When you say you're proud to be an American what exactly are you proud of?

When did I ever say "theres nothing good about America" though? After reading that, you don't warrant a response from me.

You really don't see how one could reach that conclusion based on everything you've said in this thread?

Nah fam, that's what you would call assuming. Not once in my LIFETIME, have I said "there's nothing good about Ameirca".

Don't try to justify your anger with those who express their displeasure by putting words in their mouth.

Now once again...go play somewhere kiddo.
I always looked at pride as something you develop from accomplishing something. That's why I always get turned off to things like national pride, gay pride, racial pride... All you accomplished was being born. Congratulations! That said I think its fine to admire what something or someone has accomplished like wow America is the back to back World War Champ but has nothing to do with me unless I fought in it. Which is probably why OP doesn't understand American pride. He's not helping America achieve anything. 

"Ask not what your country can do for you....."
Nah fam, that's what you would call assuming. Not once in my LIFETIME, have I said "there's nothing good about Ameirca".

Don't try to justify your anger with those who express their displeasure by putting words in their mouth.

Now once again...go play somewhere kiddo.

You're projecting.

It's whatever though.
When did I ever say "theres nothing good about America" though? After reading that, you don't warrant a response from me.

You really don't see how one could reach that conclusion based on everything you've said in this thread?

Nah fam, that's what you would call assuming. Not once in my LIFETIME, have I said "there's nothing good about Ameirca".

Don't try to justify your anger with those who express their displeasure by putting words in their mouth.

Now once again...go play somewhere kiddo.

You don't have to say it. In a thread about what makes your proud to be an american you've **** on the country with nearly every reply. You've yet to say one truly positive thing. You're clearly not a fan.
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Ol boy heard a pro era mixtape and he thinks he is a freedom fighter 
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I can eat cuisine from all over the planet, by walking down two blocks in manhattan.
If not we,... then who????
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the xenophobia present in most other countries is so stifling that you HAVE to know somebody to get an actual fair and just wage/job or be working for our gubment.....which is why i love america.  any ol dude worth his salt with a little work ethic and some saved up ruples have been able to come into this country and make a name for themselves for a long, long time.

freakin arnold schwarzenegger came over to this country without really knowing much of the language, got all big from lifting, did movies, married into one of our richest family trees and became governor of california.  i'd love to see animal thug do the same in austria or any other country for that matter.  fact is, america is pretty awful at times and pretty sweet at times but when it's awful it's not as bad as a lot of other countries and when it's sweet, it's SWEET!

also, this:

All I am going to say is that unless you have traveled to other countries and seen how the live, you are in no position to say we have it better or worse than anyone else.
All I am going to say is that unless you have traveled to other countries and seen how the live, you are in no position to say we have it better or worse than anyone else.
i don't have to experience draggin my sack through glass shards to know it would be awful and i don't have to travel to the dominican republic to know that many, many, many denizens there live in absolute squallor and that we definitely have it better here.  it's called the internet, use it.
I am proud of the fact that I can achieve my dreams with hard work and determination.  I am proud that I can criticize my government without having to worry about being persecuted for it. I am proud that I live in a land of plenty and get to interact with so many different individuals with different cultural backgrounds.
All I am going to say is that unless you have traveled to other countries and seen how the live, you are in no position to say we have it better or worse than anyone else.

i don't have to experience draggin my sack through glass shards to know it would be awful and i don't have to travel to the dominican republic to know that many, many, many denizens there live in absolute squallor and that we definitely have it better here.  it's called the internet, use it.


i wont even go there with you but its nice to know that all it takes for you to believe something is to type those little fingers of yours away. Passport, get one...and use it!
This is America.

If you don't love it then you can git out.

Now lemme enjoy my MacDonalds, drink of thunderbird and NASCAR racing.
im particularly proud of our beer industry...miller, anheiser-busch, coors breweries are all fine brands and produce high quality and enjoyable beverages. 

America has moved to the forefront of an industry usually dominated by Europe. that is something to be proud of!
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I'm not a proud American,there's nothing really to be proud of because for the so-called freedoms that some like to point out that Americans have weren't given to them but was fought for and you can go down the list of things.

"If you don't like America then leave"-How about "NO" I'm not leaving this country that my family helped built even if they nor I have fairly gotten our slice of that pie.I want what I want and I'm going to hate it,including the flag until forever and on top of that isn't that the American way?of course it is:smokin
Threads like this make me proud to be an American (dead *** srs).

Everybody in this country is entitled to their opinion, and if you don't like what someone says, guess what? You can voice yours. We are allowed to pick and choose what we watch, what we eat, what we wear, etc. We can voice disapproval of those in charge, or anyone else for that matter. No military battles have been fought on our land since the Civil War, no mandatory draft, no tyrants (may not seem that way to some). I love the freedoms we have, sure it's not perfect here, but you have the right to vote and run for office in order to make things better, and if that doesn't suit your fancy, you can move away if you'd like.

I am proud of the Constitution and more importantly the Bill of Rights. America is so far from perfect, but instead of complaining do something about it. Stop being stereotypical Americans concerned with only yourself and learn to pay it forward.

Ghandi and Voltaire said it best, "Be the change you want to see" & "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

But what do I know? I attended American public schools.
I am proud of the fact that I can achieve my dreams with hard work and determination.  I am proud that I can criticize my government without having to worry about being persecuted for it. I am proud that I live in a land of plenty and get to interact with so many different individuals with different cultural backgrounds.
All I am going to say is that unless you have traveled to other countries and seen how the live, you are in no position to say we have it better or worse than anyone else.

Do we have 31,000,000+ foreign born immigrants here because they have it better than us in their nation of origin?

Like, do I really have to travel to Zimbabwe or North Korea or Somalia to acknowledge that their quality of life is trash compared to ours?
Health Care

Homie said Healthcare, lololol...

I really don't kno what to say here...Im happy for the freedoms we have here in America, I will say that.. But im not really patriotic, nor am I anti-america.. Im just chillin living my life, minding mines and staying neutral..
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