Where are you guys getting those cartoon avatars?

My wife says mine is a perfect cartooned edition of me.



Only question: how do you guys get text on your shirts? Don't you have to pay for that? I'm not paying for this crap.
^Ohhh so that's how Ska kinda looks like I don't think he has ever posted a pic ever (I could be wrong).
^Ohhh so that's how Ska kinda looks like I don't think he has ever posted a pic ever (I could be wrong).

Heck no I've never posted a picture on here. Probably never will, either. Too many rude kids with PhotoShop hiding behind the security of aninternet connection and a monitor.
skate go to clothes and under logo it says write. its the last option for clothes. its free.
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

I can't seem to put it as my avatar, I uploaded it and saved it but then it just shows my old avy...Do you guys know whats wrong or know how to fix it?
clear your Internet cache. It'll take awhile for it to show up though.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^Ohhh so that's how Ska kinda looks like I don't think he has ever posted a pic ever (I could be wrong).
Heck no I've never posted a picture on here. Probably never will, either. Too many rude kids with PhotoShop hiding behind the security of an internet connection and a monitor.

Well up until now I always pictured you looking like one of these guys. I know I'm not the only one.

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