Where is this going/gonna go talk Vol. "we've been seeing each other a while now..."

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

lol i avoid this.
word. I hattteeeeeee when this is brought up by a female

kills my whole mood.
Hey AlanDutch what are we and where are we going with this
*makes great escape*

..Id rather bring it up when I feel its right

Thing is...i personally think a lotta females I've meet/know put too much onus on the titles of a relationship rather than how a man actually treats them.I've told girls titles are cool but if a man really likes you, you can tell by how he treats you...
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


Thing is...i personally think a lotta females I've meet/know put too much onus on the titles of a relationship rather than how a man actually treats them. I've told girls titles are cool but if a man really likes you, you can tell by how he treats you...


so I'm definitely NOT bringing it up
That was my first mind, but Ijust wanted to be sure. No, I'm not "pressuring" him to commit either.

If its been 5 months and slim doesn't call you his girlfriend, he's doesn't plan to.
so should I just chuck the deuces then?? Ain't no use and wasting time waiting around for something that ain't gonna happen...
The fact of the matter is you're trying to be "for sure"

Seriously, there's no such thing as a sure bet when it comes to situations like this. You HAVE TO bite the bullet and get the information you seek fromunknown strangers directly from the sources mouth. Otherwise it's just "woulda coulda shoulda"

Since he's not bringing it up, you put the pants on and get that information. Sure it's scary and a pain in the #@% because you won't know theresult until they say it, but for better or worse you'll be able to finally breathe after the conversation is done.

Cinco I had just convinced myself to adhere to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I don't think I'm going to mention "where is this going," but I am going to bring up this hot to cold vibe I've been getting from himthis past week......
I won't say dead it, because he might just be afraid of the commitment...but if it's now or never, be straight up with him.

In a normal scenario, it shouldn't take 4-5 months to commit to a relationship. Everyone is different, but after 4 months things should be pretty clear.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Eh it can be either party, but it seems like chicks want the guy to do it all the time. Some will even get mad if the guy doesn't


I hate that. Chicks want something but rather than say it, they will drop subtle "hints" or just not even say anything at all in the hopes that theguy will say something. Worst is when they get mad over something they never even hinted at but, somehow, magically expected us (guys) to know.

Milkshake--clearly you're contemplating the "next stage". If this is in fact that case, why are you waiting for him, and on him, to bring it up?Why don't you pave the way and go get yours. The worse outcome is him saying no to a "next stage, and you now having the option to stay or leave.

im not a relationship expert or even novice but i agree with Cinco. If you really want to know, then ask
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Eh it can be either party, but it seems like chicks want the guy to do it all the time. Some will even get mad if the guy doesn't


I hate that. Chicks want something but rather than say it, they will drop subtle "hints" or just not even say anything at all in the hopes that the guy will say something. Worst is when they get mad over something they never even hinted at but, somehow, magically expected us (guys) to know.
Yeah women are fails like that. Like when a guy wants to go out w his boys and she's like "...thats fine" so he goes out and thenlater she loses her charts at him and he's like "but you said it was fine!" And she's like "well you should have known from my tone thatit wasn't!" Sooooo stupid.

And yeah if you want to know, ask. If he gets all weird about it you know he's not down for commitment so you can shut it down and stop wasting your time wsomeone who doesn't want the same things.

This is why I don't get into these "seeing someone" situations. I usually only date guys I've been friends with first, so once I kinda get anidea that I like him as more than a friend it's almost immediately like "I'm not gonna just eff around for months. I don't have time for thatgarbage, so date me or keep it movin'." I don't share men. Ever. Sets a bad precedent for when you do date. Bc you're saying "At onejuncture I was okay with you seeing other girls", so they're not gonna take super kindly to you just changing that.

So many girls are like "if I just wait another week/month/year, he'll come around, he'll want just me". No. Probably he won't. I'mnot saying this dude in particular doesn't want you but as hard as it is, try to know when to cut your losses
Good luck lady.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Eh it can be either party, but it seems like chicks want the guy to do it all the time. Some will even get mad if the guy doesn't


I hate that. Chicks want something but rather than say it, they will drop subtle "hints" or just not even say anything at all in the hopes that the guy will say something. Worst is when they get mad over something they never even hinted at but, somehow, magically expected us (guys) to know.
I can't stand this @!@# either.

Milkshake, you can let things remain status quo, chill, and hopes that he brings up this topic; or you can take a more aggressive approach and ask him.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514


Thing is...i personally think a lotta females I've meet/know put too much onus on the titles of a relationship rather than how a man actually treats them. I've told girls titles are cool but if a man really likes you, you can tell by how he treats you...


so I'm definitely NOT bringing it up
That was my first mind, but I just wanted to be sure. No, I'm not "pressuring" him to commit either.

If its been 5 months and slim doesn't call you his girlfriend, he's doesn't plan to.
so should I just chuck the deuces then?? Ain't no use and wasting time waiting around for something that ain't gonna happen...

you say you're not pressuring him to commit, but you want that security that he is feeling you

so you have to find out, ask him....

and then you say he hasn't called you his girl after 5 months, and then question if you should bounce

so you obviously looking to take the next step...

baby just woman up, see where his heads at (no pun intended

If you like where his minds at, stick wit it, if its not something you can deal with, keep it movin

maybe he'll get the idea and get his act together, but maybe he won't

either way, you'll be better off than staying in purgatory...
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

If its been 5 months and slim doesn't call you his girlfriend, he's doesn't plan to.

Fellas, lets be real here. If we want a chick like that, we'll let you know alot sooner than later.

If you pressin him to commit, you're doing too much.
This, 5 months is OD. If I find a girl I like that's gf material, then I'll make it known in about a month.
I thought this thread was about trying to talk your girl into doing backdoor business. no lulz in here

Originally Posted by calibeebee

I thought this thread was about trying to talk your girl into doing backdoor business. no lulz in here


This, 5 months is OD. If I find a girl I like that's gf material, then I'll make it known in about a month.

I'm not one to put time limits...some of the best guys I've known have waited long a** times before they felt like we could do the"relationship" thing.
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