When is Will Smith gonna play a villian?

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by 18key

I mean really, Denzel is a great actor AND multi-dimensional. This isn't opinion either.

Check the edit ^^^
I've seen em all and I'm surprised I forgot to put Remember the Titans in there.. His roles may be different, but his personality is always the same. Not to say Denzel isn't PHENOMENAL at what he does with his roles, but he's not one of the greatest working actors out right now.
Agree to disagree. I would say he is one the greatest right now. He does always bring a sort of stern and hardass feel to every role tho, if thatswhat you mean by his personality.
would be cool if he plays some frail (140lb-#!$) white rapist from the south..

for sure oscar nod right there..
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

if you wanna talk one-dimensional, you should look at samuel l. jackson.

guy yells in every damn movie he's in.

Sam Jackson just doesnt give a #@%$ anymore. Dude knows hes typecast,and knows he might as well get paid off it.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

if you wanna talk one-dimensional, you should look at samuel l. jackson.

guy yells in every damn movie he's in.

Yeah but the guy has done some incredibly awful movies, too.

And 18key, I'll agree with you by saying he's definitely one of my favorites... I just felt the need to prove my point.
Originally Posted by D723

I've seen em all and I'm surprised I forgot to put Remember the Titans in there.. His roles may be different, but his personality is always the same.
Its kind of true, He always plays the strong willed alpha male character.
I really don't get what will smith's new movie is about. after the trailer i was left saying..."what...?"
Your off top head list of denzel great performances sans PHILADELPHIA made me totally disregard your weak arguement
Well he's in talks to do the "Old Boy" remake with Spielberg.

That guy's not the archetypal hero. He bangs his daughter for goodness sake... (granted he didn't know til after, but still.)
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Will is a great actor, I'll give him that, but he's not touching Denzel. We've seen Denzel be a villain, gangster, good guy, ANY character and we will actually sync with the character Denzel is playing. This is not always the case with Will.
Denzel has never played a comedic role let alone been in a comedy film, dare I say action flick too I can only name two (Out Of Time and DejaVu' and both were HORRIBLE). Will Smith has been in comedies (Hitch), action flicks (Hancock) and dramas (Pursuit) he may have a niche inaction movies but if you think Ali, The Pursuit Of Happyness and I Am Legend don't show off his acting chops then you're ******ed. I mean dude waspretty much the only character on the screen for nearly the entire movie in I Am Legend. I personally would fall dead watching Denzel do that and I love hiswork too.

I personally would like to see if Will Smith could pull a villain off but usually that means he would have to be the supporting actor and not the lead which heis in every movie nowadays. And if you're trying to make money, Will Smith should be the lead.
Like some people have said before I think it all depends on the character that his portraying and the script, but given that both are great I defiantly thinkWill can be a great villan.
Will isn't the greatest actor ever (he even knows this) but he is good and he works his %@% off all the time. So I definitely believe it's doable.
If Will ends up being casted in Ol'Boy and if the script isnt change. Then there goes your villian.
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