Where do you all meet girls these days?

I've honestly only ever met girls at bars since graduating college last year. Slept with 48 women but have never had a girlfriend. Forever alone. Maybe I need to find other places to meet them? 
Lol @ where to find girls. Cmon son

They are everywhere. Stop being nervous and shoot your shot

I think most has some reservation like that, coming out of school from that controlled environment, everything within reach. You'll have to do some work, but once you're out of your comfort zone, **** is glorious.
Got an email about this....think its some bs but may check out to see if they have some yambs that are into basketbal.
Want yambs?
Dont GO to a class, sign up to teach a class.

Its easy. Just pick a hobby that you are both passionate and knowledgeable about. (It is REALLY a plus if you know yoga, or something women are into.)

Head down to a community center (in a part of town where you like the women) and sign up to teach the class.
If you're not that good at it, just teach a beginner's course. They wont know the difference.
Make sure its a short course, no more than 4-6 weeks meeting once a week. That way there is no long term commitment.

This works because women love men in a position of authority. Plus they have an interest in something you are knowledgeable about and women love intelligence.

All you have to do is be nice, smile alot, and look presentable. Eventually the available women in the class will flock TO YOU. Easy pickings.

:smh: Yall ****** doin waaaaay to much man.

Yall really doin all this for some ussy?
If you've got female friends use them as a resource. For every friend You have they've got a pull of girlfriends that you can mack on. And if you sense that it isn't going the way you want throw her in the friend zone and gain access to her friends. So on and so forth. Literally all I did in addition to tinder until I met my girlfriend.
^ That's the thing... I don't coach for the women either.

I have kids who are on the teams.

Getting attention from women is just something that came with it.

When the women find out I am no longer with my kids mom they say, "its great that you are a good dad and in their lives," like that's something I'm not supposed to do anyway.

But having kids respond to you, like you, and looking up to you... women LOVE it.
Its creepy coaching a kids team if your kids are not on the team lol. All my kids coaches have had kids on the team.

Gotta agree that college was the best environment for meeting people. But if u used those 4+ yrs to learn how to play, then after you graduate the whole city starts looking like campus...
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Its creepy coaching a kids team if your kids are not on the team lol. All my kids coaches have had kids on the team.

Gotta agree that college was the best environment for meeting people. But if u used those 4+ yrs to learn how to play, then after you graduate the whole city starts looking like campus...

Its creepy for a man to try to be an impact in kids lives with no relations?

Are big brothers creepy too?

I will say this.

One of my engineers at work is a cub scout leader.

No kids, no wife.

I find that extremely creepy.

If i had a son into that type of stuff, I wouldn't let him go camping with dude.
dudes know that the slept with exactly 48 people but whining about never had a GF and forever alone? Nah, that's on you...you choosing to be single/bachelor 
Tinder, b. just message every single girl "wanna ****?" 60% of the time it works everytime. #factsonly

Or you can volunteer. Always meet cool people that way :pimp:
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Its creepy coaching a kids team if your kids are not on the team lol. All my kids coaches have had kids on the team.

Gotta agree that college was the best environment for meeting people. But if u used those 4+ yrs to learn how to play, then after you graduate the whole city starts looking like campus...

Creepy to coach kids?

Wth are you talking about?
I can see why some parents would be skeptical of a dude coaching their young children who had no kid in the program or kid on the team.  But that's for a diff thread, not everything is cynical feels. 
Coaching kids because you like coaching is not creepy. Coaching kids just to meet women is creepy as hell. Some of yall are working way to hard to meet women.

I'm gonna stick to meeting women I run into during my regular routine. Work,Gym,Shopping,Bars,Sports/Music Events, Beach
Its creepy for a man to try to be an impact in kids lives with no relations?

Are big brothers creepy too?

I will say this.

One of my engineers at work is a cub scout leader.

No kids, no wife.

I find that extremely creepy.

If i had a son into that type of stuff, I wouldn't let him go camping with dude.

Creepy to coach kids?

Wth are you talking about?

now everybody in here is on some some whitney houston" I believe the children are our future" huh? Y'all was just savages tho lol. Hey its just my 2 cent, but yes, volunteering to coach toddler soccer without having a toddler is weird. I'll give you a pass if you majored in child psychology, are a teacher or some other profession dealing with kids, or if you are working with older kids, like 11 and up. But y'all are none of the above. Y'all just trying to figure out ways to meet girls. Coach is smiling bc he got all the mommy's phone numbers from the emergency forms, but the team is 0-12.
Yall taking this too serious.  All you have to do is work on your game and you can get a girl anywhere.

When youre alone, just think up something funny to say to a girl, and how you would go abt gettting her number ("ur cute/ I like talking to you, lets hang out sometime,"  etc)  That way you know what to do regardless of the situation. 

That way no matter where you are or what youre doing, when you see a cute female you already have a gameplan. 

Oh and when getting the number, be direct.  Just b like, Im about to go lemme get ur number, and pull the phone out while youre saying this.  Just be smooth with it.

Go out there and be direct.  Have what you would say in a potential situation already on deck for whatever female might come your way.  And dont take it so serious.  You dont know this girl she not your soulmate (yet) so no need to stress over a simple number.  Oh and only take numbers not IGs or KIKs or FBs.  And in the occasion she does curve you.  Just b like "aite, you still cool tho, peace"  and keep it moving.  Just be direct and smooth always.  And always be fresh when you walk out the house.  Nothing to it

EZ Peezy
Nupe I done hit a couple joints off Tinder from me just traveling so much.

I also just run into Yambs on random occasions or through other mutual friends.
That's it. I'm gonna figure out how to become a coach and teach kids how to play soccer :lol:

YouTube cooking fine cuisine and teach a cooking class.

What else? :lol:
This is perfect.
You only have to learn one recipe to teach to the class per week.
You can get all of the finer points from the experts on Youtube. Just make sure you have gotten good at making the dish before teaching.

To add to that you can start with easier dishes and get harder as the class goes along.
That first class might be something like how to properly slice an onion or something

Plus you learn how to cook in the process, which can be used later on in the process.
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