When Obama wins, How will you celebrate?

infallible free market known only to textbooks.
Rex lives in a textbook. Anyone on this board who knows anything about economics and finance knows he is idealistic to the point of nauseousness.

There will never be a free market so you have to make the best of what you have. The freeer the better but this implies regulation, EFFECTIVE regulation. Andthis comes from someone who sympathizes with the Austrian School and loves free markets and deregulation like they are going out of style.(they seem to be) ButI am realist this paradise is not practical or possible.

For example;

Bad regulation,
The Federal Reserve
Implicit government guarantees of Fannie and Freddy paper
FDIC insurance

Potentially good regulation,
Bringing the CDS market to a transparent exchange
Limiting the amount Banks can lever up

One thing though Meth, Debt is money and this system needs to grow debt constantly to sustain itself. Once debt contracts money contracts.. As much as peoplewant to talk free markets, this system by nature of its existence and need to survive will find ways to increase debt ethcially or not, legally or not and thatwill forever make all proposed solutions fail eventually. Until the dollar is backed by something, and that backing is ENFORCED BY REGULATION, there is nosolution to the problems of this fiat currency only solutions to the symptoms of the need to forever expand debt.
The truth of the matter is that redlining is part of the reason why many minorities living in segregated communities lack access to mainstream lending institutions (just visit www.nedap.org and view their mapping project), yet even when controlling for income women and people of color received a disproportionate share of poison pill mortgage and refinance loans. In fact, many upper-income Black Americans were steered into subprime loans. Discrimination was a problem, out and out FRAUD was a problem, and certainly misinformation was a problem. Loan originators simply turned around and sold mortgages, losing all accountability in the process and, once placed in a tranche, the terms of any one mortgage could no longer be renegotiated. We saw MASSIVE real estate appraisal fraud feeding the subprime industry, the results of which are disastrous in and of themselves. You had people signing documents containing terms entirely different from those discussed beforehand - a classic bait and switch scheme. The underwriting for these loans went far beyond reckless. They often didn't even verify borrower ability to repay. Many failed to establish escrows for taxes and insurance. A great many mortgage brokers misled borrowers, often encouraging them to lie about their income, channeled them into low or no doc loans, or otherwise exposed them to excessive interest rates - even if they qualified for prime rates - to earn a kickback in the form of yield spread premiums. Even with the most naive faith in eventual self-correction, what's more likely to happen first: this problem correcting ITSELF or the economy collapsing? The subprime crisis effected the largest loss of minority wealth in the history of this country. That's not acceptable. It could, and should, have been prevented.
Word for word I couldn't agree more Meth.

Appraisal fraud? Check!
Failure to verify borrowers? Check!
Mortgage brokers lying? Check!

A lot and I mean a lot of minorities were suckered into loans that they couldn't afford. My boy was one. He had bad credit, and didn't even qualifyfor a credit card. Yet the broker was able to get him not just one loan but two loans. Nevertheless his condo is not worth the price he is paying for and inthe process of a short sale.

You may find the real world less accommodating to that view.

That's the thing with that dude. He sounds just like a textbook.

Lastly how am I going to celebrate? By taking the day off and going to the happiest place on earth.. DISNEYLAND!
The republicans will still this election, there are going to be a lot of mad people come November 5th.
I don't know, it'll be such a historical moment, I'll probably just reflect for a minute and come to the realization that all things arepossible.........................................then come back to reality that I'll still be 10000+ in debt when I graduate. Me and some friends arehaving an 'election party' Tuesday night though.
A lot and I mean a lot of minorities were suckered into loans that they couldn't afford. My boy was one. He had bad credit, and didn't even qualify for a credit card. Yet the broker was able to get him not just one loan but two loans. Nevertheless his condo is not worth the price he is paying for and in the process of a short sale.
Truly amazing. Bad Credit, can't qualify for a Visa Credit Card, but you're in a Condo. . . Hmmmm???? Yeah, blame the people for the messwe're in. I don't blame your boy, though. He knew he had bad credit, but yet they gave him a condo. If my credit was bad, I would've been"Where do I Sign?" Also. . .

For the OP, no real plans. I might even shed a tear or two. For white people to open their minds to a Black person's voice, says a lot.
yeah nothing is going to change IF Obama actually wins which is not going to happen.

Celebrating over NO CHANGE FTL!
To every McCain/Palin supporter I see.

*Harlem Shake Gif*

Sike Naw, Funny enough I got this email earlier.


They'll be watching us on November 5th (the day after the election) for signs of the end times. To keep the peace and keep a lot of folks from getting nervous, I think we should develop a list of acceptable celebrations and behaviors we should probably avoid - at least for the first few days: 1. No crying, hugging or shouting "Thank you Lord" - at least not in public.2. No high-fives - at least not unless the area is clear and there are no witnesses.3. No laughing at the McCain/Palin supporters.4. No calling in sick on November 5th. They'll get nervous if too many of us don't show up.5. We're allowed to give each other knowing winks or nods in passing.  Just try to keep from grinning too hard.6. No singing loudly, We've come this Far By Faith  (it will be acceptable to hum softly).7. No bringing of  barbeque ribs or fried chicken for lunch in the company lunchroom for at least a week (no chittlings at all) (this may make us seem too ethnic).8. No leaving kool-aid packages at the water fountain (this might be a sign that poor folks might be getting a break through)9. No Cupid Shuffle during breaks (this could indicate a little too much excitement)10. Please no Moving on Up music  (we are going to try to remain humble)11. No doing the George Jefferson dance (unless you're in your office with the door closed)12. Please try not to yell----BOOOO YAH!13. Just in case you're wondering, Doing the Running Man, cabbage patch, or a backhand spring on the highway is 100% okay. If I've missed anything feel free to add to the list. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page when Obama brings this thing home on November 5th.
To everyone saying it wont cause a "change"...your so foolish.... just by having a minority president for the first time ever...this country haschanged and is on a road to progression however long it may take.....

as for celebration...im going to pray....and talk to my grandmother a bit because she would have loved to have lived through the civil rights movement and hada grandmother who was a slave to be able to one day see a President with the same skin color as her grandson...whether he be half black and white or martianand asian.......

then im gonna go pop bottles and have unprotected intercourse
Originally Posted by seaner23

Originally Posted by wizards23

yeah nothing is going to change IF Obama actually wins which is not going to happen.

Celebrating over NO CHANGE FTL!
IF you believe the polls mccain is pretty much mathematically eliminated already. all obama has to do is win 1 of the 8 battleground states (nevada will do) and he's leading in most of them anyway and he's won.

obama supporters still need to make sure they get out and vote though. don't just sit back and thinks it's all wrapped up.

plz do it and im takein ALL the news papers i can find the next day and cutin it up so i can show my kids and grandkids oneday
If Anyone Saw The South Park Episode "More Crap" Imma Do That Thing Bono Was Doing

Imma Go By Eveybody Saying YEA.YEA.YEA,
Originally Posted by potus2028

So why do you care what others do? If folk wanna get a IV of Jack Daniels and pop pills til Thanksgiving cuz eitha candidate wins...don't matter 2 me...just sayin...

I wish I could have a camera taking a photograph for every face that is set on Obama winning the day of Nov 5th

It would resemble something like this
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear


They'll be watching us on November 5th (the day after the election) for signs of the end times. To keep the peace and keep a lot of folks from getting nervous, I think we should develop a list of acceptable celebrations and behaviors we should probably avoid - at least for the first few days: 1. No crying, hugging or shouting "Thank you Lord" - at least not in public.2. No high-fives - at least not unless the area is clear and there are no witnesses.3. No laughing at the McCain/Palin supporters.4. No calling in sick on November 5th. They'll get nervous if too many of us don't show up.5. We're allowed to give each other knowing winks or nods in passing.  Just try to keep from grinning too hard.6. No singing loudly, We've come this Far By Faith  (it will be acceptable to hum softly).7. No bringing of  barbeque ribs or fried chicken for lunch in the company lunchroom for at least a week (no chittlings at all) (this may make us seem too ethnic).8. No leaving kool-aid packages at the water fountain (this might be a sign that poor folks might be getting a break through)9. No Cupid Shuffle during breaks (this could indicate a little too much excitement)10. Please no Moving on Up music  (we are going to try to remain humble)11. No doing the George Jefferson dance (unless you're in your office with the door closed)12. Please try not to yell----BOOOO YAH!13. Just in case you're wondering, Doing the Running Man, cabbage patch, or a backhand spring on the highway is 100% okay. If I've missed anything feel free to add to the list. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page when Obama brings this thing home on November 5th.


He'll be inaugurated on my birthday!

I wanna go to D.C., maybe even the actual inauguration (I don't know if that's even possible)
I heard there are inauguration parties
no need for celebrating because obama wont win. he will get the most votes just like john kerry did. But somehow mccain will get the victory proving theelection is rigged. Not in a bad way but is this country ready for a black president? if obama wins every racist, white supremacist, etc will protest and dogod knows what else. They already acting a fool and obama aint even won. personally i think both candidates are not qualified, and will *%$! up the countrymore than it is now. if i had to pick the lesser of the two evils it would be obama. i would love to see some *#+% like a recount, or something crazy happen onelection day that would make it interesting. another thing to think about it if mccain wins and croaks we will have a woman president. thats the last thingthis country needs is someone who bleeds every month running the country
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