i wouldn't be surprised if they drop. would be surprised if nike air is on them!
Wasn't chi mcbride talking about us getting a pair of AJs with the Nike Air on them? I'm just gonna reserve judgement until things are confirmed.
for now I say ducktales but until some solid evidence comes thru I'm not gonna get my hopes up
man we all herd this in january this year and still no 4's........be creative make something else up.
now we gonna have people complaining about nike air lol...antway...copped....4's are my favorite model
Whats with all these new cats calling out the older heads here?

Yall act like JB dont change things at the last moment or something...nothing is final until actual release day, and thats barely a given.

I rather hear word bout what might come out, then nothing at all. People too quick to jump on others these days, thats why JB forum is so dead.
Great info hope it really happens. Some of ya'll be ridin on GG a little too hard it is just a pair of shoes you will live another day if they don'tcome out. Anyways take the info as you want it.
I know NY Giants personally and for the most part he has always had the heads up on future releases. As for Goliath he knows what's up on the releases too!Chi confirmed that Nike Air was coming back in 2010!
Originally Posted by AirJordanXVIII

Yes I'm gonna believe you OP, but this thread is useless without pictures.

not that i dont like pics, but im just saying so early in the development of this story what makes you think pics that might be shown are any indication ofwhat the final product will be...we all need to learn to just take what we get...if people got legit word of releases and share we as a whole should bethankful...its not like when pics are available they dont get posted...we just have to be patient with the normal process of a release...any pic of this shoethat probably could be shown early is gonna get flammed anyway...remember what the original pics of the 09 TB III what they looked like, or even the DMPVII's orlando cw? ...sometimes its better to not see super early pics...thanks again OP for the info...hope it comes out on point
Thanks for the info NY GIANTS.

GG is a fraud guys. I'm sorry most of you are too ignorant to see it. Let me put it this way - he never posts new info, he just "cosigns" infothat has already been posted.

When he does try to post new info, it turns out to be false. He said a White/Elephant print XI was coming out this Holiday. He said there was a " 72 winfusion" was dropping this year - which doesn't even make sense because MJ only wore one shoe in the 72 win year - the XI. He said the GatoradeVI's were confirmed for Spring 09. He said the first Jordan 2009 sample that was posted was an early sample and the release version would change greatly -the release version didn't change one bit. Want me to keep going?

Then he hides behind the statement that "JB's plans may change". He says this in every post so that he has an excuse when his "info"never pans out.
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