Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

5th grade, i was writing about how i wanted to become a sportscaster when i grew up. All of my friends start to get called down to go home when my older sistercame into the room. She told me one of the towers had fallen, i thought into the water :O. My aunt worked on one of the floors where everyone died, however shewas late to work because she was picking up coffee for some co- workers ( who ended up passing away). First day she was ever late for worked, saved her life. Iremember smelling burnt debris and bodies for days. Terrible smell..
I was in daycare early morning here in the west side. So it was like 6 am when this happened. I remember hearing from one of the day care ladies, "What?The world trade center..." Something about the WTC. I had NO clue what the WTC was so it went through my mind.
9th grade, Japanese class, sketchin' in my notebook. The principal made an announcement on the intercom and said a handful of names who got earlydismissals....then minutes later, he said a lot more.......then the bell rang for 3rd period, and people were shook in school, and people just were leavin'left and right....even those without early dismissals. I left, and I couldn't get home right away 'cause Downtown was bein' evacuated, and I livedright across the bridge from Downtown [the Somerset county scare was too close to Pittsburgh, so there was "speculation" that the USX Tower could bea target...] so I walked across the bridge to the crib, scared as hell 'cause I didn't really know what was goin' to happen.

Finally got home, called my mom [she works Downtown], she said she was on her way home, and I was just watchin' the news [nothin' else was on anyway].My mom and dad got home and we all watched the towers collapse. Didn't go to school for the rest of the week.....not 'cause my parents didn't letme, but 'cause I didn't want to. They assumed I went, but I just went to my boy's crib and played Dreamcast.
I was in school in social studies class... And little by little kids were being called to the office but no one knew why... Even the teacher didnt know whatwas going on and he was getting mad... Then they ended up calling my name and I got mad happy... Then when I found out what happen I was sad to see what washappening... Then my fam was worried if my uncle was in the WTC cause at the time he was working there like on the 106th floor or some %%+$ like that
i was freshman in college. Remember classes were canceled and everybody from NY and DC on was trying to call home
i was doing my homework....
just came home from school....

then i went downstairs to see what the fam. was watching....

I was in social studies class in the 9th grade. Our teacher cut on the t.v. and about five minutes later we saw the second plane hit. Speechless to say theleast
in elementary school.. the teachers rushed us into the library to watch the news and all of us thought it was either a joke or a movie. i remember talking tomy boy about the red sox while the planes were colliding with the buildings on tv. i was 10 at the time btw.
sittin in school in alexandria,va about 10 min from the pentagon.......im in Math class we hear a loud boom, everyone thinks its the construction workers fromour school because they were working on it at the time......a few min later teachers are running in and out the class, announcements come on saying dont turnon the tv but teachers did anyway, parents were picking up kids left and right
at home then went to class to my first period science teacher crying the whole class...She was always one of the meanest most serious manly teachers I had so Iknew it was pretty big deal. I can't believe it was 8 years ago. I remember the day perfectly every hour pretty much I remember all the kids whos parentcame and got them and everything....crazy...
I was at school in my first week of high school here in VA. I remember I was in the gym.. everyone was still dressed in their normal clothes, not in PE clothessince it was the first week. Nobody had uniforms yet. Then, there was an announcement in the PA system asking if anyone's parents worked at the Pentagon.Then, when my brother picked me up from school, he told me all about it. Then, when I got home, I just played ball with my boys in my culdesac and we just allspeculated about what happened in NY.
grade eight math class, 10:18 when class got stopped for the announcement. "Students. something terrible has happened." and the story went out to thewhole school. huge moment, probably won't forget that.
i was in 7th grade when this happened... that day was very strange for me... when i was young my mother would usually wake me up to go to school but that dayshe didnt.. so i woke up like around 8 and nobody was home.. i was confused like " damn she prolly forgot to wake me up" but i was glad cus i wasgoing to miss school.. so i made me breakfast and turned on the tv.. i think it 830 or 845 then... then the next thing i saw was one of the towers on fire andi was like WTH? i was wondering how it happened cus there was a big hole like something had crashed into the towers then the reported said that a plane hadcrashed into the north tower so i flipped to the other channels and they were showing the same thing.. then a mins later i heard a really loud noise that gotcloser and closer and then BAM!!! i was bugging out like what is going on.. my aunt called the house thinking that my mother was home then we talked and shetold me that it was an attack and that people were saying that it was terrorist attack... I will never forget that day.. R.I.P to the heroes and the innocentpeople who lost their lives on 9/11/2001...
7th grade in school in PG County,MD. Sitting in french and got called to the office for an early dismissal. My mom worked at Bolling Air Force base for DIA soshe knew about what was going on and came and hauled my !++ outta there. almost skipped school that day to go down to Union station..lucky i didn't...Theway my middle school sat near the potomac river, you could see the smoke and some kids say they felt whn the plane hit the pentagon. Also, plane that hit itflew right over my step dads head when he was on I-395
I was in 6th grade. I remember waking up, n going to the bathroom and turning on the radio n they were talking about the tragedy that happened(106.kmel). ThenI went to school, just to be sent back home.
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