When did you realize that these females aint innocent?

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late 20s . When I got dissed by my ex wife who I had three kids .I bought everything she sold like a naive kid. I heard all the dirt she Did to the other dudes but I'm like that won't happen to me I'm good to her. Got punked by a hooker . It Is what it is . I'm on my f ***** mentality .
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Man I just watched that Tyler perry flick temptation with a chick...that joint has me in my feelings right now talkin about dese O's aint right lol

man i watched this joint with my girl on Netflix a while back. My relationship was never the same :smh:

the movie will make you never trust a ***** again i swear, these **** aint loyal
man i watched this joint with my girl on Netflix a while back. My relationship was never the same

the movie will make you never trust a ***** again i swear, these **** aint loyal
Lol im glad someone knows where im coming from...shorty was super foul in that movie but Kim K was looking too bad
son im from pg as well....

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My ***** :pimp:...PG unite!!

I Don't think every girl is a thot. Don't get played tho get to know her first see the way she acts around you and your friends and her friends.. And ohh Yea if her bff is a thot so is she.
Most of the clean faces be the most dirty

So true. Actions scream.

Nah every female isnt. There really are down chicks every where. Its just in this day and age its hard to find em. This is the era of thots getting bread and fame by twerking on a social network and dudes fall for them and let the cape flow.

Makes me wish I was this age in the 80's or 90's sometimes, I swear. Still tryna hold out hope tho.

Everyone needs to give OP a rep for this post.

Without question. One of the best thread topics in a minute.

girlfriend of 3 years. she recommended i take a different route home from her house one night (on bike), and i get into a devastating accident. she felt guilty, stayed with me during my hospital stay but began to act distanced afterwards. during 6 month recovery, i was hearing from her once or twice a week at most. it was clear her attention was slipping but needless to say i was in a vulnerable state and didn't want to face the truth. she breaks up with me a few days shy of our anniversary... then calls me a week later to tell me she's pregnant by a 27 year old dope boy. had the nerve to tell me he smashed, then flipped the condom inside out

saddest part is she was still pressing me to smash while pregnant and after birth. i gave in a few times out of vengeance. once she was doming me, her son started choking on his saliva, each cough was more violent than the last, to the point that i was even concerned. she wouldn't stop until i was finished, then tended to her child.
i can't front... i loved pummeling her while her welfare baby cried, knowing she would suffer for all she'd done. it was liberating.

"all the girls after that, it was straight pay back."  – boosie
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^^Got dam son :lol: let that hate flow thru you

EDIT: sigh didnt wanna read thru all these but its so dam cathartic. Strive well my brothas
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Had my heart broke at 14 dat was way way back. All da girls after that was straight pay back.
15 years old. Walked in on my homies girl getting a train ran on her. The look on her face when we met eyes was priceless. First thing I said was "You a H*E A*S B*TCH for this sh*t!!!!" Told my homeboy immediately and it took him a smooth 6 months to recover. They had basically been together since they we 5 years old at that point. :smh:
you gotta tell the story in full detail

Word. I always wondered what a train would look like.
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15 years old. Walked in on my homies girl getting a train ran on her. The look on her face when we met eyes was priceless. First thing I said was "You a H*E A*S B*TCH for this sh*t!!!!" Told my homeboy immediately and it took him a smooth 6 months to recover. They had basically been together since they we 5 years old at that point. :smh:
you gotta tell the story in full detail

Word. I always wondered what a train would look like.

It's kind like waiting in line at McDonalds.

I always believed it was waiting in line. But then I wonder do gang bang type scenarios also happen.
^^Got dam son
let that hate flow thru you

EDIT: sigh didnt wanna read thru all these but its so dam cathartic. Strive well my brothas
i've made peace with that. i feel more pity for her than resentment. i hope everyone in this thread reaches a point where they can say the same.
man i watched this joint with my girl on Netflix a while back. My relationship was never the same :smh:

the movie will make you never trust a ***** again i swear, these **** aint loyal

This the silliest **** I seen all day. :lol: We letting awful movies dictate our feelings about real life now? :rofl:
This thread reminds me of the JODY stories on the military forumns.. In the end everyone has been played/play by someone, especially in this generation of social media instagram, facebook, vine are whatever these **** be using. The more opportunities their are, the more people will continue to cheat.
It dosent matter if your 7 are 77 we've all token l,s and handed out l's, never take it personal just keep on pushing.. And for me it was when i was 16 met some bird at a dance, she was feeling me said she had a boyfriend but wanted to be with me (mind you it's the first time meeting this broad, went to school with her cousin, the cousin told her i was kinda like a player but didnt deter her). She broke up with dude that night (should have know if she did dude like that, it was bound to happen to me) talked for a couple of months telling me sweet nothing's & blah blah blah. Found out from her cousin couple months later she had been playing me & the other dude the entire time. Straight had me felling nauseous, story aint as bad as other cats, but taught me a lesson to be vary careful with these females.
if she'll play another dude for you, she'll play you for another dude
thats what alot of people need to understand.. once that next dude come along that catches her eyes shes gone.. same way for us dudes so it goes both ways. we humans it always comes back to that mentality thinking grass is greener on other side.

girlfriend of 3 years. she recommended i take a different route home from her house one night (on bike), and i get into a devastating accident. she felt guilty, stayed with me during my hospital stay but began to act distanced afterwards. during 6 month recovery, i was hearing from her once or twice a week at most. it was clear her attention was slipping but needless to say i was in a vulnerable state and didn't want to face the truth. she breaks up with me a few days shy of our anniversary... then calls me a week later to tell me she's pregnant by a 27 year old dope boy. had the nerve to tell me he smashed, then flipped the condom inside out :lol:

saddest part is she was still pressing me to smash while pregnant and after birth. i gave in a few times out of vengeance. once she was doming me, her son started choking on his saliva, each cough was more violent than the last, to the point that i was even concerned. she wouldn't stop until i was finished, then tended to her child. :smh: i can't front... i loved pummeling her while her welfare baby cried, knowing she would suffer for all she'd done. it was liberating.

"all the girls after that, it was straight pay back."  – boosie

Damn, can we add this man to the savage list?...:lol:

Started messing with this down *** chick girl who looked like Ciara at my first job. Used to go over my Nextel minutes for her, knew her favorite meals, even let her drive my car. I was in love but I never wanted to make her my girlfriend. She decided to get with this dude from my high school. She liked me so we still messed around. I know dude knew but he couldn't prove it cause she was a great liar. :smh:

I remember one night going to her sister's crib to meat her and dude shows up and is banging on the door to let him in. She told me to go hide in the shower. It was a thrill for us but it I ended it when she dumped dude and got with someone else. Didn't even give me a chance to be with her and expected me to still be a side piece. :smh: Can't remember but I think I cried in the shower. :lol:

Years later she showed up to my house, with her daughter from the dude she ended up with. Still wanted me to smash. Didnt do it.
Fellas - I recommend this dude's blog: http://nerdatthecooltable.com/?s=quick+little+gems

He calls them "quick little gems on dealing with women". I started reading it about a year ago and its some useful stuff.

Hear's a quote from the last edition:

Something every man has to be prepared for is the woman that you are so close with… you have to be ready for her to walk at any time. It’s not easy to emotionally condition yourself to do so, but you have to mentally be ready for her to up and leave or to do something that will have you sending her away. A lot of guys get so dependent on a woman that they cannot ‘do without her’, and end up doing something drastic when she leaves. Love any woman you are with, but never, ever get so attached that you can’t see yourself without her.


The primary way that men lose when dealing with women is they have the attitude that they want to ‘be with the woman’ as opposed to having the woman ‘wanting to be with him.’ When you look at your interactions with women, you have to check yourself for the former attitude constantly. A lot of old school cats will tell you quite simply, “She has to like you more than you like her.” To further elaborate, you will enter into a losing relationship when the woman perceives herself as higher value than you and you also perceive her as higher value than you. From this perception will derive emasculating and catering behavior on your part, as well as disrespectful behavior on her part. As a man, you have to learn to keep your emotions in check and learn to limit the context in which you express that feeling of desire. You also have to be aware of the paradigm in play. Are you being looked upon as higher value? Are you consistently acting in the fashion of a man who is higher value? Ignore the mainstream agenda of ‘men and women are equal’. If you do not provide her a feeling that you are of higher value, then she simply won’t deal with you. Remember, women choose UP… and the element that determines your value the greatest is not materials, but rather, how you express yourself… your personality.
Btw my dudes, never wife a chick that left her man while in a relationship for you. Idc what anyone says most times she did it by being in the moment. If she left her man for you, she'll do the same again
Listen to this man
- Never be the dude who unsuspectingly gets serious/marries the recovering ***. You'll regret it as soon as the skeletons start falling out the closet

- If your girl has ever said "I just don't know why so many women hate me" or "I just get along with men so much better than women", be prepared not to be with her long-term.
Back when I was in another school in 1st grade, me and my good friend Tyrone (that was literally his name), small light skin dude would literally finger all the girls in class and other classes during recess. We didn't know how bad what we were doing was. I wanna say this went on for weeks. I vividly this one chick, Monique we did it to who I was cool with punched the **** out of us for doing it :lol: We were literally just running around on some tag **** putting our hands down their panties and fiddling around. Anyway next thing I know on the day Tyrone didn't come the school I'm out here doing this by myself and this one latina's girl mother was on the other side of the fence calling me over. I was shook. SHOOK. Like literally Mobb Deep's Shooked Ones could've start playing once I heard the mother yelling at me to come here (and she was fine from what I remember). I think I heard some of her yelling until I just ran away, rest of school went fine. Next thing I know next day I'm in the principal's office with a fe other girls and there parents (MIND YOU TYRONE AINT COME TO SCHOOL AGAIN). So I'm getting grilled with questions lost as ****, rambling. Anyway I'm pretty sure I got in trouble and when I got home I got that belt iirc. Lot of wild **** happened after that school year before I went to another elementary but I dead *** don't remember seeing Tyrone again. Son left me high and dry. The ****** up thing about it is the same girls that told on me then wanted me to keep doing it to them again :stoneface: :smh: Forget innocent these females are evil.

Then in my new school, I heard freaky **** throughout elementary about girls but first hand experience was in the first day of 4th grade where this one chick who sat in front of me was talking about how many bfs she had showing me all the gifts they bought her (she got left back like once or twice so she's like 10 or 11 while the rest of us are like 8 and 9) and then she asked me to be (another one of) her bf. I said no in my head but acted like I thought about it, told her I'd think about it. Like 15 min later after looking at the other girls in class I told her no :lol:

She just struck me as such a ho. Later on she moved on to my friend and was messing with him while I was messing with another chick. Later on that she got him in some serious trouble by passing notes during group reading time which the teacher got and read and she started barking on them :rofl: It basically was about how they were going to have sex in the school during lunch/recess. Son started crying and their parents were brought up the next day. I always noticed the little things with her like she was trying to get an org pop off. One time her and him fell on each other in the closet and then another fine girl fell too and then this ***** tried to trip me :lol: Too strong for that and last thing I wanted was to hit my head on those metal hooks.

Then later on I heard about and met this chick in school who got left back like 3 or 4 time that was a real ho and was letting anybody smash. Around that summer going in to 5th grade I got to see and feel on my first pair of nice and perky 6th grader boobs by this other chick after she flashed us.

Far from innocent.
Btw my dudes, never wife a chick that left her man while in a relationship for you. Idc what anyone says most times she did it by being in the moment. If she left her man for you, she'll do the same again

- ^^^So true. something that starts from nothing leads to nothing.
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