to jail for that case and after he got out the girl apologized to him on fb or something

Dude was destined for the nfl befor the case
Been nipped. Spoke to the resident director of the dorms...he said avoid any contact till i spoke to a lawyer
When is saw the lawyer he told me that:
1. she has no case mostly because she waited months and did not make a report, then theres the fact she lied about how the situation was resolved,
2. avoid her like the plague. cut her out of life. don't even contact her to tell her not to contact you. just drop her and drop from her life without warning.
which i have done.
After the consultation I one by one spoke to my friends who didn't know the truth in order of least likely to blab.  Now she just has like three people, one of whom is half way around the world.
Excellent course of action my dude
U shoulda put it deep in her gut
I know that's what I do to ex's who I had a 1 night stand with
or to my girl after an argument and she wants to have make up sex
I make her pay
Nah....didn't want her to know whats up.

Stealth is the way.  I made sure the poison that ruins her life is her own actions.

Seems to be working.  Never see her walking with anyone anymore.

Effectively put her social life in the toilet, diddy boppin to myself and she is none the wiser.
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