Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

Originally Posted by EightysBaby

nyzMaGiciAn wrote:

I was in 8th grade English class.

8th Grade Lunch just got to it and everyone was acting weird and talkingabout hospitals blew up... didnt know what happen foreal until we went to my cousins house with my mom and watched it on TV... i thought it was a movie.. crazyday everyone thought it was gonna me mass happenings ... craziest day of my life so far
I woke up to it, with my brother telling me that the World Trade Center had been hit.

I remember watching the second tower fall, and the rest was a blur.
This is something that I will never forget for the rest of my life. I was in 8th grade Global History class (Mr. Scrudato FTW) and some girl shouts during theclass the WTC is on fire. Everyone is like what the !%@#? (Our classroom faces lower Manhattan. We were located in Bushwick and we could see the towersclearly, that's how tall they were). Everyone rushed to the window and was just like
because we couldn't believe what we were seeing. A few mins later the secondtower is hit. By that time people are stunned, sad and crying. That day was just crazy because my dad worked at the World Financial Center and I didn'tknow if he was okay or not. Turned out he was fine. By the grace of God, no one at my school lost a parent/relative.
freshman year of college....
was in class when the teacher told us to all go home for the day.....
went home and turned on the tv.....
almost every single channel was covering this...
pretty surreal.......
damnnn memories...... 6th grade Godwin Middle School Teacher comes telling us the News... i got scared.
I was at home getting ready for school. I was a Sophomore in HS at the time and had all afternoon classes. I remember I watched eveything on ABC that morning.I didn't really grasp how monumental in Americas history this was, but anyways I recorded a full VHS tape of everything. I saw both towers fall live. Whenthey fell I really didn't feel any different. I guess because I have no ties to NY or maybe the fact that is was so sad that it almost didn't seemreal. When I got to school there was class as normal but nobody did anything that day but talk about it, watch the news, and pray for all the people involved.

I know there is some questions as to what actually happened and the truth behind that day which we may never know for certain. All we can do is remember tokeep the victims families in our prayers as today is gonna be a tough day for them. We know we lost a lot of great people and a great historic site that day.

In other not so sad news. My Dads birthday is today.
I was On y Way From Hollis Ave I.S 192 I Was Going To Cut School In Manhattan Reached hillside They Said No Trains Is running Went To My Spanish Boy Crib OnHillside And He Stay In 1 Of Them High Tower Buildings I Could See The smoke and everything From Queens I Watched The Whole News coverage In Spanish OnTelemundo
8th grade social social studies class in NYC . one of the English teachers pulled my teacher out of the class fifteen minutes later she came in crying. wedidn't believe what she said,

but once random kids were called to the office we saw it was no joke. my mother told me we had to pick up my brother from a school close by and while drivingshe looked like she

just saw a ghost. when we picked up my brother she told me the towers fell i just looked at her
and said no they will never fall. once we got home and saw the news

i had a chill run up and down every time it was aired. that day was so beautiful just a clear blue sky
Originally Posted by NayokoChan

in 5th grade. 8th period math class. i had no clue that it had happened until i heard kids getting called down to the main office damn near every minute because their parents were picking them up from school. my aunt and grandmother came to get me but apparently the line was too long because i just went home as usual that day.
right across the river in Brooklyn Tech, seen the smoke from the windows cut the last class, sneaked past the guards and started walking home and walked untilthe subways started runnign again
5th grade on a field trip in va (i know alot of 5th graders were going to this field trip in fairfax county so if you from there you might have had a similarexperience.) they just turn the bus around suddenly and i'm like *$+ they didn't tell us what was going on. so when i got out of school my gma tells methe pentagon and the twin towers were attacked. i get home and play madden 2002 on ps2 not understanding the importance and impact of the day until i watch thenews. then it hit me like "o %+#% this is pretty big"
9th grade science class acting a fool! Professor came in all serious saying we have been attacked i was like
and continued to act up until i seenpeople getting check out crying and mess. Thats when it sunk in for me.
@ me being so unaware of what happened. Now I'm in the Military...
In bed sleeping.

Was driving to work when I heard it on the radio and I didn't believe it until I read it in the newspaper.
10th grade morning mass at catholic school...Monsignor got the news from one of the deans and paused for a minute, had us thinking we were in trouble...as soonas he said what happened, a bunch of people who's parents work there started freaking out and ran to make phone calls...worst part was some cell tower wason top of the building or something and no ones cell phone was working for at&t or verizon...then we went to the cafeteria and saw the second plane hitlive as soon as we sat down...I pulled a seinfeld gif, straight up left and played video games all day...I aint even wanna see that all day, week, month, year
freshmen in college, i saw it on sportscenter before i went to my first class. then i walked to class 5 mins into it they shut the whole university down.
Walking/ in/ to/ 8th/ grade/ spanish/ 1./ Thinking/ about/ The/ Blueprint/ dropping/ that/ day./ Walked/ in/ and/ thought/ my/ teacher/ was/ watching/ a/movie./

My/ homie/ kept/ saying/ that/ can't/ be/ real,/ it/ can't/ be/ real./ Not/ in/ America.

In eighth grade home economics.

The events were made all the more real to us hundreds of miles away when my teacher started panicking because her husband was in New York on business, and shecouldn't reach him.
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