When you say you're proud to be an American what exactly are you proud of?

Modern democracy, NASA, we invented the internet, we are the most multicultural nation on earth. We are still the #1 manufacturer of goods in the world. We export more produce than any other nation in the world. The world uses our currency as their reserve. We are one of the few nations in the world where you can buy a piece of land and actually call it your own. We invented the national park system. We have the most elite athletes in the world. We have a system where you can come here as an immigrant with $2 in your pocket and build as much wealth as you're willing to work for. We have more religious freedom than most countries due to the first amendment.

Do we have our problems? Yes, but we are the only country where someone living in poverty still have a roof over their head with 500sq.ft & a TV & microwave and has a higher chance of dying of obesity than starvation. Where it's their choice NOT to get a high school diploma.
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Why do people always respond with move to another country when anyone says anything anti-american. It's almost as if you've been brainwashed to think that exact way. I love America, I just wish we could improve and stop so many of our backwards practices. Obviously it's better to live as a middle class American than in a 3rd world country. I've lived in several. That's beyond the point. 

Preach man.

"move to another country"

"go back to your country"

"than get off of my land dude"

Really? Do birds claim the sky is theirs? Do fish claim the water is theirs? Quit being so damn ignorant, people.

If someone want's to express their displeasure with this country, than so be it. Who are you to tell them to get out or leave? You're no better than the person stating their displeasure.
Really? Do birds claim the sky is theirs? Do fish claim the water is theirs? Quit being so damn ignorant, people.

No but Americans do. Our ancestors did it to the natives and surely people are doing it today. It's the American way whether you like it or not.
Why do people always respond with move to another country when anyone says anything anti-american. It's almost as if you've been brainwashed to think that exact way. I love America, I just wish we could improve and stop so many of our backwards practices. Obviously it's better to live as a middle class American than in a 3rd world country. I've lived in several. That's beyond the point. 

Preach man.

"move to another country"

"go back to your country"

"than get off of my land dude"

Really? Do birds claim the sky is theirs? Do fish claim the water is theirs? Quit being so damn ignorant, people.

If someone want's to express their displeasure with this country, than so be it. Who are you to tell them to get out or leave? You're no better than the person stating their displeasure.

People only say it because its the initial reaction. The OP should have prefaced the OP with his later post of "I like america but...." Everyone goes to the extremes

"I hate america we are corrupt"
"Oh so you would rather wake up to gun shots and have your women raped and kids taken from you to join child armies"
"obviously not but...."
Health Care

Not sure if serious :stoneface:

The health care in this country will cause an average American to go bankrupt because of a broken leg.

Technology is literally the NSA's dream world.

American entertainment is brainwashing every little boy and girl in this country to believe that twerking with booty shorts with some bubble gum and camera is okay.

Just 60 years ago, we had segregated bathrooms and water fountains. Very diverse huh.

Those are your reasons to be proud, really? :lol: :smh:
Not sure if serious :stoneface:

The health care in this country will cause an average American to go bankrupt because of a broken leg.

Technology is literally the NSA's dream world.

American entertainment is brainwashing every little boy and girl in this country to believe that twerking with booty shorts with some bubble gum and camera is okay.

Just 60 years ago, we had segregated bathrooms and water fountains. Very diverse huh.

Those are your reasons to be proud, really? :lol: :smh:

Animal Thug said:
Why do people always respond with move to another country when anyone says anything anti-american. It's almost as if you've been brainwashed to think that exact way. I love America, I just wish we could improve and stop so many of our backwards practices. Obviously it's better to live as a middle class American than in a 3rd world country. I've lived in several. That's beyond the point. 
no one here thinks that america is perfect, its just that in the title of the thread you implied that there is no reason to be a proud american. if you named the thread "lets address and discuss the many problems with america today" there wouldnt be as much backlash. Saying that people shouldnt be proud to be american because of the problems you listed would be like me going to a jv basketball game and telling parents that they shouldnt be proud of their kids because they didnt make varsity.
It's weird for me.  I'm a Proud NYer but an apathetic American.

I've also noticed I don't get a lot of cultural references because I'm more surrounded by my culture than mainstream American culture.

I've noticed this is true for my Chinese-American and Indian-American friends as well.
bruh health care in dis cuntry is a joke
If by a joke you mean expensive, sure. But name a country more advanced in medicine...
my grandpa broke his hip earlier this year and because of the free canadian healthcare system he had to wait a week before getting an operation.

if he would have been in the US he would have gotten that operation faster. i get that its expensive but depending on your situation sometimes cheaper/free is not always better
What exactly is false? Can you name a country that has murdered more innocent people or caused the suffering of more? And yes we do rank well below most European nations in most categories:education, longevity, health care, etc. And as for the fat thing, we poison our own food supply for a profit. How backwards can you be? Most of the ingredients we use are banned in other countries. And for the record I don't hate America, I hate our government. We do have excellent sports, music, and entertainment. Ehh I guess we're alright. 

To me... Sports far out weigh the dirt our Govt does. Washington bombs Syria... yah it's horrible our Nation is at war but you know what would be worst? An NFL or NBA lock out! :lol: You know damn well that's a fact for a majority of Americans!
Is Animal Thug the same guy who said the Boston marathon bombings were planned by the government?
bruh health care in dis cuntry is a joke
As far as first world nations go, we're not doing so great.



Also don't hit me with that "but look at [insert poor country]" or "you could be living in [insert poor country]"

A nation should always be shooting for better.
Is Animal Thug the same guy who said the Boston marathon bombings were planned by the government?

What does that have to do with anything?

You place your faith and trust in the business's that Rupert Murdoch owns though; and believe anything that his employees tell you.

How sad.
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I'm black so america isnt always so great to me

but we do have the NBA in this country so at least thats something to be proud of
What does that have to do with anything?

You place your faith and trust in the business's that Rupert Murdoch owns though; and believe anything that his employees tell you.

How sad.

So it was you?

I was just curious to see if the person spewing the conspiracy theorist rhetoric is the same guy riding the "there's nothing good about America" bandwagon.

You're waaaaaaaaaaay off with that Rupert Murdoch line too, though I suppose that's just more of that Alex Jones jargon.
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