White America Has Lost Its Mind

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.


Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.


Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Ruh roh
*leaves team metal and joins   team mariachi*
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.


Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

It's a hard thing to swallow when the culture you gave birth to, was the very reason you became demonized. Then soon after the same people who demonized you have commercialized the culture for profit, and you have to accept the fact that every one wants to call you a n-word because they now don't see nothing wrong with it since its embraced by others now. 
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.
This right here is the dumbest statement ever made on NT.

As for this Nat Turner guy, stop hiding behind the dictionary definition of racism and be realistic. Racism and prejudice are synonymous terms that describe different audiences. When a white man will not let me date his daughter because of my skin color, that is racist. If I won't hire a qualified white person because of his race, I am equally as racist. No one has the right to be prejudiced, not blacks, indians or any other race/ethnicity/nationality etc.
Nat Turner wrote:

Deadly serious.

Someone behaving in a stereotypical fashion, is not a compliment to the culture that he is imitating. It is an insult, then can be perceived as a grave one at that, especially by someone who has been incredibly abused by a racist system, which leaves the person in a low tolerant state.

This person will view all white people as "racists", as all that person can see is how they've been abused and misused, by people with lighter complected skin.

So when viewing at your last sentence, everyone and their life experiences are different. For some, things change. But for others, everything looks exactly the same.


The fact that you're going so far out of your way to create an imagined biography for some 14 year old street urchins is troubling, but I think ultimately confirms your troll status. A wildly successful troll at that, considering how deep this thread has gone. Why else would you invest so much time defending the indefensible (and ultimately irrelevant)? I won't lose sleep because a suburban %$%!@! got the balls beat off him, so why exactly are you campaigning so hard to absolve these kids?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Are you saying that you don't find people who behave in a stereotypical behaviour to be insulting? Depending on the level of sophistication, people will only respond to being insulted, in the manner they best know how.

For some, a buffoon will get stomped. For others, perhaps, another route will be taken. I don't take one side over the other, I respect the rules of where I am.

As far as someone simply appreciating a certain culture, that is all good. Just as long as you respect where it comes from, not acting as if you know what it is really about, suddenly becoming an expert.

If I study Asian martial arts, then going to Asia, I am not going to walk around like I am Bruce Lee.  

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.
This right here is the dumbest statement ever made on NT.

As for this Nat Turner guy, stop hiding behind the dictionary definition of racism and be realistic. Racism and prejudice are synonymous terms that describe different audiences. When a white man will not let me date his daughter because of my skin color, that is racist. If I won't hire a qualified white person because of his race, I am equally as racist. No one has the right to be prejudiced, not blacks, indians or any other race/ethnicity/nationality etc.

You don't know the definition of prejudice.

I gave this example before, prejudice is inherent. A child that does not know you, will be prejudiced toward you due to that lack of knowledge. You are not mommy, and you are not daddy. You are not brother or sister. The child does not know you. Until you are proven to not be a threat, that child will not go to you, nor want to know you.

That child is prejudiced against you.

That child, just like people who do not know of you or your culture, have a right to be prejudiced against you, until they get to know you.

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.


Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

It's a hard thing to swallow when the culture you gave birth to, was the very reason you became demonized. Then soon after the same people who demonized you have commercialized the culture for profit, and you have to accept the fact that every one wants to call you a n-word because they now don't see nothing wrong with it since its embraced by others now. 


I mean don't get me wrong I used to see this "white guy dressing and acting black" thing as them making a mockery of black culture. Till I realized, a lot of black people they are imitating mockery of black culture as well. It's nothing to go around beating people up for. Especially since a lot of those people are not putting up an act to mock black people, that is just the way they are. The biggest consumers of hip-hop music and black entertainment in this country are not white. We can't beat up every single white guy/spanish/asian that listens to a gucci mane track.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Are you saying that you don't find people who behave in a stereotypical behaviour to be insulting? Depending on the level of sophistication, people will only respond to being insulted, in the manner they best know how.

For some, a buffoon will get stomped. For others, perhaps, another route will be taken. I don't take one side over the other, I respect the rules of where I am.

As far as someone simply appreciating a certain culture, that is all good. Just as long as you respect where it comes from, not acting as if you know what it is really about, suddenly becoming an expert.

If I study Asian martial arts, then going to Asia, I am not going to walk around like I am Bruce Lee.  


An expert? Many black people themselves in the younger and some in the older generation know nothing about hip hop/black music either That's your opinion. My hip hop and blues professors in college were white and are considered "experts" in their respective fields.

So a bufoon, imitating another bufoon needs to get stomped. And the original bufoon gets a pass? So acting like and listening to gucci mane is ok for the black youth but not for white people. Come on son. If our black youth are going to take that L, I have no problems with white kids joining in as an equalizer.

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by thacamel

Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.
Shut up.

All the things you mentioned were counter cultures established to create venues for black media, and education.

Aside from that, BET, and Black colleges are both inclusive of white people, both ratings wise, as well as employment goes.

As far as black history month- it was established by a white man- Richard Nixon. In an attempt to passify blacks following the movement in the 60's.


people wanna hop in race debates and not know the history.

What's crazy is that I hear white ask this question all the time and no one seems to do any further research after asking the question


Which is why I dont waste my breath with them anymore. I would get into these discussions all the time at the college I use to work at. I use to be so amazed at how ignorant some of those kids were...and it wasn't malicious..they simply didnt know..but many didnt really care to learn either..they just wanted to project their view onto you. Right or wrong. Just today I overheard a kid say Native Americans don't pay taxes because they're lazy
I tried breaking down what a soverign nation is and he wasn't trying to hear it.
AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Are you saying that you don't find people who behave in a stereotypical behaviour to be insulting? Depending on the level of sophistication, people will only respond to being insulted, in the manner they best know how.

For some, a buffoon will get stomped. For others, perhaps, another route will be taken. I don't take one side over the other, I respect the rules of where I am.

As far as someone simply appreciating a certain culture, that is all good. Just as long as you respect where it comes from, not acting as if you know what it is really about, suddenly becoming an expert.

If I study Asian martial arts, then going to Asia, I am not going to walk around like I am Bruce Lee.  


An expert? Many black people themselves in the younger and some in the older generation know nothing about hip hop/black music either That's your opinion. My hip hop and blues professors in college were white and he was very "experts" in their fields.

So a bufoon, imitating another bufoon needs to get stomped. And the original bufoon gets a pass? So acting like and listening to gucci mane is ok for the black youth but not for white people. Come on son. If our black youth are going to take that L, I have no problems with white kids joining in as an equalizer.
First off, I do not speak this way. The "son" thing is exactly the stereotypical behaviour that we are addressing.

That said, Black people are NOT monolithic. This makes the hip hop archetype even more insulting to those who do not identify with it. We as black people have different authenticity's. For the brother who only knows the 'hood, what he listens to, reads, and then socializes with, makes him authentic to his environment.

This does not make him a buffoon, as people only do, what they know how to do. The person who'll imitate him, then thinking that he is being "real", is the buffoon.

I am not going to address what you've said about your "white" hip hop and blues professors...as I've never had to learn about who I am, and what my culture has produced, from anyone who is "white", nor could they ever attempt to tell me about it either.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.
This right here is the dumbest statement ever made on NT.

As for this Nat Turner guy, stop hiding behind the dictionary definition of racism and be realistic. Racism and prejudice are synonymous terms that describe different audiences. When a white man will not let me date his daughter because of my skin color, that is racist. If I won't hire a qualified white person because of his race, I am equally as racist. No one has the right to be prejudiced, not blacks, indians or any other race/ethnicity/nationality etc.

You don't know the definition of prejudice.

I gave this example before, prejudice is inherent. A child that does not know you, will be prejudiced toward you due to that lack of knowledge. You are not mommy, and you are not daddy. You are not brother or sister. The child does not know you. Until you are proven to not be a threat, that child will not go to you, nor want to know you.

That child is prejudiced against you.

That child, just like people who do not know of you or your culture, have a right to be prejudiced against you, until they get to know you.

I do not care what the definition of prejudice. The definition of the n-word is different than its societal use. I'm talking about the what prejudice means to the everday person. When someone calls someone else prejudice, most people attribute that towards a traditionally trait of a person like religion, race, sexuality and others. While a child that thinks your a threat because you are a stranger is "prejudice" by definition, that is not how the word is used in society. Now a child that thinks your a threat because you are a Jew or because your homosexual is prejudiced.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.
This right here is the dumbest statement ever made on NT.

As for this Nat Turner guy, stop hiding behind the dictionary definition of racism and be realistic. Racism and prejudice are synonymous terms that describe different audiences. When a white man will not let me date his daughter because of my skin color, that is racist. If I won't hire a qualified white person because of his race, I am equally as racist. No one has the right to be prejudiced, not blacks, indians or any other race/ethnicity/nationality etc.

You don't know the definition of prejudice.

I gave this example before, prejudice is inherent. A child that does not know you, will be prejudiced toward you due to that lack of knowledge. You are not mommy, and you are not daddy. You are not brother or sister. The child does not know you. Until you are proven to not be a threat, that child will not go to you, nor want to know you.

That child is prejudiced against you.

That child, just like people who do not know of you or your culture, have a right to be prejudiced against you, until they get to know you.

I do not care what the definition of prejudice. The definition of the n-word is different than its societal use. I'm talking about the what prejudice means to the everday person. When someone calls someone else prejudice, most people attribute that towards a traditionally trait of a person like religion, race, sexuality and others. While a child that thinks your a threat because you are a stranger is "prejudice" by definition, that is not how the word is used in society. Now a child that thinks your a threat because you are a Jew or because your homosexual is prejudiced.

You cannot possibly be that stupid.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Are you saying that you don't find people who behave in a stereotypical behaviour to be insulting? Depending on the level of sophistication, people will only respond to being insulted, in the manner they best know how.

For some, a buffoon will get stomped. For others, perhaps, another route will be taken. I don't take one side over the other, I respect the rules of where I am.

As far as someone simply appreciating a certain culture, that is all good. Just as long as you respect where it comes from, not acting as if you know what it is really about, suddenly becoming an expert.

If I study Asian martial arts, then going to Asia, I am not going to walk around like I am Bruce Lee.  


An expert? Many black people themselves in the younger and some in the older generation know nothing about hip hop/black music either That's your opinion. My hip hop and blues professors in college were white and he was very "experts" in their fields.

So a bufoon, imitating another bufoon needs to get stomped. And the original bufoon gets a pass? So acting like and listening to gucci mane is ok for the black youth but not for white people. Come on son. If our black youth are going to take that L, I have no problems with white kids joining in as an equalizer.
First off, I do not speak this way. The "son" thing is exactly the stereotypical behaviour that we are addressing.

That said, Black people are NOT monolithic. This makes the hip hop archetype even more insulting to those who do not identify with it. We as black people have different authenticity's. For the brother who only knows the 'hood, what he listens to, reads, and then socializes with, makes him authentic to his environment.

This does not make him a buffoon, as people only do, what they know how to do. The person who'll imitate him, then thinking that he is being "real", is the buffoon.

I am not going to address what you've said about your "white" hip hop and blues professors...as I've never had to learn about who I am, and what my culture has produced, from anyone who is "white", nor could they ever attempt to tell me about it either.


1.Yes I speak in slang from time to time or when I'm in casual situations with friends? What's your point?
2. You don't give the impression that you truely believe that black people are not monolithic. If you truly believed that you wouldn't get so offended at other races imitation a certain breed of black people.

3. I know a lot about Nigerian music, but I'm no expert. If it was something I was truly interested in there's nothing wrong with me taking a class to fulfill requirements and expanding that knowledge. I took a few courses on African arts and music, doesn't mean I know nothing about African art and music or who I am. 

4. This whole concept of "realness" is overrated. People learn, imitate and borrow from cultures that aren't their all the time. I mean I love how you haven't atleast acknowledged the fact that imitating negative rap music probably does more harm to black kids than a white guy imitating it. The white guy is playing pretend, a lot of the time he still gets to go home to his white picket fence and two parents who show him the difference between real and "fake".
AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
Oh so a white guy, who hangs out with black people....and listens to rap music, and acts "stereotypically black" deserves to get beat up? Hmm

What about the average white people ("non-poser"), who enjoy white culture as much as black culture/music etc. Do they deserve to get beat up as well?

I know plenty of asians who embrace hip hop culture, do they deserve the same fate?

Are you saying that you don't find people who behave in a stereotypical behaviour to be insulting? Depending on the level of sophistication, people will only respond to being insulted, in the manner they best know how.

For some, a buffoon will get stomped. For others, perhaps, another route will be taken. I don't take one side over the other, I respect the rules of where I am.

As far as someone simply appreciating a certain culture, that is all good. Just as long as you respect where it comes from, not acting as if you know what it is really about, suddenly becoming an expert.

If I study Asian martial arts, then going to Asia, I am not going to walk around like I am Bruce Lee.  


An expert? Many black people themselves in the younger and some in the older generation know nothing about hip hop/black music either That's your opinion. My hip hop and blues professors in college were white and he was very "experts" in their fields.

So a bufoon, imitating another bufoon needs to get stomped. And the original bufoon gets a pass? So acting like and listening to gucci mane is ok for the black youth but not for white people. Come on son. If our black youth are going to take that L, I have no problems with white kids joining in as an equalizer.
First off, I do not speak this way. The "son" thing is exactly the stereotypical behaviour that we are addressing.

That said, Black people are NOT monolithic. This makes the hip hop archetype even more insulting to those who do not identify with it. We as black people have different authenticity's. For the brother who only knows the 'hood, what he listens to, reads, and then socializes with, makes him authentic to his environment.

This does not make him a buffoon, as people only do, what they know how to do. The person who'll imitate him, then thinking that he is being "real", is the buffoon.

I am not going to address what you've said about your "white" hip hop and blues professors...as I've never had to learn about who I am, and what my culture has produced, from anyone who is "white", nor could they ever attempt to tell me about it either.


1.Yes I speak in slang from time to time or when I'm in casual situations with friends? What's your point?
2. You don't give the impression that you truely believe that black people are not monolithic. If you truly believed that you wouldn't get so offended at other races imitation a certain breed of black people.

3. I know a lot about Nigerian music, but I'm no expert. If it was something I was truly interested in there's nothing wrong with me taking a class to fulfill requirements and expanding that knowledge. I took a few courses on African arts and music, doesn't mean I know nothing about African art and music or who I am. 

4. This whole concept of "realness" is overrated. People learn, imitate and borrow from cultures that aren't their all the time. I mean I love how you haven't atleast acknowledged the fact that imitating negative rap music probably does more harm to black kids than a white guy imitating it. The white guy is playing pretend, a lot of the time he still gets to go home to his white picket fence and two parents who show him the difference between real and "fake".

1. I don't, thus my point.
2. Presumption on your part, something that you may want to address.
3. I learn about a culture from the people who are a part of that culture, or those who represent that culture. This is being respectful to that culture.
4. Then if you don't mind, especially with your tendency toward presumption, I'll just consider the source of that whole statement.
Oh everytime I call you out on something, I'm being presumptuous huh? Is that what's hot in these streets? You have never said anything, or been in any arguments that would give people the impression that you think black people should all think alike. Never?
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.

So if Mexicans' are brown are Americans' pink?
No, it isn't a race,  but clearly  when people  say Mexican they think of  Mestizo's.
And by  Zik's definition  we can't be racist either.

On the contrary, you can, and here is how,

You can denounce what you have in common with Black people, then embracing the theory that is presented by Whites, as stated by Tim Wise in the video. This means that you have embraced a racist belief in a racist system, in order to get ahead of those who are intentionally being left behind.

You'd feel entitled, due to not being "Black".

How's that?
So, if someone who is in a minority group in the US, I'll just use Asians or Hispanics as an example, feel that they are better than black people and hate them with every fiber of their being, does that make them racist?  If a black person in the US feels the same way about Hispanics, are they racist?  I'm not sure how else to refer to them according to your strict guidelines, since I don't feel particularly comfortable actually calling someone brown (I'd like to know what groups "brown" includes and if you'd actually refer to them as that) or yellow, red, etc.

I asked once earlier, where does your definition of racism come from? 
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.
I may be reading that wrong and if so, I'll admit it....but did you just equate a white man dressing in a "stereotypical" manner (I assume you mean black or hip-hop, but that might be my racism showing through...SARCASM) to you, as a black man dressing like and joining the Klan?  Really?  How warped is your thought process in regards to race?  That's mostly a rhetorical question since the majority (see what I did there?) of the people in this thread already have a good idea of the answer to that.

And anyway, where in the article does it state the guy that got beat up was either dressing or acting stereotypically, aside from blaring a rap song on his boombox?
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.
I may be reading that wrong and if so, I'll admit it....but did you just equate a white man dressing in a "stereotypical" manner (I assume you mean black or hip-hop, but that might be my racism showing through...SARCASM) to you, as a black man dressing like and joining the Klan?  Really?  How warped is your thought process in regards to race?  That's mostly a rhetorical question since the majority (see what I did there?) of the people in this thread already have a good idea of the answer to that.

And anyway, where in the article does it state the guy that got beat up was either dressing or acting stereotypically, aside from blaring a rap song on his boombox?

I wasn't sure how to respond to what he said about the klan. I just stood there, stared at my comp and stonefaced.
For the record, I would like to state that, in my own opinion formed from conversations and personal experiences,
1) There is a difference between prejudice (PREformed JUDgment, ignorance (simply not knowing better), and racism (hatred of another race). These are my own definitions.
2) Blacks CAN be racist, due to the definition in statement #1.
3) Money begets power in our day and age (some decades ago, a poor white man would consider himself better than a rich black man).
4) Not everyone is the same, which I thought was common sense, but ok...
5) Hatred of others, slavery, and atrocities against humans are still being committed today, but they have been in existence since before history (written accounts of events).
*sorry, just clarifying what I'm saying, not trying to make anyone sound dumb*

We shouldn't be pointing fingers. We should be trying to live beside one another, rather than trying to tell our neighbors they're stupid and try to chase them off.
With all the blaming and attacking, we could've been becoming brothers and sisters (for the ladies) by saying that we would have a better shot at equality for ALL,
not just the minorities. As we should remember, we are the HUMAN race. There is no other. And to "end my record", I'm black, if it matters... which it really shouldn't.

Two more things: I'm not typing cliffnotes, and I love all ya'll.
I usually don't do this, but I'm going to blow this *#%+ up:

You guys are actually entertaining and responding to what Nat Turner is throwing at you!


If you guys can't see it from his asinine post in this thread, he is a racist bigot and a grade A troll.

Mods should lock this *#%+ up and ban this guy.
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