White America Has Lost Its Mind

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?

   I was being sarcastic and mocking Nat Turner. Prejudice is a prejudgement based on sex, race, ethnicity, etc. In the scenario I gave the black guy didn't prejudge the Mexican per say, he simply hated him and wanted him expired bacause on his race or ethnicity. So according to some on here, if a white guy exhibits such hateful behavior it is racism, but if any other race does it's just prejudice. Not that being prejudiced is anything to be proud of.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?

   I was being sarcastic and mocking Nat Turner. Prejudice is a prejudgement based on sex, race, ethnicity, etc. In the scenario I gave the black guy didn't prejudge the Mexican per say, he simply hated him and wanted him expired bacause on his race or ethnicity. So according to some on here, if a white guy exhibits such hateful behavior it is racism, but if any other race does it's just prejudice. Not that being prejudiced is anything to be proud of.

Whoops, sorry about that, bro. I sustain everything you just mentioned.
Its always upsetting to me how us black people love to play the victim. And blacks most definitely can be racist. It's 20freakin10 not 1840. Black people are in positions of power. Not every black person in america is as hopeless and powerless as you want to be.
I went to the see David Simon speak Saturday, and I think he summed up America's chances for survival pretty clearly:

"It's not 'small-town' values that will save us; it's big-city values. It's being a mutt that's what is America."  While you are right, the a huge portion/and the most represented part of White America has gone crazy, but white American children are becoming more and more liberal as well.  These crazies just know how to use propaganda to make their movement more powrful and have no ethical qualms about doing whatever neccesary to get their way.  While I feel my generation is lazy in terms of its commitment to issues and willingess to make change, I think on a personal level we have gotten better, even though I that maybe just might be my naiveity as a New Yorker.  But 80 percent of America lives in metropolitan areas...No matter how much the Tea Party is trying to ressurect it, Jeffersonian ideals are dead, it is this last group of an Old America still trying to breath life into it.  It will be a failing war in the long run though because they can't prevent time.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Wow, looks like "race" debates are still all the rage on NT.

no unkle tom that would be religious debates
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

"White people are going to come to an end" 
 Yea,OK. I don't care if White people become the minority, the fact remainsthat this country is run by money and commerce and white people stilland will continue to own a vast percentage of that for many years tocome.  Money ain't going anywhere than the White people ain't.
Basically. Numbers don't mean anything. Afrikaners kept blacks under their boots for years in South Africa, all while being drastically underrepresented in demographic studies. Money makes the world go 'round.
Something i read awhile ago...

most people who say that blacks can't be racist mean to say that blacks cannot and do not exert a system of control against white people. blacks can't get whitefolks tracked into inferior schools, for example. blacks can't deny whitefolks access to capital, blacks cannot create a police department policy that cracks down on whites.

however, let us be clear. the reason that there is a such phrase as 'institutional racism' is to underscore that type of power. that doesn't change the meaning of racism itself. racism has to do with *the way you think*. secondarily, racism is not simply a black & white thing in the american context. it has to do with the concept of race and one's regard for one's own and others'. in america, we rightly talk about white supremacy, which is the dominant form of racism in this country. that doesn't mean that black supremacy doesn't exist. it doesn't mean that black separatists aren't racist. it doesn't mean that ordinary blackfolks can't or don't subscribe to some form of racism.

let us also not quibble about degrees of racism. you cannot be 'somewhat' racist or 'sorta' racist or 'not quite as' racist as someone else. either you are, or you are not. period. it's like belief in god. either you believe god exists or you don't. it doesn't matter how much you do or don't go to church. racism, like belief in god is binary. (although it's true that somepeople can't, or refuse to make up their minds.) there is certainly a matter of degree about the consequences of your racist beliefs. you might never act on them. but that doesn't change the basic fact of your racism.

racism is an error. it can be a moral error, or it can be a cognitive error. people might believe racist things for [il]logical reasons or for [im]moral reasons. whatever the reason, it doesn't change the fundamental error of racism.

however it is the matter of power and responsibility that makes the greatest difference in the consequences of that error. someone who says that 2+2=5 is making a mathematical error. if that error takes place on a first grade pop quiz, the consequences are trivial. if that person is the quality engineer for the o-rings on the space shuttle, the consequences are deadly. if that person is the engineer for the valves on the poison gas lines in bhopal india, the consequences are catastrophic. but the error is the same.

the fact that someone is racist may or may not be consequential. everyone has the same reasons to correct the errors of racism. but depending on who that person is, the correction can be not worth the time of day or that correction can be life-saving.

so let me say three things in conclusion:
#1. there is absolutely no question that there are blackfolks who are racist, and if given the opportunity and power, would subject white people to the most profound humiliation, degradation and suffering. in a heartbeat. but they don't have the power, so you might as well ignore them and save yourself a headache.

#2. there is absolutely no question that there are whitefolks who are racist, and if given the opportunity and power, would subject black people to the most profound humiliation, degradation and suffering. in a heartbeat. but they don't have the power, so you might as well ignore them and save yourself a headache.

#3. look at whom, in this country, has suffered the most humiliation, degradation and suffering at the hands of racists. do something about it.

so, lemme get this straight, since you are a minority, you are unable to be racist, and if you say something to another minority, you can say, "hey i'm a minority, you can get mad at me!"
and another point, when 2042 finally comes around, based on the ideas that if you are a minority, you can't be racist, then Whites can't be able to be racist anymore?
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

So whats going on here?

everyone can be racist/prejudice against each other.

but in the end,  it's up to the INDIVIDUAL to correct the ignorance inside them before telling others what the "truth" is or what it should be.
Thank u.
as soon as you start grouping people by race, religion, sex, shoe size, etc. then you run into problems. I would agree that there are some nutty whites out there that are pissed we have a black president, but how does that mean that "whites" have lost their minds? OP is obvious troll who is obvious. just another NTer to ignore.

I was really hoping that we would just breed race/color into oblivion.

but seriously, how is this not locked yet?
AntonLaVey wrote:
lol @ black people being exempt from racism.....I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
[h2]A Black Teen Beats Up A White Man For Listening To Rap Music?[/h2]
Submitted by Scav on August 2, 2010 – 9:14 am19 Comments


The following story is almost too crazy to believe. But try and stay with me here.

In Palm Bay, Florida, a 14-year-old teenager is facing assault charges after he punched a 22-year-old man for—get this—listening to rap music. The incident occurred late last week when the juvenile, Joshuah Lamb, approached the white male, David McKnight, who was listening to Gucci Mane‘s hit song, “Wasted,
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.
Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Black people can't be racist though. Racism is an institutionalized, social, economic, legal, political control over others due to being a minority whether that's race or ethnicity. How can black people be racist when we're the minority? Black people do not have an economic, political, and/or legal hold to the extent where they can control others.

Especially and specifically in America.

It's obvious yall confusing prejudice with racism. Anyone can be prejudice.
the only minority that is relevant to me in america is the minority that holds most of the wealth.  and not just in america but in the international arena. 

who would've thought that the richest man in the WORLD today would be mexican born?
If you want to focus on that fine. Not really changing what I said. The wealthy rule the world, they promoted and used racism as a tool for their own gains. Maybe there's some irony in one minority putting in motion the oppression of another.
lol @ black people being exempt from racism....
It's not just black ppl though but like I said yall just mashing a bunch of different terms altogether.
I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
What does this prove or even mean? You heard more "racist" things be said by black ppl than any other "race"

How much racism have you seen be done by black ppl?
So...is it an "opinion-based definition"?  Something that takes over to justify the viewpoint of people when the conventional definition only takes others so far?
I mean first ppl really have to look at the words and make the right distinctions. The way I see it is a much more appropriate definition that can be supported by facts so I can't say it's just opinion based.
yes blacks can be racist

I think us black people need more forward in the way we think and approach our lives ....
I think black people need to move on from slavery but not forget it i feel like a lot of black people are so fixated on the past that we will use it as a way to hold ourselves back honestly i think black people expect to be treated special because of the past history(this is an American black men thing not so much others outside).....

Its' almost as though you guys expect to be handed everything ......by this i mean taking initiative and taking control of your life by this i mean if no one will hire you because you're black why don't you go and establish yourself i.e. no labels wanted to sign jay z so he goes and starts his own label look at him now! instead of sulking in the projects talking about what could have been and how the system is holding you back lols
i.e. don't go punching someone for the stupidest reason (like the article above stated the kid getting punched for liking hip hop ) then brag about how dude's about that life!then turn around and speak of how jails are disproportionately full of black when we are committing so many petty crimes like this....

What really pisses me off is black on black crime(one night my mom was watching the the first 24hrs and my mom asked why it was that every time the killer's always black ? i stated simply they chose to show only black people doing crimes, she responded i know that but how come it's always black people killing black people? i couldn't find an answer hope fully so of you more well versed dudes can answer that question )

I mean OK you get discriminated against but so do other minorities for how long are we going to use racism as a means to hold ourselves back and use it as an excuse......I mean it's cool to recognize racism and fight it but it's another thing to take and use it to justify failure and stupidity i.e. damn cop caught me with a bag of dope cot damn racial profiling

don't take it the wrong way I'm an immigrant from Africa and when i hear stats like near half of black American don't graduate high school which is free education ...it puzzles me because i know of a lot of people in Africa who would kill to have the chance that some of you African Americans have but they'll never have the chance and yet you people choose to sit on your hands.. I'm not trying to brag but I'm finishing my 1st year of med school in Canada and to tell you truth the there were people in Africa who were smarter than me but they'll never the chance instead it goes to some hood dude whose about that life and more concerned with the here and now(+%$$@,being cool,partying) and not the future(Money ,stability,upward mobility )The other races  can get away with it because they have wealth they own stuff and write cheques! black people wanna work for the person who owns stuff and have a cheque written to them instead of witting it thus they expect to be handed stuff..lols you're a slave to the guy writing cheques why don't you become a the wielder of your own destiny by writing the cheques
Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.
Originally Posted by thacamel

Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.

I think the reason there isn't a white history month is because you already learn of all the most important white people  in normal class .. but i don't think anyone  would have a problem with  white history  month people  need to know of people like Edison, Mozart ,Hawking, Bach,Mclung
i also think the reason why they don't have "white college"  is because even though they have white colleges they'd still take in minorities just like how black colleges still take in non-blacks so what's the point of naming a school a white college if many  school are already full white people and very few minorities.(Havard ,Duke etc.)
Originally Posted by thacamel

Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.

because all the other months are white history month ( in school) and most colleges are predominantly white
Originally Posted by third

yes blacks can be racist

I think us black people need more forward in the way we thinking and approach our lives ....
I think black people need to move on from slavery but not forget it i feel like a lot of black people are so fixated on the past that we will use it as a way to hold ourselves back honestly i think black people expect to be treated special because of the past history(this is an American black men thing not so much others outside).....Its' almost as though you guys expect to be handed everything ......by this i mean taking initiative and taking control of your life by this i mean if no one will hire you because you're black why don't you go and establish yourself i.e. no labels wanted to sign jay z so he goes and starts his own label look at him now! instead of sulking in the projects talking about what could have been and how the system is holding you back lols i.e. don't go punching someone for the stupidest reason (like the article above stated the kid getting punched for liking hip hop ) then brag about how dude's about that life!then turn around and speak of how jails are disproportionately full of black when we are committing so many petty crimes like this....
What really pisses me off is black on black crime(one night my mom was watching the the first 24hrs and my mom asked why it was that every time the killer's always black ? i stated simply they chose to show only black people doing crimes, she responded i know that but how come it's always black people killing black people? i couldn't find an answer hope fully so of you more well versed dudes can answer that question )

I mean OK you get discriminated against but so do other minorities for how long are we going to use racism as a means to hold ourselves back and use it as an excuse......I mean it's cool to recognize racism and fight it but it's another thing to take and use it to justify failure and stupidity i.e. damn cop caught with a bag of dope cot damn racial profiling

don't take it the wrong way I'm an immigrant from Africa and when i hear stats like near half of black American don't graduate high school which is free education ...it puzzles me because i know of a lot of people in Africa who would kill to have the chance that some of you African Americans have but they'll never have the chance and yet you people choose to sit on your hands.. I'm not trying to brag but I'm finishing my 1st year of med school in Canada and to tell you truth the there were people in Africa who were smarter than me but they'll never the chance instead it goes to some hood dude whose about that life and more concerned with the here and now(@**%$,being cool,partying) and not the future(Money ,stability,upward mobility )
So to summarize your diatribe:

You're not from here. 
You think Black people should move on from slavery
You think Black people are lazy and want handouts
You think Black people need to stop committing crimes
You think people in Africa aren't lazy like the Black people over here

Did I get everything, correct me if I'm wrong. 
thacamel wrote:
Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.
White colleges are everywhere, and there were all white colleges that were a part of the African slave trade. Look up the White entitlement system that exists in Ivy League schools, where if your White parent went to Harvard, and then another student applied with the same grades, the kid whose parent went to Harvard and longer lineage, will get the nod! Talk about affirmative action! Also Brown University made a crapload of money from building the slave ships, look it up. One more! Every month is white history month, even February! How else can someone GIVE you a month to celebrate?????

This is too funny!

Necessity made it so that a BET had to exist, because there was a time that MTV would NOT show Black videos! This is in the eighties! Rick James led a bunch of artists to boycott MTV, which forced MTV to give in. Guess what the first Black video MTV showed was?

 Micheal Jackson videos, Beat It and Thriller.


Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.

Ok then lemme use another example.....replace the Mexican with an "Asian" person. Can the black person be considered racist for beating the Asian to death while calling him the C-WORD?

*Grabs popcorn*
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